MONGOID = (<<-MONGO).gsub(/^ {10}/, '') unless defined?(MONGOID) # takes host, port host = 'localhost' port = Mongo::Connection::DEFAULT_PORT database_name = case Padrino.env when :development then '!NAME!_development' when :production then '!NAME!_production' when :test then '!NAME!_test' end Mongoid.database =, port).db(database_name) # You can also configure Mongoid this way # Mongoid.configure do |config| # name = @settings["database"] # host = @settings["host"] # config.master = # config.slaves = [ #, @settings["slave_one"]["port"], :slave_ok => true).db(name), #, @settings["slave_two"]["port"], :slave_ok => true).db(name) # ] # end # # More installation and setup notes are on MONGO def setup_orm require_dependencies 'bson_ext', :require => 'mongo' require_dependencies 'mongoid' create_file("config/database.rb", MONGOID.gsub(/!NAME!/, name.underscore)) empty_directory('app/models') end MONGOID_MODEL = (<<-MODEL).gsub(/^ {10}/, '') unless defined?(MONGOID_MODEL) class !NAME! include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps # adds created_at and updated_at fields # field <name>, :type => <type>, :default => <value> !FIELDS! # You can define indexes on documents using the index macro: # index :field <, :unique => true> # You can create a composite key in mongoid to replace the default id using the key macro: # key :field <, :another_field, :one_more ....> end MODEL def create_model_file(name, fields) model_path = destination_root('app/models/', "#{name.to_s.underscore}.rb") field_tuples = fields.collect { |value| value.split(":") } column_declarations = field_tuples.collect { |field, kind| "field :#{field}, :type => #{kind.camelize}" }.join("\n ") model_contents = MONGOID_MODEL.gsub(/!NAME!/, name.to_s.camelize) model_contents.gsub!(/!FIELDS!/, column_declarations) create_file(model_path, model_contents) end def create_model_migration(filename, name, fields) # NO MIGRATION NEEDED end def create_migration_file(migration_name, name, columns) # NO MIGRATION NEEDED end