class Card class Query module Interpretation # normalize and extract meaning from a clause # @param clause [Hash, String, Integer] statement or chunk thereof def interpret clause interpret_by_key normalize_clause(clause) end def interpret_by_key clause clause.each do |key, val| case when OPERATORS.key?(key.to_s) && !ATTRIBUTES[key] # eg "match" is both operator and attribute; # interpret as attribute when "match" is key interpret content: [key, val] when MODIFIERS.key?(key) && !clause[key].is_a?(Hash) # eg when "sort" is hash, it can have subqueries # and must be interpreted like an attribute @mods[key] = val.is_a?(Array) ? val : val.to_s else interpret_attributes key, val end end end def interpret_attributes key, val case ATTRIBUTES[key] when :basic then add_condition key, val when :conjunction then send key, val when :relational then relate key, val when :special then relate key, val when :ref_relational then relate key, val, method: :join_references when :plus_relational then relate_compound key, val when :ignore then # noop else raise Card::Error::BadQuery, "Invalid attribute #{key}" end end def normalize_clause clause clause = clause_to_hash clause clause.symbolize_keys! clause.each do |key, val| next if key.to_sym == :return clause[key] = normalize_value val end clause end def clause_to_hash clause case clause when Hash then clause when String, SmartName then { key: clause.to_name.key } when Integer then { id: clause } else raise Card::Error::BadQuery, "Invalid query args #{clause.inspect}" end end def normalize_value val case val when Integer, Float, Symbol, Hash then val when String, SmartName then normalize_string_value val when Array then { |v| normalize_value v } else raise Card::Error::BadQuery, "unknown WQL value type: #{val.class}" end end def normalize_string_value val case val.to_s when /^\$(\w+)$/ # replace from @vars @vars[Regexp.last_match[1].to_sym].to_s.strip when /\b_/ # absolutize based on @context val.to_name.to_absolute(context) else val end end def add_condition *args @conditions << if args.size > 1 [args.shift,, self)] else args[0] end end def relate_compound key, val has_multiple_values = val.is_a?(Array) && (val.first.is_a?(Array) || conjunction(val.first).present?) relate key, val, multiple: has_multiple_values end def relate key, val, opts={} multiple = opts[:multiple].nil? ? val.is_a?(Array) : opts[:multiple] method = opts[:method] || :send if multiple relate_multi_value method, key, val else send method, key, val end end def relate_multi_value method, key, val conj = conjunction(val.first) ? conjunction(val.shift) : :and if conj == current_conjunction # same conjunction as container, no need for subcondition val.each { |v| send method, key, v } else send conj, { |v| { key => v } } end end def current_conjunction @mods[:conj].blank? ? :and : @mods[:conj] end def all_joins @all_joins ||= (joins + end end end end