module PeopleHelper def link_to_person(person) case person.type when Individual link_to person, individual_path(person) when Company link_to person, company_path(person) else link_to person, person end end def person_avatar_with_fallback(person, size=50) # In development the default image will never appear. # (the url has to be publicly available in order for gravatar to fall back to it) # If you just want to see the default you can use # image_tag('person-default-avatar.png') case person.type when "Individual" gravatar_image_tag(, :alt => person.to_s, :gravatar => { :secure => true, :size => size, :default => full_image_url('person-default-avatar.png') }) when "Company" image_tag(full_image_url("#{person.subtype.downcase}-default-avatar.png")) else image_tag(full_image_url('person-default-avatar.png')) end end def tab_class(this_tab, active_tab) this_tab == active_tab ? "tab-pane active" : "tab-pane" end def full_url(address, protocol='http://') if address.include?(protocol) address else "#{protocol}#{address}".squish end end def show_action_template(action) if lookup_context.exists?("show", "actions/#{action.action_type.downcase}", true) "actions/#{action.action_type.downcase}/show" else "actions/shared/show" end end def full_image_url(image) URI.join(root_url, image_path(image)).to_s end def action_type_button(action, type, verb, placeholder) classes = ['btn', 'action-type-button'] classes << type classes << 'active' if action.action_type.downcase == type rescue nil content_tag( :button, content_tag(:span, verb.capitalize, :class => "#{type}-icon"), {:class => classes.join(' '), :type => 'button', 'data-action-type' => type, 'data-details-placeholder' => placeholder, 'data-subtypes' => Action.subtypes_by_type[type].to_json} ) end def mailchimp_list_disabled_for?(person, list_id) person.do_not_email || person.opted_out_of_list?(list_id) || person.bounced_on_list?(list_id) end def mailchimp_active_groups(list, grouping, person) grouping["groups"].select do |group| person.in_group?(list[:list_id], grouping["id"], group["name"]) end end def mailchimp_inactive_groups(list, grouping, person) grouping["groups"].reject do |group| person.in_group?(list[:list_id], grouping["id"], group["name"]) end end def mailchimp_show_groupings?(person, list) @person.subscribed_to_list?(list[:list_id]) && @person.confirmed_on_list?(list[:list_id]) && list[:groups].present? end end