require File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../spec_helper") describe Erector::HTML do include Erector::Mixin describe ".all_tags" do it "returns set of full and empty tags" do Erector::Widget.all_tags.class.should == Array Erector::Widget.all_tags.should == Erector::Widget.full_tags + Erector::Widget.empty_tags end end describe "#instruct" do it "when passed no arguments; returns an XML declaration with version 1 and utf-8" do # version must precede encoding, per XML 1.0 4th edition (section 2.8) erector { instruct }.should == "" end end describe "#element" do context "when receiving one argument" do it "returns an empty element" do erector { element('div') }.should == "
" end end context "with a attribute hash" do it "returns an empty element with the attributes" do html = erector do element( 'div', :class => "foo bar", :style => "display: none; color: white; float: left;", :nil_attribute => nil ) end doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html) div ='div') div[:class].should == "foo bar" div[:style].should == "display: none; color: white; float: left;" div[:nil_attribute].should be_nil end end context "with an array of CSS classes" do it "returns a tag with the classes separated" do erector do element('div', :class => [:foo, :bar]) end.should == "
"; end end context "with an array of CSS classes as strings" do it "returns a tag with the classes separated" do erector do element('div', :class => ['foo', 'bar']) end.should == "
"; end end context "with a CSS class which is a string" do it "just use that as the attribute value" do erector do element('div', :class => "foo bar") end.should == "
"; end end context "with an empty array of CSS classes" do it "does not emit a class attribute" do erector do element('div', :class => []) end.should == "
" end end context "with many attributes" do it "alphabetize them" do erector do empty_element('foo', :alpha => "", :betty => "5", :aardvark => "tough", :carol => "", :demon => "", :erector => "", :pi => "3.14", :omicron => "", :zebra => "", :brain => "") end.should == ""; end end context "with inner tags" do it "returns nested tags" do erector do element 'div' do element 'div' end end.should == '
' end end context "with text" do it "returns element with inner text" do erector do element 'div', 'test text' end.should == "
test text
" end end context "with a widget" do it "renders the widget inside the element" do erector do element 'div', Erector.inline { p "foo" } end.should == '


' end end context "with object other than hash" do it "returns element with inner text == object.to_s" do object = ['a', 'b'] erector do element 'div', object end.should == "
" end end context "with parameters and block" do it "returns element with inner html and attributes" do erector do element 'div', 'class' => "foobar" do element 'span', 'style' => 'display: none;' end end.should == '
' end end context "with content and parameters" do it "returns element with content as inner html and attributes" do erector do element 'div', 'test text', :style => "display: none;" end.should == '
test text
' end end context "with more than three arguments" do it "raises ArgumentError" do proc do erector do element 'div', 'foobar', {}, 'fourth' end end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end it "renders the proper full tags" do Erector::Widget.full_tags.each do |tag_name| expected = "<#{tag_name}>" actual = erector { send(tag_name) } begin actual.should == expected rescue Spec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError => e puts "Expected #{tag_name} to be a full element. Expected #{expected}, got #{actual}" raise e end end end describe "quoting" do context "when outputting text" do it "quotes it" do erector do element 'div', 'test &<>text' end.should == "
test &<>text
" end end context "when outputting text via text" do it "quotes it" do erector do element 'div' do text "test &<>text" end end.should == "
test &<>text
" end end context "when outputting attribute value" do it "quotes it" do erector do element 'a', :href => "foo.cgi?a&b" end.should == "" end end context "with raw text" do it "does not quote it" do erector do element 'div' do text raw("bold") end end.should == "
" end end context "with raw text and no block" do it "does not quote it" do erector do element 'div', raw("bold") end.should == "
" end end context "with raw attribute" do it "does not quote it" do erector do element 'a', :href => raw("foo?x= ") end.should == "" end end context "with quote in attribute" do it "quotes it" do erector do element 'a', :onload => "alert(\"foo\")" end.should == "" end end end context "with a non-string, non-raw" do it "calls to_s and quotes" do erector do element 'a' do text [7, "foo&bar"] end end.should == "7foo&bar" end end end describe "#empty_element" do context "when receiving attributes" do it "renders an empty element with the attributes" do erector do empty_element 'input', :name => 'foo[bar]' end.should == '' end end context "when not receiving attributes" do it "renders an empty element without attributes" do erector do empty_element 'br' end.should == '
' end end it "renders the proper empty-element tags" do Erector::Widget.empty_tags.each do |tag_name| expected = "<#{tag_name} />" actual = erector { send(tag_name) } begin actual.should == expected rescue Spec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError => e puts "Expected #{tag_name} to be an empty-element tag. Expected #{expected}, got #{actual}" raise e end end end end describe "#comment" do it "emits a single line comment when receiving a string" do erector do comment "foo" end.should == "\n" end it "emits a multiline comment when receiving a block" do erector do comment do text "Hello" text " world!" end end.should == "\n" end it "emits a multiline comment when receiving a string and a block" do erector do comment "Hello" do text " world!" end end.should == "\n" end # see it "does not HTML-escape character references" do erector do comment " " end.should == "\n" end # see # "Authors should avoid putting two or more adjacent hyphens inside comments." it "warns if there's two hyphens in a row" do capturing_output do erector do comment "he was -- awesome!" end.should == "\n" end.should == "Warning: Authors should avoid putting two or more adjacent hyphens inside comments.\n" end it "renders an IE conditional comment with endif when receiving an if IE" do erector do comment "[if IE]" do text "Hello IE!" end end.should == "\n" end it "doesn't render an IE conditional comment if there's just some text in brackets" do erector do comment "[puppies are cute]" end.should == "\n" end end describe "#nbsp" do it "turns consecutive spaces into consecutive non-breaking spaces" do erector do text nbsp("a b") end.should == "a  b" end it "works in text context" do erector do element 'a' do text nbsp("&<> foo") end end.should == "&<> foo" end it "works in attribute value context" do erector do element 'a', :href => nbsp("&<> foo") end.should == "" end it "defaults to a single non-breaking space if given no argument" do erector do text nbsp end.should == " " end end describe "#character" do it "renders a character given the codepoint number" do erector do text character(160) end.should == " " end it "renders a character given the unicode name" do erector do text character(:right_arrow) end.should == "→" end it "renders a character above 0xffff" do erector do text character(:old_persian_sign_ka) end.should == "𐎣" end it "throws an exception if a name is not recognized" do lambda { erector { text character(:no_such_character_name) } }.should raise_error("Unrecognized character no_such_character_name") end it "throws an exception if passed something besides a symbol or integer" do # Perhaps calling to_s would be more ruby-esque, but that seems like it might # be pretty confusing when this method can already take either a name or number lambda { erector { text character([]) } }.should raise_error("Unrecognized argument to character: ") end end describe '#h' do before do @widget = end it "escapes regular strings" do @widget.h("&").should == "&" end it "does not escape raw strings" do @widget.h(@widget.raw("&")).should == "&" end end describe 'escaping' do plain = 'if (x < y && x > z) alert("don\'t stop");' escaped = "if (x < y && x > z) alert("don't stop");" describe "#text" do it "does HTML escape its param" do erector { text plain }.should == escaped end it "doesn't escape pre-escaped strings" do erector { text h(plain) }.should == escaped end end describe "#rawtext" do it "doesn't HTML escape its param" do erector { rawtext plain }.should == plain end end describe "#text!" do it "doesn't HTML escape its param" do erector { text! plain }.should == plain end end describe "#element" do it "does HTML escape its param" do erector { element "foo", plain }.should == "#{escaped}" end end describe "#element!" do it "doesn't HTML escape its param" do erector { element! "foo", plain }.should == "#{plain}" end end end describe "#javascript" do context "when receiving a block" do it "renders the content inside of script text/javascript tags" do expected = <<-EXPECTED EXPECTED expected.gsub!(/^ /, '') erector do javascript do rawtext 'if (x < y && x > z) alert("don\'t stop");' end end.should == expected end end it "renders the raw content inside script tags when given text" do expected = <<-EXPECTED EXPECTED expected.gsub!(/^ /, '') erector do javascript('alert("&<>\'hello");') end.should == expected end context "when receiving a params hash" do it "renders a source file" do html = erector do javascript(:src => "/my/js/file.js") end doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)"script")[:src].should == "/my/js/file.js" end end context "when receiving text and a params hash" do it "renders a source file" do html = erector do javascript('alert("&<>\'hello");', :src => "/my/js/file.js") end doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html) script_tag ='script') script_tag[:src].should == "/my/js/file.js" script_tag.inner_html.should include('alert("&<>\'hello");') end end context "with too many arguments" do it "raises ArgumentError" do proc do erector do javascript 'foobar', {}, 'fourth' end end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end describe "#close_tag" do it "works when it's all alone, even though it messes with the indent level" do erector { close_tag :foo }.should == "
" erector { close_tag :foo; close_tag :bar }.should == "" end end end