class MessageQueue::Adapters::Bunny::Connection::Consumer attr_reader :connection attr_reader :queue_options, :queue_name attr_reader :exchange_options, :exchange_name, :exchange_routing_key attr_reader :subscribe_options # Public: Initialize a new Bunny consumer. # # connection - The Bunny Connection. # options - The Hash options used to initialize the exchange # of a consumer: # :queue - # :name - The String queue name. # :durable - The Boolean queue durability. # :exchange - # :name - The String exchange name. # :routing_key - The String exchange routing key. # :subscribe - # :ack - The Boolean indicate if it acks. # :block - The Boolean indicate if it blocks. # Detailed options see # # and # # # Returns a Consumer. def initialize(connection, options = {}) @connection = connection options = options.dup @queue_options = options.fetch(:queue) @queue_name = queue_options.delete(:name) || (raise "Missing queue name") @exchange_options = options.fetch(:exchange) @exchange_name = exchange_options.delete(:name) || (raise "Missing exchange name") @exchange_routing_key = exchange_options.delete(:routing_key) || queue_name @subscribe_options = options.fetch(:subscribe, {}) end def subscribe(options = {}, &block) @subscription = queue.subscribe(subscribe_options.merge(options)) do |delivery_info, metadata, payload|, metadata, connection.serializer.load(payload)) end end def unsubscribe @subscription.cancel if @subscription end def queue @queue ||= channel.queue(queue_name, queue_options).bind(exchange_name, :routing_key => exchange_routing_key) end private def channel connection.connection.create_channel end end