module Arcade module Support module String #modified version of # # returns an Array [ Namespace(first character upcase) , Type(class, camelcase) ] # # if the namespace is not found, joins all string-parts def camelcase_and_namespace if self.count("_") >= 1 || self.count('-') >=1 delimiters = Regexp.union(['-', '_']) n,c= self.split(delimiters).then { |first, *rest| [first.tap {|s| s[0] = s[0].upcase},] } ## if base is the first part of the type-name, probably Arcade::Base is choosen a namespace. thats wrong namespace_present = unless n == 'Base' Object.const_get(n) rescue false # Database.namespace else false end # if no namespace is found, leave it empty and return the capitalized string as class name namespace_present && !c.nil? ? [namespace_present,c] : [Database.namespace, n+c] else [ Database.namespace, self.capitalize ] end end def snake_case n= if split('::').first == Database.namespace.to_s split('::')[1..-1].join else split("::").join end n.gsub(/([^\^])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2').downcase end # borrowed from ActiveSupport::Inflector def underscore word = self.dup word.gsub!(/::/, '/') word.gsub!(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2') word.gsub!(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2')!("-", "_") word.downcase! word end def capitalize_first_letter self.sub(/^(.)/) { $1.capitalize } end # a rid is either #nn:nn or nn:nn def rid? self =~ /\A[#]{,1}[0-9]{1,}:[0-9]{1,}\z/ end # return a valid rid (format: "nn:mm") or nil def rid self["#"].nil? ? "#"+ self : self if rid? end def where **args if rid? from_db.where **args end end def to_a [ self ] end def quote str = self.dup if str[0, 1] == "'" && str[-1, 1] == "'" self else last_pos = 0 while (pos = str.index("'", last_pos)) str.insert(pos, "\\") if pos > 0 && str[pos - 1, 1] != "\\" last_pos = pos + 1 end "'#{str}'" end end ## Load the database object if the string is a rid # (Default: No Autoloading of rid-links) def load_rid autocomplete = false db.get( self ){ autocomplete } if rid? rescue nil end # updates the record ### retired in favour of Arcade::Base.update # def update **args ## remove empty Arrays and Hashes. ## To remove attributes, use the remove syntax, do not privide empty fields to update! # args.delete_if{|_,y|( y.is_a?(Array) || y.is_a?(Hash)) && y.blank? } # return nil if args.empty? # from: self , kind: :update, set: args).execute # end def to_human self end private def db Arcade::Init.db end end end end String.include Arcade::Support::String module Types include Dry.Types() # include in attribute definitions Rid = String.constrained( format: /\A[#]{1}[0-9]{1,}:[0-9]{1,}\z/ ) Blockchain = String.constrained( format: /^(algo|eth|btc)$/ ) # add other blockchain symbols here Email = String.constrained( format: /\A[\w+\-.]+@[a-z\d\-]+(\.[a-z]+)*\.[a-z]+\z/i ) end