module ActiveAdmin class FormBuilder < ::Formtastic::FormBuilder attr_reader :form_buffers def initialize(*args) @form_buffers = ["".html_safe] super end def inputs(*args, &block) @use_form_buffer = block_given? form_buffers.last << with_new_form_buffer{ super } end # If this `input` call is inside a `inputs` block, add the content # to the form buffer. Else, return it directly. def input(method, *args) content = with_new_form_buffer{ super } @use_form_buffer ? form_buffers.last << content : content end def cancel_link(url = {:action => "index"}, html_options = {}, li_attrs = {}) li_attrs[:class] ||= "cancel" li_content = template.link_to I18n.t('active_admin.cancel'), url, html_options form_buffers.last << template.content_tag(:li, li_content, li_attrs) end def actions(*args, &block) form_buffers.last << with_new_form_buffer do block_given? ? super : super{ commit_action_with_cancel_link } end end def action(*args) form_buffers.last << with_new_form_buffer{ super } end def commit_action_with_cancel_link action(:submit) cancel_link end def has_many(association, options = {}, &block) options = { :for => association, :new_record => true }.merge(options) options[:class] ||= "" options[:class] << "inputs has_many_fields" # Add Delete Links form_block = proc do |has_many_form| # @see contents = if block.arity == 1 # for backwards compatibility with REE & Ruby 1.8.x else index = parent_child_index(options[:parent]) if options[:parent], index) end if has_many_form.object.new_record? contents += template.content_tag(:li, :class => 'has_many_delete') do template.link_to I18n.t('active_admin.has_many_delete'), "#", :onclick => "$(this).closest('.has_many_fields').remove(); return false;", :class => "button" end elsif options[:allow_destroy] has_many_form.input :_destroy, :as => :boolean, :wrapper_html => {:class => "has_many_remove"}, :label => I18n.t('active_admin.has_many_remove') end contents end form_buffers.last << with_new_form_buffer do template.content_tag :div, :class => "has_many #{association}" do # Allow customization of the nested form heading unless options.key?(:heading) && !options[:heading] form_heading = options[:heading] || object.class.reflect_on_association(association).klass.model_name.human(:count => 1.1) form_buffers.last << template.content_tag(:h3, form_heading) end inputs options, &form_block js = options[:new_record] ? js_for_has_many(association, form_block, template) : "" form_buffers.last << js.html_safe end end end def semantic_errors(*args) form_buffers.last << with_new_form_buffer{ super } end # These methods are deprecated and removed from Formtastic, however are # supported here to help with transition. module DeprecatedMethods # Formtastic has depreciated #commit_button in favor of #action(:submit) def commit_button(*args) ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("f.commit_button is deprecated in favour of f.action(:submit)") options = args.extract_options! if String === args.first options[:label] = args.first unless options.has_key?(:label) end action(:submit, options) end def commit_button_with_cancel_link # Formtastic has depreciated #buttons in favor of #actions ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("f.commit_button_with_cancel_link is deprecated in favour of f.commit_action_with_cancel_link") commit_action_with_cancel_link end # The buttons method always needs to be wrapped in a new buffer def buttons(*args, &block) # Formtastic has depreciated #buttons in favor of #actions ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("f.buttons is deprecated in favour of f.actions") actions args, &block end end include DeprecatedMethods protected def active_admin_input_class_name(as) "ActiveAdmin::Inputs::#{as.to_s.camelize}Input" end def input_class(as) @input_classes_cache ||= {} @input_classes_cache[as] ||= begin begin custom_input_class_name(as).constantize rescue NameError begin active_admin_input_class_name(as).constantize rescue NameError standard_input_class_name(as).constantize end end rescue NameError raise Formtastic::UnknownInputError, "Unable to find input class for #{as}" end end # This method calls the block it's passed (in our case, the `f.inputs` block) # and wraps the resulting HTML in a fieldset. If your block doesn't have a # valid return value but it was otherwise built correctly, we instead use # the most recent part of the Active Admin form buffer. def field_set_and_list_wrapping(*args, &block) block_given? ? super{ (val = yield).is_a?(String) ? val : form_buffers.last } : super end private def with_new_form_buffer form_buffers << ''.html_safe return_value = (yield || '').html_safe form_buffers.pop return_value end # Capture the ADD JS def js_for_has_many(association, form_block, template) assoc_reflection = object.class.reflect_on_association(association) assoc_name = assoc_reflection.klass.model_name placeholder = "NEW_#{assoc_name.to_s.upcase.split(' ').join('_')}_RECORD" opts = { :for => [association,], :class => "inputs has_many_fields", :for_options => { :child_index => placeholder } } js = with_new_form_buffer{ inputs_for_nested_attributes opts, &form_block } js = template.escape_javascript js onclick = "$(this).before('#{js}'.replace(/#{placeholder}/g, new Date().getTime())); return false;" text = I18n.t 'active_admin.has_many_new', :model => assoc_name.human template.link_to(text, "#", :onclick => onclick, :class => "button").html_safe end end end