--- en: activemodel: attributes: proposal: body: Body category_id: Category has_address: Has address scope_id: Scope title: Title user_group_id: Create proposal as proposal_answer: answer: Answer decidim: events: proposals: proposal_accepted: email_intro: 'The proposal "%{resource_title}" has been accepted. You can read the answer in this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following "%{resource_title}". You can unfollow it from the previous link. email_subject: A proposal you're following has been accepted notification_title: The %{resource_title} proposal has been accepted. proposal_created: email_intro: "%{author_name} %{author_nickname}, who you are following, has created a new proposal, check it out and contribute:" email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following %{author_nickname}. You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: New proposal by %{author_nickname} notification_title: The %{resource_title} proposal was created by %{author_name} %{author_nickname}. proposal_evaluating: email_intro: 'The proposal "%{resource_title}" is currently being evaluated. You can check for an answer in this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following "%{resource_title}". You can unfollow it from the previous link. email_subject: A proposal you're following is being evaluated notification_title: The %{resource_title} proposal is being evaluated. proposal_rejected: email_intro: 'The proposal "%{resource_title}" has been rejected. You can read the answer in this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following "%{resource_title}". You can unfollow it from the previous link. email_subject: A proposal you're following has been rejected notification_title: The %{resource_title} proposal has been rejected. features: proposals: actions: create: Create vote: Vote name: Proposals settings: global: announcement: Announcement attachments_allowed: Allow attachments comments_enabled: Comments enabled geocoding_enabled: Geocoding enabled maximum_votes_per_proposal: Maximum votes per proposal new_proposal_help_text: New proposal help text official_proposals_enabled: Official proposals enabled proposal_answering_enabled: Proposal answering enabled proposal_edit_before_minutes: Proposals can be edited by authors before this many minutes passes proposal_limit: Proposal limit per user vote_limit: Vote limit per user step: announcement: Announcement comments_blocked: Comments blocked creation_enabled: Proposal creation enabled proposal_answering_enabled: Proposal answering enabled votes_blocked: Votes blocked votes_enabled: Votes enabled votes_hidden: Votes hidden (if votes are enabled, checking this will hide the number of votes) proposals: actions: answer: Answer new: New private_notes: Private notes title: Actions admin: actions: preview: Preview exports: comments: Comments proposals: Proposals models: proposal: name: Proposal proposal_answers: edit: accepted: Accepted answer_proposal: Answer evaluating: Evaluating rejected: Rejected title: Answer for proposal %{title} proposal_notes: form: note: Note submit: Submit leave_your_note: Leave your note title: Private notes proposals: answer: invalid: There's been a problem answering this proposal success: Proposal successfully answered create: invalid: There's been a problem creating this proposal success: Proposal successfully created form: attachment_legend: "(Optional) Add an attachment" select_a_category: Select a category index: title: Proposals new: create: Create title: Create proposal shared: info_proposal: body: Body created_at: Creation date proposal_votes_count: Votes count proposals: Proposals answers: accepted: Accepted evaluating: Evaluating not_answered: Not answered rejected: Rejected withdrawn: Withdrawn create: error: There's been errors when saving the proposal. success: Proposal created successfully. models: proposal: fields: category: Category comments: Comments created_at: Created at id: ID notes: Notes official_proposal: Official proposal scope: Scope state: State title: Title votes: Votes new: limit_reached: You can't create new proposals since you've exceeded the limit. proposal_votes: create: error: There's been errors when voting the proposal. proposals: count: proposals_count: one: 1 proposal other: "%{count} proposals" edit: back: Back select_a_category: Please select a category send: Send title: Edit proposal filters: accepted: Accepted activity: Activity all: All category: Category category_prompt: Select a category citizens: Citizens evaluating: Evaluating official: Official origin: Origin rejected: Rejected related_to: Related to search: Search state: State voted: Voted filters_small_view: close_modal: Close modal filter: Filter filter_by: Filter by unfold: Unfold index: new_proposal: New proposal see_all_withdrawn: See all withdrawn proposals view_proposal: View proposal linked_proposals: proposal_votes: one: vote other: votes new: attachment_legend: "(Optional) Add an attachment" back: Back proposal_edit_before_minutes: one: You will be able to edit this proposal during the first minute after the proposal was created. Once this time window passes, you will not be able to edit the proposal. other: You will be able to edit this proposal during the first %{count} minutes after the proposal was created. Once this time window passes, you will not be able to edit the proposal. select_a_category: Please select a category send: Send title: New proposal orders: label: 'Order proposals by:' most_voted: Most voted random: Random recent: Recent proposal: creation_date: 'Creation: %{date}' view_proposal: View proposal show: edit_proposal: Edit proposal proposal_accepted_reason: 'This proposal has been accepted because:' proposal_in_evaluation_reason: This proposal is being evaluated proposal_rejected_reason: 'This proposal has been rejected because:' report: Report withdraw_confirmation: Are you sure to withdraw this proposal? withdraw_proposal: Withdraw proposal vote_button: already_voted: Already voted already_voted_hover: Unvote maximum_votes_reached: Vote limit reached no_votes_remaining: No votes remaining vote: Vote votes_blocked: Voting disabled votes_count: count: one: VOTE other: VOTES voting_rules: maximum_votes_per_proposal: description: Each proposal can receive a maximum of %{limit} votes. proposal_limit: description: You can create up to %{limit} proposals. title: 'Voting is subject to the following rules:' vote_limit: description: You can vote up to %{limit} proposals. left: Remaining votes: Votes update: error: There's been errors when saving the proposal. success: Proposal updated successfully. resource_links: included_projects: project_results: 'Results appearing in this project:' included_proposals: proposal_projects: 'Proposal appearing in these projects:' proposal_results: 'Proposal appearing in these results:'