require_dependency "app_manager/application_controller" require 'kaminari' module AppManager class PlansController < ApplicationController cache_response_for :plans cache_response_for :index cache_response_for :users skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token, :only => [:active_without_plan, :burst_cache, :fail_safe_backup] def index render :json => {"features" => AppManager.configuration.plan_features || []} end def plans active_plan_id_or_name = nil shopify_plan = nil plan = nil active_charge = nil default_plan_id = nil choose_later = false trial_activated_at = nil plan_obj = plans = [] if params[:shop_domain].present? && !AppManager.configuration.plan_features.nil? @shop = shop_data if !@shop.nil? active_plan_id_or_name = @shop[@plan_field] rescue nil plans = plan_obj.get_plans(params[:shop_domain], active_plan_id_or_name) # render json: plans and return #use this to test plan failsafe api if !@field_names.nil? && @field_names.has_key?('shopify_plan') && !@field_names.nil? shopify_plan_field = AppManager.configuration.field_names['shopify_plan'] shopify_plan = @shop[shopify_plan_field] rescue nil plan = plans && plans.any? && !active_plan_id_or_name.nil? ? (plans.find { |x| x["id"] == active_plan_id_or_name }.present? ? plans.find { |x| x["id"] == active_plan_id_or_name } : nil) : nil @trial_activated_field = AppManager.configuration.field_names['trial_activated_at'] trial_activated_at = @shop[@trial_activated_field] rescue nil active_charge = plan_obj.get_charge(params[:shop_domain]) if active_charge && active_charge.any? && active_charge['active_charge'].nil? && active_charge['cancelled_charge'].nil? && !trial_activated_at && !plan choose_later = true end end else Rollbar.error("APP MANAGER >>>> Either model is defined wrong or config.plan_id_or_name_field is nil in initializer ===") end else Rollbar.error("APP MANAGER >>>> Either params missing store_domain or config.plan_features is nil in initializer ===") end plans = plan_obj.get_plans(params[:shop_domain]) if plans && plans.blank? default_plan_data = { |x| x['choose_later_plan'] == true } if default_plan_data.any? if { |x| x['store_base_plan'] == true }.size > 0 shopify_plans = { |x| x['interval'] == 'EVERY_30_DAYS' } shopify_plans.each do |shp| if shp && shp["shopify_plans"].include?(shopify_plan) default_plan_id = shp["id"] break end end else default_plan_id = { |e| e['id'] }.first if default_plan_data.any? rescue nil end end response = { 'plans' => plans, 'shopify_plan' => shopify_plan, 'plan' => plan, 'default_plan_id' => default_plan_id, 'choose_later' => choose_later, 'has_active_charge' => (((active_charge && active_charge.any? && !active_charge['active_charge'].nil?) or !trial_activated_at) ? true : false) } render json: response end def users if model search = params[:search] sort = params[:sort] || AppManager.configuration.field_names['created_at'] order = params[:order] || 'asc' plans = params[:plans] || nil plans = plans.values if !plans.nil? shopify_plans = params[:shopify_plans] || nil shopify_plans = shopify_plans.values if !shopify_plans.nil? items_per_page = params[:itemsPerPage] || 25 @shopify_email = AppManager.configuration.field_names['shopify_email'] @shopify_plan_name_field = AppManager.configuration.field_names['shopify_plan'] if params[:search] data = model.where("#{@shopify_domain} LIKE :search OR #{@shopify_email} LIKE :search", search: "%#{search}%") data = data.where(@plan_field => plans) if !plans.nil? data = data.where(@shopify_plan_name_field => shopify_plans) if !shopify_plans.nil? data =[:page]).per(items_per_page) else data = model data = data.where(@plan_field => plans) if !plans.nil? data = data.where(@shopify_plan_name_field => shopify_plans) if !shopify_plans.nil? data =[:page]).per(items_per_page) end all_user_count = model.count users = { "current_page" => data && data.current_page ? data.current_page : 0, "data" => data ? data.collect { |st| { |key, value| [key, "#{st[value]}"] }.to_h } : [], "first_page_url" => "#{app_url}/api/app-manager/users?page=1", "from" => data && data.total_pages ? data.current_page == 1 ? 1 : ((data.current_page-1)*items_per_page)+1 : 0, "last_page" => data && data.total_pages ? data.total_pages : 0, "last_page_url" => data && data.total_pages ? "#{app_url}/api/app-manager/users?page=#{data.total_pages}" : nil, "links" => '', "next_page_url" => data && data.next_page ? "#{app_url}/api/app-manager/users?page=#{data.next_page}" : nil, "path" => "#{app_url}/api/app-manager/users", "per_page" => items_per_page, "prev_page_url" => data && data.prev_page ? "#{app_url}/api/app-manager/users?page=#{data.prev_page}" : nil, "to" => data && data.total_pages ? data.current_page == data.total_pages ? all_user_count : ((data && data.current_page ? data.current_page : 0)*data.size) : 0, "total" => all_user_count, } render json: users else render json: nil end end def active_without_plan if params[:shop_domain].present? && params[:plan_id].present? && model @shop = shop_data @trial_activated_field = AppManager.configuration.field_names['trial_activated_at'] plan_obj = plan_data = plan_obj.get_plan(params[:plan_id], params[:shop_domain]) rescue nil update_info = {@plan_field => params[:plan_id], @trial_activated_field =>} if !config_trial_days.nil? && !plan_data.nil? trial_days = plan_data['trial_days'] || 0 update_info[config_trial_days] = trial_days end if @shop.update(update_info) begin AppManager.clear_cache'charge_created', { "plan" => plan_data, "charge" => nil, "previous_charge" => nil, "choose_later" => true, "shopify_domain" => params[:shop_domain] }) rescue Exception => e Rollbar.error("APP MANAGER Error in Active without plan method #{e}") end render json: {'status' => true} else render json: {'status' => false, 'error' => "#{@shop.errors.full_messages.to_sentence}"}, status: 422 end else render json: {'status' => false, 'error' => 'Shop not found or missing shop'}, status: 422 end end def burst_cache AppManager.clear_cache head :ok end def fail_safe_backup params_permit do @fs = begin @fs.sync_app_manager rescue Exception => e "APP MANAGER >>>> LOCAL DB couldn't sync with POTAL DB #{e.inspect}" end begin @fs.save_api_data(params) rescue Exception => e "APP MANAGER >>>> #{e.inspect}" end AppManager.clear_cache end head :ok end private def params_permit params.permit! end def model @models = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables @config_table = AppManager.configuration.shopify_table_name @shopify_domain = AppManager.configuration.shopify_domain_field @plan_field = AppManager.configuration.plan_id_or_name_field @field_names = AppManager.configuration.field_names @api_version = AppManager.configuration.shopify_api_version if @models.include?(@config_table) && !@plan_field.nil? return @config_table.classify.constantize else return nil end end def shop_data if model return model.where(@shopify_domain => params[:shop_domain]).first rescue nil else return nil end end def app_url AppManager.configuration.app_url end def config_trial_days @field_names = AppManager.configuration.field_names if !@field_names.nil? && @field_names.has_key?('total_trial_days') && !@field_names['total_trial_days'].nil? && !@field_names['total_trial_days'].blank? return @field_names['total_trial_days'] else return nil end end end end