v0.3.3 Bug fix: application not loading the widget specified in the URL (Ext.History-related). Some code refactoring and readability improvements. Ext.componentCache renamed into Ext.netzke.cache. New widget: TableEditor (a compound widget containing a grid and a form for editing table data). BorderLayoutPanel: a function getRegionWidget(region) added to access a widget in the specified region. Bug fix: BasicApp: FeedbackGhost now gets instantiated before BasicApp. Clearer handling of requests to non-existing aggregatees. Bug fix: now Ext 2.2.1 compatible. Column operations are now handled properly when :persistent_layout is set to false. Grid/Form fields configuration is extended with "ext_config" field which stores (in JSON-format) all the extra configuration, which gives extra flexibility to individual column/field configuration. :persistent_layout set to false now makes a widget ignore what's in the DB. Bug fix: AccordionPanel doesn't crash when no active item is specified. Bug fix: redundant flash messages for GridPanel. FeedbackGhost won't be showing anything if given an empty array. Cleaner handling of validations in GridPanel. FormPanel ready for the demo. v0.3.2 Minor code restructuring. Working on FormPanel cont'd. v0.3.1 Added the "conditions" configuration option to GridPanel to limit the search Basic column editor for grids has been replaced with FieldsConfigurator, which can do a bit more Added Checkbox column/form-field type for boolean fields "renderer" configuration option added for grid columns - any Ext.util.Format renderer can be specified there (thanks to Josh Holt for the initial idea) v0.3.0 Added BasicApp widget - the base for a Ext.Viewport based ("application") widget with support for dynamic widget loading, browser history, authentification, and more. See the demo an http://netzke-demo.writelesscode.com v0.2.2 Meta: updated netzke-core version (dependency) v0.2.1 Regression: BorderLayoutPanel now restores the region sizes from the database v0.2.0.1 Meta: updated netzke-core version (dependency) v0.2.0 Some re-factoring and redesign along with netzke-core Panel widget added BorderLayoutPanel added AccordionPanel added Bug fix: column operations configuration misbehaving Renamed Grid into GridPanel Bug fix: exception was thrown at a column operation when no layout_manager was present Reworked permission handling in GridPanel. v0.1.4.1 Meta: updated netzke-core version (dependency) v0.1.4 Grid#get_columns provides default columns even if none of layout_manager_class & column_manager_class are available v0.1.3.1 Meta: updated netzke-core version (dependency) v0.1.3 Path to javascript for grid filters corrected Bug with creating new records in the grid fixed Optimized away redundant sql queries when calling Grid#get_columns (sort of memoization) README updated v0.1.2.1 Meta: trying to succeed publishing on RubyForge v0.1.2 Updated README with an example of stand-alone widget usage Meta: updated netzke-core version (dependency) v0.1.1.2 Meta: updated netzke-core version (dependency) v0.1.1.1 Meta: github gem naming convention v0.1.1 Cleaner exception handling while loading data to grid Column resize & move functionality enabled by default Column filters added v0.1.0.1 Meta work: replacing underscore with dash in the name v0.1.0 Initial release