= Library of Congress MODS in Ruby

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== Purpose

This is a class-oriented Ruby library that parses LOC's MOD data.

This gem is developed using the MODS 3.7 XSD schema.

== Usage

=== Ruby API

require 'loc_mods'

# Single record under `<modsCollection>`

# Full NIST Tech Pubs records
# https://github.com/usnistgov/NIST-Tech-Pubs/tree/nist-pages/xml

=== Command line interface

LocMods provides a command-line interface (CLI) for various operations. The main
executable is `loc-mods`.

==== Detect duplicates

The `detect-duplicates` command allows you to find duplicate MODS records based
on using a "primary ID" that is their DOI (Digital Object Identifier).


$ loc-mods detect-duplicates [OPTIONS] <file_or_directory_path>


* `-r, --recursive`: Search for MODS files recursively in subdirectories.
* `-v, --verbose`: Display more detailed output.
* `-o, --output FILE`: Write the results to a file instead of stdout.


$ loc-mods detect-duplicates -r -v /path/to/mods/files

This command will:

. Search for MODS XML files in the specified directory (and subdirectories if `-r` is used).
. Parse each MODS file and extract the DOI.
. Group records with the same DOI.
. For each group of duplicates:
.. Display the shared DOI.
.. List the filenames of the duplicate records.
.. Show a detailed comparison of the differences between the records.

The output will highlight differences, removed elements, and missing elements
between the duplicate records, helping you identify discrepancies in the

== Testing


== License

Copyright Ribose.