require 'rails/generators' module Umlaut class Install < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.join(Umlaut::Engine.root) class_option :only, :type=>:array class_option :except, :type=>:array include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper def config_cache_classes guarded(:config_cache_classes) do /^((\s*)config\.cache_classes +\= +false\s*)$/ gsub_file("config/environments/development.rb", /^(\s*)config\.cache_classes +\= +false\s*$/) do |match| # for some reason we can't make access to $1 in here from the above # regexp work, so we need to match again match =~ /^(\s*)/ <<-EOS #{$1}# #{$1}# UMLAUT: Umlaut's use of threading is not compatible with class #{$1}# reloading, even in development. Umlaut requires true here. #{$1}# Rails 3.2 _might_ let you get away with false when it comes out. #{$1}config.cache_classes = true EOS end end end def database_yml_hint guarded(:database_yml_hint) do insert_into_file("config/database.yml", :before => /^(\s*)development:/) do <<-eos # # UMLAUT: mysql db with mysql2 adapter strongly recommended for Umlaut, in both # production and development. sqlite3 has unclear semantics under threaded # concurrency which umlaut uses, and in many cases simply does not work. # # A high (connection) pool setting is also, sadly, generally # required at present. # # development: # adapter: mysql2 # host: # username: # password: # database: # pool: 30 eos end end end def routes guarded(:routes) do route("") end end def umlaut_services_skeleton guarded(:umlaut_services_skeleton) do copy_file("lib/generators/templates/umlaut_services.yml", "config/umlaut_services.yml") end end def migrations guarded(:migrations) do rake("umlaut:install:migrations") end end def asset_hooks guarded(:asset_hooks) do generate("umlaut:asset_hooks") end end def local_umlaut_controller guarded(:local_umlaut_controller) do copy_file("app/controllers/umlaut_controller.rb") end end def post_install_message say("\n Umlaut installed, now:", :yellow) $stdout.puts( " " + word_wrap("After setting up your 'development' database in config/databases.yml, run `rake db:migrate`", :line_width => 60). split("\n"). join("\n ") ) end no_tasks do def guarded(section, &block) if (options[:only].nil? || options[:only].include?(section.to_s)) && (options[:except].nil? || ! options[:except].include?(section.to_s)) yield else say_status("skipped", section.to_s, :blue) end end end end end