require "active_support/core_ext" module Monthify class Month include Comparable attr_reader :month, :year #@return [Month] the current month def self.current today = Date.current new(today.year, today.month) end #@return [Month] the month after the current month def end #@return [Month] the month before the current month def self.previous current.previous end #@param [Date, Time, #to_date] datish #@return [Month] the month containing the given date def self.containing(datish), datish.month) end # Used by ActiveRecord::Base.serialize #@param [String] date_yaml the YAML for a date in the month #@return [Month] def self.load(date_yaml) date = YAML.load(date_yaml) Month.containing(date) end # Used by ActiveRecord::Base.serialize #@param [Month] month #@return [String] the YAML for the first date of the month def self.dump(month) YAML.dump(month.first_day) end #@param [Integer] year the number of the year #@param [Integer] month the number of the month #@return [Month] def initialize(year, month) @year, @month = year, month end #@return [Date] the first day of the month def first_day, month, 1) end #@return [Date] the last day of the month def last_day first_day.end_of_month end #@return [Time] the very beginning of the month def first_moment first_day.beginning_of_day end #@return [Time] the very end of the month def last_moment last_day.end_of_day end #@return [Month] the month preceeding this one def previous self - 1.month end #@return [Month] the month following this one def next self + 1.month end alias :succ :next #@return [Range] the range of dates in this month def date_range, last_day) end #@return [Range] the range of time in this month def time_range, last_moment) end #@param [Date, Time, #to_date] datish #@return [Boolean] true if the month contains the date, false otherwise def contains?(datish) date = datish.to_date year == date.year && month == date.month end # Adds the duration to the month #@param [ActiveSupport::Duration] duration #@return [Month] def +(duration) Month.containing(first_day + duration) end # Subtracts the duration from the month #@param [ActiveSupport::Duration] duration #@return [Month] def -(duration) Month.containing(first_day - duration) end #@!visibility private def <=>(other) if year == other.year month <=> other.month else year <=> other.year end end #@!visibility private def hash [self.class, year, month].hash end #@!visibility private def to_s "%d/%02d" % [year, month] end end end module ::Kernel # Globally accessible method to convert an argument into a Month. # If the argument cannot be converted, it raises an ArgumentError #@param [Month, #to_date] object_to_convert the object to convert to a Month #@return [Month] the given Month or the Month containing the given date def Month(object_to_convert) if object_to_convert.is_a?(Month) object_to_convert elsif object_to_convert.respond_to?(:to_date) Month.containing(object_to_convert.to_date) else raise ArgumentError, "Don't know how to convert #{object_to_convert.inspect} to Month" end end end