module Hyrax module Actors # If there is a key `:remote_files' in the attributes, it attaches the files at the specified URIs # to the work. e.g.: # attributes[:remote_files] = do |name| # { url: "{name}", file_name: name } # end # # Browse everything may also return a local file. And although it's in the # url property, it may have spaces, and not be a valid URI. class CreateWithRemoteFilesActor < Hyrax::Actors::AbstractActor # @param [Hyrax::Actors::Environment] env # @return [Boolean] true if create was successful def create(env) remote_files = env.attributes.delete(:remote_files) next_actor.create(env) && attach_files(env, remote_files) end # @param [Hyrax::Actors::Environment] env # @return [Boolean] true if update was successful def update(env) remote_files = env.attributes.delete(:remote_files) next_actor.update(env) && attach_files(env, remote_files) end private def whitelisted_ingest_dirs Hyrax.config.whitelisted_ingest_dirs end # @param uri [URI] the uri fo the resource to import def validate_remote_url(uri) if uri.scheme == 'file' path = File.absolute_path(CGI.unescape(uri.path)) whitelisted_ingest_dirs.any? do |dir| path.start_with?(dir) && path.length > dir.length end else # TODO: It might be a good idea to validate other URLs as well. # The server can probably access URLs the user can't. true end end # @param [HashWithIndifferentAccess] remote_files # @return [TrueClass] def attach_files(env, remote_files) return true unless remote_files remote_files.each do |file_info| next if file_info.blank? || file_info[:url].blank? # Escape any space characters, so that this is a legal URI uri = URI.parse(Addressable::URI.escape(file_info[:url])) unless validate_remote_url(uri) Rails.logger.error "User #{env.user.user_key} attempted to ingest file from url #{file_info[:url]}, which doesn't pass validation" return false end auth_header = file_info.fetch(:auth_header, {}) create_file_from_url(env, uri, file_info[:file_name], auth_header) end true end # Generic utility for creating FileSet from a URL # Used in to import files using URLs from a file picker like browse_everything def create_file_from_url(env, uri, file_name, auth_header = {}) import_url = URI.decode_www_form_component(uri.to_s) import_url, label: file_name) do |fs| actor =, env.user) actor.create_metadata(visibility: env.curation_concern.visibility) actor.attach_to_work(env.curation_concern)! if uri.scheme == 'file' # Turn any %20 into spaces. file_path = CGI.unescape(uri.path) IngestLocalFileJob.perform_later(fs, file_path, env.user) else ImportUrlJob.perform_later(fs, operation_for(user: actor.user), auth_header) end end end def operation_for(user:) Hyrax::Operation.create!(user: user, operation_type: "Attach Remote File") end end end end