# This module holds shared logic that doesn't really belong anywhere else in the # gem. module Docker::Util include Docker::Error module_function # Attaches to a HTTP stream # # @param block # @param msg_stack [Docker::Messages] # @param tty [boolean] def attach_for(block, msg_stack, tty = false) # If TTY is enabled expect raw data and append to stdout if tty attach_for_tty(block, msg_stack) else attach_for_multiplex(block, msg_stack) end end def attach_for_tty(block, msg_stack) return lambda do |c,r,t| msg_stack.stdout_messages << c msg_stack.all_messages << c block.call c if block end end def attach_for_multiplex(block, msg_stack) messages = Docker::Messages.new lambda do |c,r,t| messages = messages.decipher_messages(c) msg_stack.append(messages) unless block.nil? messages.stdout_messages.each do |msg| block.call(:stdout, msg) end messages.stderr_messages.each do |msg| block.call(:stderr, msg) end end end end def debug(msg) Docker.logger.debug(msg) if Docker.logger end def hijack_for(stdin, block, msg_stack, tty) attach_block = attach_for(block, msg_stack, tty) lambda do |socket| debug "hijack: hijacking the HTTP socket" threads = [] debug "hijack: starting stdin copy thread" threads << Thread.start do debug "hijack: copying stdin => socket" IO.copy_stream stdin, socket debug "hijack: closing write end of hijacked socket" close_write(socket) end debug "hijack: starting hijacked socket read thread" threads << Thread.start do debug "hijack: reading from hijacked socket" begin while chunk = socket.readpartial(512) debug "hijack: got #{chunk.bytesize} bytes from hijacked socket" attach_block.call chunk, nil, nil end rescue EOFError end debug "hijack: killing stdin copy thread" threads.first.kill end threads.each(&:join) end end def close_write(socket) if socket.respond_to?(:close_write) socket.close_write elsif socket.respond_to?(:io) socket.io.close_write else raise IOError, 'Cannot close socket' end end def parse_json(body) JSON.parse(body) unless body.nil? || body.empty? || (body == 'null') rescue JSON::ParserError => ex raise UnexpectedResponseError, ex.message end def parse_repo_tag(str) if match = str.match(/\A(.*):([^:]*)\z/) match.captures else [str, ''] end end def fix_json(body) parse_json("[#{body.gsub(/}\s*{/, '},{')}]") end def create_tar(hash = {}) output = StringIO.new Gem::Package::TarWriter.new(output) do |tar| hash.each do |file_name, input| tar.add_file(file_name, 0640) { |tar_file| tar_file.write(input) } end end output.tap(&:rewind).string end def create_dir_tar(directory) tempfile = create_temp_file directory += '/' unless directory.end_with?('/') create_relative_dir_tar(directory, tempfile) File.new(tempfile.path, 'r') end def create_relative_dir_tar(directory, output) Gem::Package::TarWriter.new(output) do |tar| Find.find(directory) do |prefixed_file_name| stat = File.stat(prefixed_file_name) next unless stat.file? unprefixed_file_name = prefixed_file_name[directory.length..-1] add_file_to_tar( tar, unprefixed_file_name, stat.mode, stat.size, stat.mtime ) do |tar_file| IO.copy_stream(File.open(prefixed_file_name, 'rb'), tar_file) end end end end def add_file_to_tar(tar, name, mode, size, mtime) tar.check_closed io = tar.instance_variable_get(:@io) name, prefix = tar.split_name(name) header = Gem::Package::TarHeader.new(:name => name, :mode => mode, :size => size, :prefix => prefix, :mtime => mtime).to_s io.write header os = Gem::Package::TarWriter::BoundedStream.new io, size yield os if block_given? min_padding = size - os.written io.write("\0" * min_padding) remainder = (512 - (size % 512)) % 512 io.write("\0" * remainder) tar end def create_temp_file tempfile_name = Dir::Tmpname.create('out') {} File.open(tempfile_name, 'wb+') end def extract_id(body) body.lines.reverse_each do |line| if (id = line.match(/Successfully built ([a-f0-9]+)/)) && !id[1].empty? return id[1] end end raise UnexpectedResponseError, "Couldn't find id: #{body}" end # Convenience method to get the file hash corresponding to an array of # local paths. def file_hash_from_paths(local_paths) local_paths.each_with_object({}) do |local_path, file_hash| unless File.exist?(local_path) raise ArgumentError, "#{local_path} does not exist." end basename = File.basename(local_path) if File.directory?(local_path) tar = create_dir_tar(local_path) file_hash[basename] = tar.read tar.close FileUtils.rm(tar.path) else file_hash[basename] = File.read(local_path) end end end def build_auth_header(credentials) credentials = credentials.to_json if credentials.is_a?(Hash) encoded_creds = Base64.encode64(credentials).gsub(/\n/, '') { 'X-Registry-Auth' => encoded_creds } end def build_config_header(credentials) if credentials.is_a?(String) credentials = JSON.parse(credentials, symbolize_names: true) end header = { "configs" => { credentials[:serveraddress].to_s => { "username" => credentials[:username].to_s, "password" => credentials[:password].to_s, "email" => credentials[:email].to_s } } }.to_json encoded_header = Base64.encode64(header).gsub(/\n/, '') { 'X-Registry-Config' => encoded_header } end end