require 'assert' require 'deas/route' require 'deas/server' require 'logger' class Deas::Server class BaseTests < Assert::Context desc "Deas::Server" setup do @old_configuration = Deas::Server.configuration.dup new_configuration = Deas::Server.instance.tap do |s| s.instance_variable_set("@configuration", new_configuration) end end teardown do Deas::Server.instance.tap do |s| s.instance_variable_set("@configuration", @old_configuration) end end subject{ Deas::Server } should have_reader :configuration # DSL for sinatra settings should have_imeths :env, :root, :public_folder, :views_folder should have_imeths :dump_errors, :method_override, :sessions, :show_exceptions should have_imeths :static_files, :reload_templates # DSL for server handling should have_imeths :init, :logger, :use, :view_handler_ns, :use should have_imeths :get, :post, :put, :patch, :delete, :route should "be a singleton" do assert_includes Singleton, subject.included_modules end should "allow setting it's configuration options" do config = subject.configuration subject.env 'staging' assert_equal 'staging', config.env subject.root '/path/to/root' assert_equal '/path/to/root', config.root.to_s subject.public_folder '/path/to/public' assert_equal '/path/to/public', config.public_folder.to_s subject.views_folder '/path/to/views' assert_equal '/path/to/views', config.views_folder.to_s subject.dump_errors true assert_equal true, config.dump_errors subject.method_override false assert_equal false, config.method_override subject.sessions false assert_equal false, config.sessions subject.show_exceptions true assert_equal true, config.show_exceptions subject.static_files false assert_equal false, config.static_files subject.reload_templates true assert_equal true, config.reload_templates subject.use 'MyMiddleware' assert_equal [ ['MyMiddleware'] ], config.middlewares stdout_logger = subject.logger stdout_logger assert_equal stdout_logger, config.logger assert_equal 0, config.init_procs.size init_proc = proc{ } subject.init(&init_proc) assert_equal 1, config.init_procs.size assert_equal init_proc, config.init_procs.first end should "add a GET route using #get" do subject.get('/assets', 'ListAssets') route = subject.configuration.routes[0] assert_instance_of Deas::Route, route assert_equal :get, route.method assert_equal '/assets', route.path assert_equal 'ListAssets', route.handler_class_name end should "add a POST route using #post" do'/assets', 'CreateAsset') route = subject.configuration.routes[0] assert_instance_of Deas::Route, route assert_equal :post, route.method assert_equal '/assets', route.path assert_equal 'CreateAsset', route.handler_class_name end should "add a PUT route using #put" do subject.put('/assets/:id', 'UpdateAsset') route = subject.configuration.routes[0] assert_instance_of Deas::Route, route assert_equal :put, route.method assert_equal '/assets/:id', route.path assert_equal 'UpdateAsset', route.handler_class_name end should "add a PATCH route using #patch" do subject.patch('/assets/:id', 'UpdateAsset') route = subject.configuration.routes[0] assert_instance_of Deas::Route, route assert_equal :patch, route.method assert_equal '/assets/:id', route.path assert_equal 'UpdateAsset', route.handler_class_name end should "add a DELETE route using #delete" do subject.delete('/assets/:id', 'DeleteAsset') route = subject.configuration.routes[0] assert_instance_of Deas::Route, route assert_equal :delete, route.method assert_equal '/assets/:id', route.path assert_equal 'DeleteAsset', route.handler_class_name end should "allow defining any kind of route using #route" do subject.route(:options, '/get_info', 'GetInfo') route = subject.configuration.routes[0] assert_instance_of Deas::Route, route assert_equal :options, route.method assert_equal '/get_info', route.path assert_equal 'GetInfo', route.handler_class_name end should "set a namespace with #view_handler_ns and " \ "use it when defining routes" do subject.view_handler_ns 'MyStuff' assert_equal 'MyStuff', subject.configuration.view_handler_ns # should use the ns subject.route(:get, '/ns_test', 'NsTest') route = subject.configuration.routes.last assert_equal 'MyStuff::NsTest', route.handler_class_name # should ignore the ns when the leading colons are present subject.route(:post, '/no_ns_test', '::NoNsTest') route = subject.configuration.routes.last assert_equal '::NoNsTest', route.handler_class_name end end class ConfigurationTests < BaseTests desc "Configuration" setup do @configuration = end subject{ @configuration } # sinatra related options should have_imeths :env, :root, :app_file, :public_folder, :views_folder should have_imeths :dump_errors, :method_override, :sessions, :show_exceptions should have_imeths :static_files, :reload_templates # server handling options should have_imeths :init_procs, :logger, :verbose_logging, :middlewares should have_imeths :routes, :view_handler_ns should "default the env to 'development'" do assert_equal 'development', subject.env end should "default the root to the routes file's folder" do expected_root = File.expand_path('..', Deas.config.routes_file) assert_equal expected_root, subject.root.to_s end should "default the app file to the routes file" do assert_equal Deas.config.routes_file.to_s, subject.app_file.to_s end should "default the public folder based on the root" do expected_root = File.expand_path('..', Deas.config.routes_file) expected_public_folder = File.join(expected_root, 'public') assert_equal expected_public_folder, subject.public_folder.to_s end should "default the views folder based on the root" do expected_root = File.expand_path('..', Deas.config.routes_file) expected_views_folder = File.join(expected_root, 'views') assert_equal expected_views_folder, subject.views_folder.to_s end should "default the Sinatra flags" do assert_equal false, subject.dump_errors assert_equal true, subject.method_override assert_equal false, subject.sessions assert_equal false, subject.show_exceptions assert_equal true, subject.static_files assert_equal false, subject.reload_templates end should "default the logger to a NullLogger" do assert_instance_of Deas::NullLogger, subject.logger end should "default routes to an empty array" do assert_equal [], subject.routes end should "default middlewares to an empty array" do assert_equal [], subject.middlewares end end end