Testing.test Current do ## # test 'Current attributes can be declared by name' do assert{ Current.attribute :foo } assert{ Current.foo.nil? } end ## # test 'Current attributes can be declared by name with a default' do assert{ Current.attribute :foo, 42 } assert{ Current.foo == 42 } assert{ Current.attribute :bar, :default => 42.0 } assert{ Current.bar == 42.0 } assert{ Current.attribute(:foobar){ 'forty-two' } } assert{ Current.foobar == 'forty-two' } end ## # test 'Current attributes can be retrieved en mass' do assert{ Current.attributes =~ {} } assert{ Current.attribute :foo, 42 } assert{ Current.attribute :bar, 42.0 } assert{ Current.attributes =~ {:foo => 42, :bar => 42.0} } end ## # test 'that Current attributes are thread safe' do assert{ Current.attribute :foo } assert{ Current.attribute :bar } require 'thread' ra = Queue.new rb = Queue.new wa = Queue.new wb = Queue.new Thread.new do Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true id = Thread.current.object_id Current.foo = 40 Current.bar = 2 ra.push(id) wa.pop() ra.push( Current.attributes ) end Thread.new do Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true id = Thread.current.object_id Current.foo = 'forty' Current.bar = 'two' rb.push(id) wb.pop() rb.push( Current.attributes ) end ra.pop rb.pop assert{ Current.attributes =~ {:foo => nil, :bar => nil} } id = Thread.current.object_id wa.push(id) wb.push(id) assert{ ra.pop =~ {:foo => 40, :bar => 2 } } assert{ rb.pop =~ {:foo => 'forty', :bar => 'two' } } assert{ Current.attributes =~ {:foo => nil, :bar => nil} } end ## # test 'that Current methods can be mixed into a class or object' do assert{ Current.attribute :foo, 42 } assert{ Current.attribute :bar, 42.0 } c = assert do Class.new do include Current end.new end assert{ c.current_foo == 42 } assert{ c.current_bar == 42.0 } o = assert do Object.new.tap{|o1| o1.extend Current } end assert{ o.current_foo == 42 } assert{ o.current_bar == 42.0 } assert{ c.current_foo = 'forty-two' } assert{ o.current_foo == 'forty-two' } assert{ o.current_bar = 0b101010 } assert{ c.current_bar == 0b101010 } assert{ c.current_foo = :bar } assert{ o.current_bar = :foo } assert{ Current.attributes =~ {:foo => :bar, :bar => :foo} } end ## # test 'that assigning to Current dynamically adds accessor methods' do assert{ Current.foo = 42 } assert{ Current.foo == 42 } assert{ Current.bar = 'forty-two' } assert{ Current.bar == 'forty-two' } end ## # test 'that dynamically added data clears cleverly' do assert{ Current.foo = 42 } assert{ Current.bar{ 42.0 } } assert{ Current.foo == 42 } assert{ Current.bar == 42.0 } assert{ Current.clear } assert{ Current.foo == nil } assert{ Current.bar == 42.0 } end ## # test 'that query methods on Current werky' do assert{ Current.foo?.nil? } assert{ Current.foo = 42 } assert{ Current.foo? == 42 } end ## # test 'that loading Current into an old skool rails app creates Current.user and Current.controller and Current.action' do mock_rails! do assert{ Current.attributes =~ {:user => nil, :controller => nil, :action => nil} } assert do Current.user = :user Current.controller = :controller end assert{ ActionController::Base.new.current_user == :user } assert{ ActionController::Base.new.current_controller == :controller } assert{ ActionView::Base.new.current_user == :user } assert{ ActionView::Base.new.current_controller == :controller } end end ## # test 'that loading Current into a new skool rails app creates Current.user and Current.controller' do mock_rails_engine! do assert{ Current.attributes =~ {:user => nil, :controller => nil, :action => nil} } assert{ $before_initialize_called } assert{ $prepend_before_action_called } assert do Current.user = :user Current.controller = :controller end assert{ ActionController::Base.new.current_user == :user } assert{ ActionController::Base.new.current_controller == :controller } assert{ ActionView::Base.new.current_user == :user } assert{ ActionView::Base.new.current_controller == :controller } end end ## # setup do assert{ Current.reset } end private def mock_rails! Object.module_eval <<-__ remove_const :Rails if const_defined? :Rails remove_const :ActionController if const_defined? :ActionController remove_const :ActionView if const_defined? :ActionView module Rails end module ActionController class Base def Base.prepend_before_action(*args, &block) block.call ensure $prepend_before_action_called = true end def Base.helper(&block) ActionView::Base.module_eval(&block) end end end module ActionView class Base end end __ $load.call() yield Object.send(:remove_const, :Rails) end def mock_rails_engine! Object.module_eval <<-__ module Rails class Engine def Engine.config Config end class Config def Config.before_initialize(*args, &block) block.call ensure $before_initialize_called = true end end end end module ActionController class Base def Base.prepend_before_action(*args, &block) block.call ensure $prepend_before_action_called = true end def Base.helper(&block) ActionView::Base.module_eval(&block) end end end module ActionView class Base end end module ActiveSupport def ActiveSupport.on_load(*args, &block) block.call() end end __ $load.call() yield Object.send(:remove_const, :Rails) end end BEGIN { $this = File.expand_path(__FILE__) $root = File.dirname(File.dirname($this)) ( $load = proc do Kernel.load(File.join($root, 'lib/rails_current.rb')) Kernel.load(File.join($root, 'test/testing.rb')) end ).call() }