module Compony module ModelMixin extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class_attribute :fields, default: {} class_attribute :feasibility_preventions, default: {} class_attribute :primary_key_type_key, default: :integer class_attribute :autodetect_feasibilities_completed, default: false end class_methods do # This hook updates all fields from a subclass, making sure that fields point to correct model classes even in STI # e.g. in Parent: field :foo, ... omitted in child -> child.fields[:foo] should point to Child and not Parent. def inherited(subclass) super subclass.fields = subclass.fields.transform_values { |f|, subclass, **f.extra_attrs) } end # DSL method, defines a new field which will be translated and can be added to field groups # For virtual attributes, you must pass a type explicitely, otherwise it's auto-infered. def field(name, type, **extra_attrs) name = name.to_sym self.fields = fields.dup fields[name] = Compony.model_field_class_for(type.to_s.camelize).new(name, self, **extra_attrs) end # DSL method, sets the primary key type def primary_key_type(new_type) unless %i[integer string].include?(new_type.to_sym) fail("#{self} is declaring primary_key_type as #{new_type.inspect} but only :integer and :string are supported at this time.") end self.primary_key_type_key = new_type.to_sym end # DSL method, part of the Feasibility feature # Block must return `false` if the action should be prevented. def prevent(action_name, message, &block) self.feasibility_preventions = feasibility_preventions.dup # Prevent cross-class contamination feasibility_preventions[action_name.to_sym] ||= [] feasibility_preventions[action_name.to_sym] <<, message:, block:) end # DSL method, part of the Feasibility feature # Skips autodetection of feasibilities def skip_autodetect_feasibilities self.autodetect_feasibilities_completed = true end def autodetect_feasibilities! return if autodetect_feasibilities_completed # Add a prevention that reflects the `has_many` `dependent' properties. Avoids that users can press buttons that will result in a failed destroy. { |assoc| %i[restrict_with_exception restrict_with_error].include? assoc.options[:dependent] }.each do |assoc| prevent(:destroy, I18n.t('compony.feasibility.has_dependent_models', dependent_class: I18n.t(assoc.klass.model_name.plural.humanize))) do public_send( end end self.autodetect_feasibilities_completed = true end end # Retrieves feasibility for the given instance # Calling this with an invalid action name will always return true. def feasible?(action_name, recompute: false) action_name = action_name.to_sym @feasibility_messages ||= {} # Abort if check has already run and recompute is false if @feasibility_messages[action_name].nil? || recompute # Lazily autodetect feasibilities self.class.autodetect_feasibilities! # Compute feasibility and gather messages @feasibility_messages[action_name] = [] feasibility_preventions[action_name]&.each do |prevention| if instance_exec(&prevention.block) @feasibility_messages[action_name] << prevention.message end end end return @feasibility_messages[action_name].none? end def feasibility_messages(action_name) action_name = action_name.to_sym feasible?(action_name) if @feasibility_messages&.[](action_name).nil? # If feasibility check hasn't been performed yet for this action, perform it now return @feasibility_messages[action_name] end def full_feasibility_messages(action_name) text = feasibility_messages(action_name).join(', ').upcase_first text += '.' if text.present? return text end # Calls value_for on the desired field. Do not confuse with the static method field. def field(field_name, controller) fields[field_name.to_sym].value_for(self, controller:) end end end