/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hll.hpp" #include "CouponList.hpp" #include "HllUtil.hpp" namespace datasketches { void println_string(std::string str) { //std::cout << str << std::endl; } TEST_CASE("coupon list: check iterator", "[coupon_list]") { uint8_t lgConfigK = 8; CouponList> cl(lgConfigK, HLL_4, LIST, std::allocator()); for (uint8_t i = 1; i <= 7; ++i) { cl.couponUpdate(HllUtil<>::pair(i, i)); } // not hashes but distinct values const int mask = (1 << lgConfigK) - 1; int idx = 0; auto itr = cl.begin(false); while (itr != cl.end()) { int key = HllUtil<>::getLow26(*itr); int val = HllUtil<>::getValue(*itr); int slot = HllUtil<>::getLow26(*itr) & mask; std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Idx: " << idx << ", Key: " << key << ", Val: " << val << ", Slot: " << slot; println_string(oss.str()); REQUIRE(val == idx + 1); ++itr; ++idx; } } TEST_CASE("coupon list: check duplicates and misc", "[coupon_list]") { uint8_t lgConfigK = 8; hll_sketch sk(lgConfigK); for (int i = 1; i <= 7; ++i) { sk.update(i); sk.update(i); } REQUIRE(sk.get_composite_estimate() == Approx(7.0).epsilon(0.1)); sk.update(8); sk.update(8); REQUIRE(sk.get_composite_estimate() == Approx(8.0).epsilon(0.1)); for (int i = 9; i <= 25; ++i) { sk.update(i); sk.update(i); } REQUIRE(sk.get_composite_estimate() == Approx(25.0).epsilon(0.1)); double relErr = sk.get_rel_err(true, true, 4, 1); REQUIRE(relErr < 0.0); } static void serializeDeserialize(uint8_t lgK) { hll_sketch sk1(lgK); int u = (lgK < 8) ? 7 : (((1 << (lgK - 3))/ 4) * 3); for (int i = 0; i < u; ++i) { sk1.update(i); } double est1 = sk1.get_estimate(); REQUIRE(est1 == Approx(u).margin(u * 1e-4)); std::stringstream ss(std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); sk1.serialize_compact(ss); hll_sketch sk2 = hll_sketch::deserialize(ss); double est2 = sk2.get_estimate(); REQUIRE(est1 == est2); ss.str(std::string()); ss.clear(); sk1.serialize_updatable(ss); sk2 = hll_sketch::deserialize(ss); est2 = sk2.get_estimate(); REQUIRE(est1 == est2); } TEST_CASE("coupon list: check serialize deserialize", "[coupon_list]") { serializeDeserialize(7); serializeDeserialize(21); } TEST_CASE("coupon list: check corrupt bytearray data", "[coupon_list]") { uint8_t lgK = 6; hll_sketch sk1(lgK); sk1.update(1); sk1.update(2); auto sketchBytes = sk1.serialize_compact(); uint8_t* bytes = sketchBytes.data(); const size_t size = sketchBytes.size(); bytes[hll_constants::PREAMBLE_INTS_BYTE] = 0; REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(hll_sketch::deserialize(bytes, size), std::invalid_argument); REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(CouponList>::newList(bytes, size, std::allocator()), std::invalid_argument); bytes[hll_constants::PREAMBLE_INTS_BYTE] = hll_constants::LIST_PREINTS; bytes[hll_constants::SER_VER_BYTE] = 0; REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(hll_sketch::deserialize(bytes, size), std::invalid_argument); bytes[hll_constants::SER_VER_BYTE] = hll_constants::SER_VER; bytes[hll_constants::FAMILY_BYTE] = 0; REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(hll_sketch::deserialize(bytes, size), std::invalid_argument); bytes[hll_constants::FAMILY_BYTE] = hll_constants::FAMILY_ID; uint8_t tmp = bytes[hll_constants::MODE_BYTE]; bytes[hll_constants::MODE_BYTE] = 0x01; // HLL_4, SET REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(hll_sketch::deserialize(bytes, size), std::invalid_argument); bytes[hll_constants::MODE_BYTE] = tmp; REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(hll_sketch::deserialize(bytes, size - 1), std::out_of_range); REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(hll_sketch::deserialize(bytes, 3), std::out_of_range); } TEST_CASE("coupon list: check corrupt stream data", "[coupon_list]") { uint8_t lgK = 6; hll_sketch sk1(lgK); sk1.update(1); sk1.update(2); std::stringstream ss; sk1.serialize_compact(ss); ss.seekp(hll_constants::PREAMBLE_INTS_BYTE); ss.put(0); ss.seekg(0); REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(hll_sketch::deserialize(ss), std::invalid_argument); REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(CouponList>::newList(ss, std::allocator()), std::invalid_argument); ss.seekp(hll_constants::PREAMBLE_INTS_BYTE); ss.put(hll_constants::LIST_PREINTS); ss.seekp(hll_constants::SER_VER_BYTE); ss.put(0); ss.seekg(0); REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(hll_sketch::deserialize(ss), std::invalid_argument); ss.seekp(hll_constants::SER_VER_BYTE); ss.put(hll_constants::SER_VER); ss.seekp(hll_constants::FAMILY_BYTE); ss.put(0); ss.seekg(0); REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(hll_sketch::deserialize(ss), std::invalid_argument); ss.seekp(hll_constants::FAMILY_BYTE); ss.put(hll_constants::FAMILY_ID); ss.seekp(hll_constants::MODE_BYTE); ss.put(0x22); // HLL_8, HLL ss.seekg(0); REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(hll_sketch::deserialize(ss), std::invalid_argument); } } /* namespace datasketches */