require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "Delorean" do let(:sset) {{ "AAA" => defn("X:", " a =? 123", " b = a*2", ) }) } let(:engine) { "XXX", sset } it "evaluate simple expressions" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 123", " x = -(a * 2)", " b = -(a + 1)", " c = -a + 1", " d = a ** 3 - 10*0.2", ) engine.evaluate("A", ["a"]).should == [123] r = engine.evaluate("A", ["x", "b"]) r.should == [-246, -124] expect(engine.evaluate("A", "d")).to eq 1860865.0 end it "proper unary expression evaluation" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 123", " c = -a + 1", ) r = engine.evaluate("A", "c") r.should == -122 end it "proper string interpolation" do engine.parse defn("A:", ' a = "\n123\n"', ) r = engine.evaluate("A", "a") r.should == "\n123\n" end it "should handle getattr in expressions" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = {'x':123, 'y':456, 'z':789}", " b = A.a.x * A.a.y - A.a.z", ) engine.evaluate("A", ["b"]).should == [123*456-789] end it "should handle numeric getattr" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = {1:123, 0:456, 'z':789, 2: {'a':444}}", " b = A.a.1 * A.a.0 - A.a.z - A.a.2.a", ) engine.evaluate("A", ["b"]).should == [123*456-789-444] end it "should be able to evaluate multiple node attrs" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a =? 123", " b = a % 11", " c = a / 4.0", ) h = {"a" => 16} r = engine.evaluate("A", ["c", "b"], h) r.should == [4, 5] end it "should give error when accessing undefined attr" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 1", " c = a.to_ss", ) lambda { r = engine.evaluate("A", "c") }.should raise_error(Delorean::InvalidGetAttribute) end it "should be able to call 0-ary functions without ()" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 1", " d = a.to_s", ) engine.evaluate("A", "d").should == "1" end it "should handle default param values" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a =? 123", " c = a / 123.0", ) r = engine.evaluate("A", "c") r.should == 1 end it "order of attr evaluation should not matter" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a =? 1", "B:", " a =? 2", " c = A.a", ) engine.evaluate("B", %w{c a}).should == [1, 2] engine.evaluate("B", %w{a c}).should == [2, 1] end it "params should behave properly with inheritance" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a =? 1", "B: A", " a =? 2", "C: B", " a =? 3", " b = B.a", " c = A.a", ) engine.evaluate("C", %w{a b c}).should == [3, 2, 1] engine.evaluate("C", %w{a b c}, {"a" => 4}).should == [4, 4, 4] engine.evaluate("C", %w{c b a}).should == [1, 2, 3] end it "should give error when param is undefined for eval" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a =?", " c = a / 123.0", ) lambda { r = engine.evaluate("A", "c") }.should raise_error(Delorean::UndefinedParamError) end it "should handle simple param computation" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a =?", " c = a / 123.0", ) r = engine.evaluate("A", "c", {"a" => 123}) r.should == 1 end it "should give error on unknown node" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 1", ) lambda { r = engine.evaluate("B", "a") }.should raise_error(Delorean::UndefinedNodeError) end it "should handle runtime errors and report module/line number" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 1/0", " b = 10 * a", ) begin engine.evaluate("A", "b") rescue => exc res = Delorean::Engine.grok_runtime_exception(exc) end res.should == { "error" => "divided by 0", "backtrace" => [["XXX", 2, "/"], ["XXX", 2, "a"], ["XXX", 3, "b"]], } end it "should handle runtime errors 2" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = Dummy.call_me_maybe('a', 'b')", ) begin engine.evaluate("A", "b") rescue => exc res = Delorean::Engine.grok_runtime_exception(exc) end res["backtrace"].should == [["XXX", 2, "b"]] end it "should handle optional args to external fns" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = Dummy.one_or_two(['a', 'b'])", " c = Dummy.one_or_two([1,2,3], ['a', 'b'])", ) engine.evaluate("A", "b").should == [['a', 'b'], nil] engine.evaluate("A", "c").should == [[1,2,3], ['a', 'b']] end it "should handle operator precedence properly" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = 3+2*4-1", " c = b*3+5", " d = b*2-c*2", " e = if (d < -10) then -123-1 else -456+1", ) r = engine.evaluate("A", "d") r.should == -50 r = engine.evaluate("A", "e") r.should == -124 end it "should handle if/else" do text = defn("A:", " d =? -10", ' e = if d < -10 then "gungam"+"style" else "korea"' ) engine.parse text r = engine.evaluate("A", "e", {"d" => -100}) r.should == "gungamstyle" r = engine.evaluate("A", "e") r.should == "korea" end it "should be able to access specific node attrs " do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = 123", " c =?", "B: A", " b = 111", " c = A.b * 123", "C:", " c = A.c + B.c", ) r = engine.evaluate("B", "c") r.should == 123*123 r = engine.evaluate("C", "c", {"c" => 5}) r.should == 123*123 + 5 end it "should be able to access nodes and node attrs dynamically " do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = 123", "B:", " b = A", " c = b.b * 456", ) r = engine.evaluate("B", "c") r.should == 123*456 end it "should be able to call class methods on ActiveRecord classes" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = Dummy.call_me_maybe(1, 2, 3, 4)", " c = Dummy.call_me_maybe()", " d = Dummy.call_me_maybe(5) + b + c", ) r = engine.evaluate("A", ["b", "c", "d"]) r.should == [10, 0, 15] end it "should be able to access ActiveRecord whitelisted fns using .x syntax" do engine.parse defn("A:", ' b = Dummy.i_just_met_you("CRJ", 1.234).name2', ) r = engine.evaluate("A", "b") r.should == "CRJ-1.234" end it "should be able to get attr on Hash objects using a.b syntax" do engine.parse defn("A:", ' b = Dummy.i_threw_a_hash_in_the_well()', " c = b.a", " d = b.b", " e = b.this_is_crazy", ) engine.evaluate("A", %w{c d e}).should == [456, 789, nil] end it "get attr on nil should return nil" do engine.parse defn("A:", ' b = nil', ' c = b.gaga', ' d = b.gaga || 55', ) r = engine.evaluate("A", ["b", "c", "d"]) r.should == [nil, nil, 55] end it "should be able to get attr on node" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 123", " b = A", " c = b.a * 2", ) engine.evaluate("A", %w{a c}).should == [123, 123*2] end getattr_code = < 5, "e" => 6}) r.should == 12 end it "should handle different param defaults on nodes" do engine.parse defn("A:", " p =? 1", " c = p * 123", "B: A", " p =? 2", "C: A", " p =? 3", ) r = engine.evaluate("C", "c", {"p" => 5}) r.should == 5*123 r = engine.evaluate("B", "c", {"p" => 10}) r.should == 10*123 r = engine.evaluate("A", "c") r.should == 1*123 r = engine.evaluate("B", "c") r.should == 2*123 r = engine.evaluate("C", "c") r.should == 3*123 end it "should allow overriding of attrs as params" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 2", " b = a*3", "B: A", " a =?", ) r = engine.evaluate("A", "b", {"a" => 10}) r.should == 2*3 r = engine.evaluate("B", "b", {"a" => 10}) r.should == 10*3 lambda { r = engine.evaluate("B", "b") }.should raise_error(Delorean::UndefinedParamError) end sample_script = <4]", ) engine.evaluate("A", "b").should == [5, 15, 25] engine.evaluate("A", "c").should == [0.5] end it "should handle list comprehension unpacking" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = [a-b for a, b in [[1,2],[20,10]]]", ) engine.evaluate("A", "b").should == [-1, 10] end it "should handle list comprehension with conditions using loop var" do skip "need to fix" engine.parse defn("A:", " b = [n for n in {'pt' : 1} if n[1]+1]", ) engine.evaluate("A", "b").should == [['pt', 1]] end it "should eval hashes" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = {}", " c = {'a':1, 'b': 2,'c':3}", " d = {123*2: -123, 'b_b': 1+1}", " e = {'x': 1, 'y': 1+1, 'z': 1+1+1, 'zz': 1*2*4}", " f = {'a': nil, 'b': [1, nil, 2]}", " g = {b:b, [b]:[1,23], []:345}", ) engine.evaluate("A", %w{b c d e f g}).should == [{}, {"a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3}, {123*2=>-123, "b_b"=>2}, {"x"=>1, "y"=>2, "z"=>3, "zz"=>8}, {"a"=>nil, "b"=>[1, nil, 2]}, {{}=>{}, [{}]=>[1, 23], []=>345}, ] end it "should eval hash comprehension" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = {i*5 :i for i in [1,2,3]}", " c = [kv for kv in {1:11, 2:22}]", ) engine.evaluate("A", "b").should == {5=>1, 10=>2, 15=>3} engine.evaluate("A", "c").should == [[1, 11], [2, 22]] end it "for-in-hash should iterate over key/value pairs" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = {1: 11, 2: 22}", " c = [kv[0]-kv[1] for kv in b]", " d = {kv[0] : kv[1] for kv in b}", " e = [kv for kv in b if kv[1]]", " f = [k-v for k, v in b if k>1]", ) engine.evaluate("A", "c").should == [-10, -20] engine.evaluate("A", "d").should == {1=>11, 2=>22} engine.evaluate("A", "f").should == [-20] # FIXME: this is a known bug in Delorean caused by the strange way # that select iterates over hashes and provides args to the block. # engine.evaluate("A", "e").should == [[1,11], [2,22]] end it "should eval nested hash comprehension" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = { a:{a+c:a-c for c in [4,5]} for a in [1,2,3]}", ) engine.evaluate("A", "b").should == {1=>{5=>-3, 6=>-4}, 2=>{6=>-2, 7=>-3}, 3=>{7=>-1, 8=>-2}} end it "should eval conditional hash comprehension" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = {i*5:i+5 for i in [1,2,3,4,5] if i%2 == 1}", " c = {i/10.0:i*10 for i in [1,2,3,4,5] if i>4}", ) engine.evaluate("A", "b").should == {5=>6, 15=>8, 25=>10} engine.evaluate("A", "c").should == {0.5=>50} end it "should eval node calls as intermediate results" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a =?", " e = A(a=13)", " d = e.a * 2", " f = e.d / e.a", ) engine.evaluate("A", ["d", "f"]).should == [26, 2] end it "should eval multi-var hash comprehension" do engine.parse defn("A:", " b = {k*5 : v+1 for k, v in {1:2, 7:-30}}", " c = [k-v for k, v in {1:2, 7:-30}]", ) engine.evaluate("A", "b").should == {5=>3, 35=>-29} engine.evaluate("A", "c").should == [-1, 37] end it "should be able to amend node calls" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a =?", " aa = a*2", " c = A(a=12)", " d = c+{'a':3}", " f = c+{'a':4}", " g = d.aa + f.aa", " h = c(a=5).aa", " j = d(a=6).aa", ) engine.evaluate("A", ["g", "h", "j"]).should == [3*2 + 4*2, 5*2, 6*2] end it "should be able to amend node calls 2" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a =?", " d = A(a=3)", " e = [d.a, d(a=4).a]", ) engine.evaluate("A", ["e"]).should == [[3,4]] end it "should eval module calls 1" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 123", " n = A", " d = n().a", ) engine.evaluate("A", %w{d}).should == [123] end it "should eval module calls 2" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 123", " b = 456 + a", " n = 'A'", " c = nil(x = 123, y = 456) % ['a', 'b']", " d = n(x = 123, y = 456) % ['a', 'b']", " e = nil() % ['b']", ) engine.evaluate("A", %w{n c d e}).should == ["A", {"a"=>123, "b"=>579}, {"a"=>123, "b"=>579}, {"b"=>579}] end it "should eval module calls 3" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 123", "B:", " n = 'A'", " d = n().a", ) engine.evaluate("B", %w{d}).should == [123] end it "should be possible to implement recursive calls" do engine.parse defn("A:", " n =?", " fact = if n <= 1 then 1 else n * A(n=n-1).fact", ) engine.evaluate("A", "fact", "n" => 10).should == 3628800 end it "should eval module calls by node name" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 123", " b = A().a", ) engine.evaluate("A", "b").should == 123 end it "should eval multiline expressions" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 1", " b = [a+1", " for a in [1,2,3]", " ]", ) engine.evaluate("A", "b").should == [2, 3, 4] end it "should eval multiline expressions (2)" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 123", " b = 456 + ", " a", " n = 'A'", " c = nil(x = 123,", " y = 456) % ['a', 'b']", " d = n(", " x = 123, y = 456) % ['a', 'b']", " e = nil(", " ) % ['b']", ) engine.evaluate("A", %w{n c d e}).should == ["A", {"a"=>123, "b"=>579}, {"a"=>123, "b"=>579}, {"b"=>579}] end it "should eval in expressions" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = [1,2,3,33,44]", " s = {22,33,44}", " b = (1 in a) && (2 in {22,44})", " c = (2 in a) && (22 in s)", " d = [i*2 for i in s if i in a]", ) engine.evaluate("A", %w{b c d}).should == [false, true, [66, 88]] end it "should eval imports" do engine.parse defn("import AAA", "A:", " b = 456", "B: AAA::X", " a = 111", " c = AAA::X(a=456).b", ) engine.evaluate("B", ["a", "b", "c"], {}).should == [111, 222, 456*2] end it "should eval imports (2)" do sset.merge({ "BBB" => defn("import AAA", "B: AAA::X", " a = 111", " c = AAA::X(a=-1).b", " d = a * 2", ), "CCC" => defn("import BBB", "import AAA", "B: BBB::B", " e = d * 3", "C: AAA::X", " d = b * 3", ), }) e2 = sset.get_engine("BBB") e2.evaluate("B", ["a", "b", "c", "d"]).should == [111, 222, -2, 222] engine.parse defn("import BBB", "B: BBB::B", " e = d + 3", ) engine.evaluate("B", ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]).should == [111, 222, -2, 222, 225] e4 = sset.get_engine("CCC") e4.evaluate("B", ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]).should == [111, 222, -2, 222, 666] e4.evaluate("C", ["a", "b", "d"]).should == [123, 123*2, 123*3*2] end it "should eval imports (3)" do sset.merge({ "BBB" => getattr_code, "CCC" => defn("import BBB", "X:", " xx = [n.x for n in BBB::D().xs]", " yy = [n.x for n in BBB::D.xs]", ), }) e4 = sset.get_engine("CCC") e4.evaluate("X", "xx").should == [1,2,3] e4.evaluate("X", "yy").should == [1,2,3] end it "can eval indexing" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = [1,2,3]", " b = a[1]", " c = a[-1]", " d = {'a' : 123, 'b': 456}", " e = d['b']", " f = a[1,2]", ) r = engine.evaluate("A", ["b", "c", "e", "f"]) r.should == [2, 3, 456, [2,3]] end it "can eval indexing 2" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 1", " b = {'x' : 123, 'y': 456}", " c = A() % ['a', 'b']", " d = c['b'].x * c['a'] - c['b'].y", ) r = engine.evaluate("A", ["a", "b", "c", "d"]) r.should == [1, {"x"=>123, "y"=>456}, {"a"=>1, "b"=>{"x"=>123, "y"=>456}}, -333] end it "can handle exceptions with / syntax" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 1", " b = {'x' : 123, 'y': 456}", " e = ERR('hello')", " c = A() / ['a', 'b']", " d = A() / ['a', 'e']", " f = A() / 'a'", ) r = engine.evaluate("A", ["a", "b", "c"]) r.should == [1, {"x"=>123, "y"=>456}, {"a"=>1, "b"=>{"x"=>123, "y"=>456}}] r = engine.evaluate("A", ["a", "d"]) r.should == [1, {"error"=>"hello", "backtrace"=>[["XXX", 4, "e"], ["XXX", 6, "d"]]}] r = engine.evaluate("A", ["f"]) r.should == [1] end it "should properly eval overridden attrs" do engine.parse defn("A:", " a = 5", " b = a", "B: A", " a = 2", " x = A.b - B.b", " k = [A.b, B.b]", " l = [x.b for x in [A, B]]", " m = [x().b for x in [A, B]]", ) engine.evaluate("A", "b").should == 5 engine.evaluate("B", "b").should == 2 engine.evaluate("B", "x").should == 3 engine.evaluate("B", "k").should == [5, 2] engine.evaluate("B", "l").should == [5, 2] engine.evaluate("B", "m").should == [5, 2] end it "implements simple version of self (_)" do engine.parse defn("B:", " a =?", " b =?", " x = a - b", "A:", " a =?", " b =?", " x = _.a * _.b", " y = a && _", " z = (B() + _).x", ) engine.evaluate("A", "x", {"a"=>3, "b"=>5}).should == 15 h = {"a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3} engine.evaluate("A", "y", {"a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3}).should == h engine.evaluate("A", "z", {"a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3}).should == -1 end it "implements positional args in node calls" do engine.parse defn("B:", " a =?", " b =?", " x = (_.0 - _.1) * (a - b)", " y = [_.0, _.1, _.2]", "A:", " a = _.0 - _.1", " z = B(10, 20, a=3, b=7).x", " y = B('x', 'y').y", ) engine.evaluate("A", ["a", "z", "y"], {0 => 123, 1 => 456}).should == [123-456, 40, ["x", "y", nil]] end it "can call 0-arity functions in list comprehension" do engine.parse defn("A:", ' b = [ for x in Dummy.all_of_me]', ) r = engine.evaluate("A", "b") expect(r).to eq ["hello"] end it "node calls are not memoized/cached" do engine.parse defn("A:", " x = Dummy.side_effect", "B: A", " x = (A() + _).x + (A() + _).x" ) r = engine.evaluate("B", "x") expect(r).to eq 3 end it "understands openstructs" do engine.parse defn("A:", " os = Dummy.returns_openstruct", " abc =", " not_found = os.not_found" ) r = engine.evaluate("A", ["os", "abc", "not_found"]) expect(r[0].abc).to eq("def") expect(r[1]).to eq("def") expect(r[2]).to be_nil end xit "can use nodes as continuations" do # FIME: This is actually a trivial exmaple. Ideally we should be # able to pass arguments to the nodes when evaluating ys. If the # arguments do not change the computation of "x" then "x" should # not be recomputed. This would need some flow analysis though. engine.parse defn("A:", " a =?", " x = Dummy.side_effect", " y = x*a", "B:", " ns = [A(a=a) for a in [1, 1, 1]]", " xs = [n.x for n in ns]", " ys = [n.y for n in ns]", " res = [xs, ys]", ) r = engine.evaluate("B", "res") expect(r[1]).to eq r[0] end end