describe('Spies', function () { describe("createSpy", function() { var TestClass; beforeEach(function() { TestClass = function() {}; TestClass.prototype.someFunction = function() {}; TestClass.prototype.someFunction.bob = "test"; }); it("preserves the properties of the spied function", function() { var spy = j$.createSpy(TestClass.prototype, TestClass.prototype.someFunction); expect(spy.bob).toEqual("test"); }); it("warns the user that we intend to overwrite an existing property", function() { TestClass.prototype.someFunction.and = "turkey"; expect(function() { j$.createSpy(TestClass.prototype, TestClass.prototype.someFunction); }).toThrowError("Jasmine spies would overwrite the 'and' and 'calls' properties on the object being spied upon"); }); it("adds a spyStrategy and callTracker to the spy", function() { var spy = j$.createSpy(TestClass.prototype, TestClass.prototype.someFunction); expect(spy.and).toEqual(jasmine.any(j$.SpyStrategy)); expect(spy.calls).toEqual(jasmine.any(j$.CallTracker)); }); it("tracks the argument of calls", function () { var spy = j$.createSpy(TestClass.prototype, TestClass.prototype.someFunction); var trackSpy = spyOn(spy.calls, "track"); spy("arg"); expect(trackSpy.calls.mostRecent().args[0].args).toEqual(["arg"]); }); it("tracks the context of calls", function () { var spy = j$.createSpy(TestClass.prototype, TestClass.prototype.someFunction); var trackSpy = spyOn(spy.calls, "track"); var contextObject = { spyMethod: spy }; contextObject.spyMethod(); expect(trackSpy.calls.mostRecent().args[0].object).toEqual(contextObject); }); }); describe("createSpyObj", function() { it("should create an object with a bunch of spy methods when you call jasmine.createSpyObj()", function() { var spyObj = j$.createSpyObj('BaseName', ['method1', 'method2']); expect(spyObj).toEqual({ method1: jasmine.any(Function), method2: jasmine.any(Function)}); expect(spyObj.method1.and.identity()).toEqual('BaseName.method1'); expect(spyObj.method2.and.identity()).toEqual('BaseName.method2'); }); it("should throw if you do not pass an array argument", function() { expect(function() { j$.createSpyObj('BaseName'); }).toThrow("createSpyObj requires a non-empty array of method names to create spies for"); }); }); });