# frozen_string_literal: true if defined? ForemanRemoteExecution module ForemanAnsible # Provider for RemoteExecution that allows to run Ansible playbooks. # Read the source of other RemoteExecution providers for more. class AnsibleProvider < RemoteExecutionProvider class << self def ssh_password(host) host_setting(host, :remote_execution_ssh_password) end def ssh_key_passphrase(host) host_setting(host, :remote_execution_ssh_key_passphrase) end def humanized_name 'Ansible' end def provider_input_namespace :ansible end def proxy_command_options(template_invocation, host) super(template_invocation, host).merge( 'ansible_inventory' => ::ForemanAnsible::InventoryCreator.new( [host], template_invocation ).to_hash, :verbosity_level => Setting[:ansible_verbosity], :remote_execution_command => ansible_command?( template_invocation.template ), :name => host.name, :check_mode => host.host_param('ansible_roles_check_mode') ) end def secrets(host) { 'per-host' => { host.name => { 'ansible_password' => rex_ssh_password(host), 'ansible_become_password' => rex_effective_user_password(host) } } } end def rex_ssh_password(host) host_setting(host, 'remote_execution_ssh_password') end def rex_effective_user_password(host) host_setting(host, 'remote_execution_effective_user_password') end def host_setting(host, setting) host.params[setting.to_s] || Setting[setting] end def supports_effective_user? true end def provider_inputs [ ForemanRemoteExecution::ProviderInput.new( name: 'tags', label: _('Tags'), value: '', value_type: 'plain', description: 'Tags used for Ansible execution' ), ForemanRemoteExecution::ProviderInput.new( name: 'tags_flag', label: _('Include/Exclude Tags'), value: 'include', description: 'Option whether to include or exclude tags', options: "include\nexclude" ) ] end def provider_inputs_doc opts = provider_inputs.find { |input| input.name == 'tags_flag' }.options.split("\n") { :namespace => provider_input_namespace, :opts => { :desc => N_('Ansible provider specific inputs') }, :children => [ { :name => :tags, :type => Array, :opts => { :required => false, :desc => N_('A comma separated list of tags to use for Ansible run') } }, { :name => :tags_flag, :type => opts, :opts => { :required => false, :desc => N_('Include\Exclude tags for Ansible run') } } ] } end def proxy_command_provider_inputs(template_invocation) tags = template_invocation.provider_input_values.find_by(:name => 'tags')&.value || '' tags_flag = template_invocation.provider_input_values.find_by(:name => 'tags_flag')&.value || '' { :tags => tags, :tags_flag => tags_flag } end def proxy_operation_name 'ansible-runner' end def proxy_action_class 'Proxy::Ansible::TaskLauncher::Playbook::PlaybookRunnerAction' end private def ansible_command?(template) template.remote_execution_features. where(:label => 'ansible_run_host').empty? end end end end end