import { ADDRESS_OR_ALIAS, BASE58_STRING, BASE64_STRING, BOOL, BYTE, INT, LEN, LONG, OPTION, SCRIPT, SHORT, STRING } from './serializePrimitives' import { byteNewAliasToString, byteToAddressOrAlias, P_BOOLEAN, byteToScript, P_LONG, P_OPTION, P_BYTE, P_BASE58_FIXED, P_BASE58_VAR, P_SHORT, P_STRING_VAR, P_BASE64, P_INT } from './parsePrimitives' import { TObject, TSchema, DATA_FIELD_TYPE, TDataTxItem, TObjectField, anyOf, TPrimitive } from './schemaTypes' import {serializerFromSchema} from './serialize' //Todo: import this enums from ts-types package export enum TRANSACTION_TYPE { GENESIS = 1, PAYMENT = 2, ISSUE = 3, TRANSFER = 4, REISSUE = 5, BURN = 6, EXCHANGE = 7, LEASE = 8, CANCEL_LEASE = 9, ALIAS = 10, MASS_TRANSFER = 11, DATA = 12, SET_SCRIPT = 13, SPONSORSHIP = 14, SET_ASSET_SCRIPT = 15, INVOKE_SCRIPT = 16, } const shortConverter = { toBytes: SHORT, fromBytes: P_SHORT, } const intConverter = { toBytes: INT, fromBytes: P_INT, } export namespace txFields { //Field constructors export const longField = (name: string): TObjectField => ([name, {toBytes: LONG, fromBytes: P_LONG}]) export const byteField = (name: string): TObjectField => ([name, {toBytes: BYTE, fromBytes: P_BYTE}]) export const booleanField = (name: string): TObjectField => ([name, {toBytes: BOOL, fromBytes: P_BOOLEAN}]) export const stringField = (name: string): TObjectField => ([name, { toBytes: LEN(SHORT)(STRING), fromBytes: P_STRING_VAR(P_SHORT), }]) export const base58field32 = (name: string): TObjectField => ([name, { toBytes: BASE58_STRING, fromBytes: P_BASE58_FIXED(32), }]) // String 'WAVES' often used instead of null. That's why we should serialize it as null export const base58Option32 = (name: string): TObjectField => ([name, { toBytes: (s: string) => s === 'WAVES' ? OPTION(BASE58_STRING)(null) : OPTION(BASE58_STRING)(s), fromBytes: P_OPTION(P_BASE58_FIXED(32)), }]) export const base64field = (name: string): TObjectField => ([name, { toBytes: LEN(SHORT)(BASE64_STRING), fromBytes: P_BASE64(P_SHORT), }]) export const byteConstant = (byte: number): TObjectField => (['noname', { toBytes: () => Uint8Array.from([byte]), fromBytes: () => ({value: undefined, shift: 1}), }]) // Primitive fields export const alias: TObjectField = ['alias', { toBytes: LEN(SHORT)(STRING), fromBytes: byteNewAliasToString, }] export const amount = longField('amount') export const assetDescription = stringField('description') export const assetId = base58field32('assetId') export const assetName = stringField('name') export const attachment: TObjectField = ['attachment', { toBytes: LEN(SHORT)(BASE58_STRING), fromBytes: P_BASE58_VAR(P_SHORT), }] export const chainId = byteField('chainId') export const decimals = byteField('decimals') export const fee = longField('fee') export const leaseAssetId = base58Option32('leaseAssetId') export const leaseId = base58field32('leaseId') export const optionalAssetId = base58Option32('assetId') export const quantity = longField('quantity') export const reissuable = booleanField('reissuable') export const recipient: TObjectField = ['recipient', { toBytes: ADDRESS_OR_ALIAS, fromBytes: byteToAddressOrAlias, }] export const script: TObjectField = ['script', { toBytes: SCRIPT, fromBytes: byteToScript, }] export const senderPublicKey = base58field32('senderPublicKey') export const signature: TObjectField = ['signature', { toBytes: BASE58_STRING, fromBytes: P_BASE58_FIXED(64), }] export const timestamp = longField('timestamp') export const type = byteField('type') export const version = byteField('version') // Complex fields export const proofs: TObjectField = ['proofs', { type: 'array', items: { toBytes: LEN(SHORT)(BASE58_STRING), fromBytes: P_BASE58_VAR(P_SHORT), }, }] const transfer: TObject = { type: 'object', schema: [ recipient, amount, ], } export const transfers: TObjectField = ['transfers', { type: 'array', items: transfer, }] const dataTxItem: TDataTxItem = { type: 'dataTxField', items: new Map([ [DATA_FIELD_TYPE.INTEGER, {toBytes: LONG, fromBytes: P_LONG}], [DATA_FIELD_TYPE.BOOLEAN, {toBytes: BOOL, fromBytes: P_BOOLEAN}], [DATA_FIELD_TYPE.BINARY, {toBytes: LEN(SHORT)(BASE64_STRING), fromBytes: P_BASE64(P_SHORT)}], [DATA_FIELD_TYPE.STRING, {toBytes: LEN(SHORT)(STRING), fromBytes: P_STRING_VAR(P_SHORT)}], ]), } export const data: TObjectField = ['data', { type: 'array', items: dataTxItem, }] const functionArgumentPrimitives: [number, TSchema, string?][] = [ [0, {toBytes: LONG, fromBytes: P_LONG}, 'integer'], [1, {toBytes: LEN(INT)(BASE64_STRING), fromBytes: P_BASE64(P_INT)}, 'binary'], [2, {toBytes: LEN(INT)(STRING), fromBytes: P_STRING_VAR(P_INT)}, 'string'], [6, {toBytes: () => Uint8Array.from([]), fromBytes: () => ({value: true, shift: 0})}, 'boolean'], [7, {toBytes: () => Uint8Array.from([]), fromBytes: () => ({value: false, shift: 0})}, 'boolean'], ] const functionArgument = anyOf([ ...functionArgumentPrimitives, [11, { type: 'array', toBytes: INT, fromBytes: P_INT, items: anyOf(functionArgumentPrimitives, {valueField: 'value'}), }, 'list'], ], {valueField: 'value'}) export const functionCall: TObjectField = ['call', { type: 'object', optional: true, schema: [ // special bytes to indicate function call. Used in Serde serializer byteConstant(9), byteConstant(1), ['function', { toBytes: LEN(INT)(STRING), fromBytes: P_STRING_VAR(P_INT), }], ['args', { type: 'array', toBytes: INT, fromBytes: P_INT, items: functionArgument, }], ], }] export const payment: TObject = { type: 'object', withLength: shortConverter, schema: [ amount, optionalAssetId ], } export const payments: TObjectField = ['payment', { type: 'array', items: payment, }] } export const orderSchemaV1: TObject = { type: 'object', schema: [ txFields.senderPublicKey, txFields.base58field32('matcherPublicKey'), ['assetPair', { type: 'object', schema: [ txFields.base58Option32('amountAsset'), txFields.base58Option32('priceAsset'), ], }], ['orderType', { toBytes: (type: string) => BYTE(type === 'sell' ? 1 : 0), fromBytes: (bytes: Uint8Array, start = 0) => P_BYTE(bytes, start).value === 1 ? {value: 'sell', shift: 1} : {value: 'buy', shift: 1}, }], txFields.longField('price'), txFields.longField('amount'), txFields.timestamp, txFields.longField('expiration'), txFields.longField('matcherFee'), ], } export const orderSchemaV2: TSchema = { type: 'object', schema: [ txFields.version, ...orderSchemaV1.schema, ], } // In order v3 amount and price fields are flipped export const orderSchemaV3: TSchema = { type: 'object', schema: [ ...orderSchemaV2.schema, ['matcherFeeAssetId', txFields.optionalAssetId[1]] ], } export const aliasSchemaV2: TSchema = { type: 'object', schema: [ txFields.type, txFields.version, txFields.senderPublicKey, [['alias', 'chainId'], { type: 'object', withLength: shortConverter, schema: [ txFields.byteConstant(2), // Alias version txFields.chainId, // txFields.alias, // Alias text ], }], txFields.fee, txFields.timestamp, ], } export const burnSchemaV2: TSchema = { type: 'object', schema: [ txFields.type, txFields.version, txFields.chainId, txFields.senderPublicKey, txFields.assetId, txFields.amount, txFields.fee, txFields.timestamp, ], } export const cancelLeaseSchemaV2: TSchema = { type: 'object', schema: [ txFields.type, txFields.version, txFields.chainId, txFields.senderPublicKey, txFields.fee, txFields.timestamp, txFields.leaseId, ], } export const invokeScriptSchemaV1: TSchema = { type: 'object', schema: [ txFields.type, txFields.version, txFields.chainId, txFields.senderPublicKey, ['dApp', txFields.recipient[1]], txFields.functionCall, txFields.payments, txFields.fee, ['feeAssetId', txFields.optionalAssetId[1]], txFields.timestamp, ], } export const dataSchemaV1: TSchema = { type: 'object', schema: [ txFields.type, txFields.version, txFields.senderPublicKey,, txFields.timestamp, txFields.fee, ], } export const proofsSchemaV0: TSchema = { type: 'object', schema: [ ['signature', { toBytes: BASE58_STRING, fromBytes: P_BASE58_FIXED(64), }], ], } export const proofsSchemaV1: TSchema = { type: 'object', schema: [ txFields.byteConstant(1), // proofs version txFields.proofs, ], } const orderSchemaV0WithSignature: TObject = { type: 'object', schema: [...orderSchemaV1.schema, txFields.signature], } //ExchangeV0 needs both orders length to be present before actual order bytes. // That's why there are two separate rules for oder1 and order2 fields. First one serializes order and writes length. // Seconds serializes and writes whole order. When deserialize, second rule overwrites order fields in js object export const exchangeSchemaV1: TSchema = { type: 'object', schema: [ txFields.type, ['order1', { fromBytes: () => ({value: undefined, shift: 4}), toBytes: (order: any) => INT(serializerFromSchema(orderSchemaV0WithSignature)(order).length) }], ['order2', { fromBytes: () => ({value: undefined, shift: 4}), toBytes: (order: any) => INT(serializerFromSchema(orderSchemaV0WithSignature)(order).length) }], ['order1', orderSchemaV0WithSignature], ['order2', orderSchemaV0WithSignature], txFields.longField('price'), txFields.longField('amount'), txFields.longField('buyMatcherFee'), txFields.longField('sellMatcherFee'), txFields.longField('fee'), txFields.longField('timestamp'), ], } const anyOrder = anyOf([ [1, { type: 'object', //order v1 length is serialized without orderVersion withLength: { toBytes: (x) => INT(x - 1), fromBytes: (x) => { const {value, shift} = P_INT(x) return {value: value + 1, shift} } } as TPrimitive, schema: [txFields.byteConstant(1), ...orderSchemaV1.schema, ...proofsSchemaV0.schema] }], [2, {type: 'object', withLength: intConverter, schema: [...orderSchemaV2.schema, ...proofsSchemaV1.schema]}], [3, {type: 'object', withLength: intConverter, schema: [...orderSchemaV3.schema, ...proofsSchemaV1.schema]}], ], {discriminatorField: 'version', discriminatorBytePos: 4}) export const exchangeSchemaV2: TSchema = { type: 'object', schema: [ txFields.byteConstant(0), txFields.type, txFields.version, ['order1', anyOrder], ['order2', anyOrder], txFields.longField('price'), txFields.longField('amount'), txFields.longField('buyMatcherFee'), txFields.longField('sellMatcherFee'), txFields.longField('fee'), txFields.longField('timestamp'), ], } export const issueSchemaV2: TSchema = { type: 'object', schema: [ txFields.type, txFields.version, txFields.chainId, txFields.senderPublicKey, txFields.assetName, txFields.assetDescription, txFields.quantity, txFields.decimals, txFields.reissuable, txFields.fee, txFields.timestamp, txFields.script, ], } export const leaseSchemaV2: TSchema = { type: 'object', schema: [ txFields.type, txFields.version, txFields.leaseAssetId, txFields.senderPublicKey, txFields.recipient, txFields.amount, txFields.fee, txFields.timestamp, ], } export const massTransferSchemaV1: TSchema = { type: 'object', schema: [ txFields.type, txFields.version, txFields.senderPublicKey, txFields.optionalAssetId, txFields.transfers, txFields.timestamp, txFields.fee, txFields.attachment, ], } export const reissueSchemaV2: TSchema = { type: 'object', schema: [ txFields.type, txFields.version, txFields.chainId, txFields.senderPublicKey, txFields.assetId, txFields.quantity, txFields.reissuable, txFields.fee, txFields.timestamp, ], } export const setAssetScriptSchemaV1: TSchema = { type: 'object', schema: [ txFields.type, txFields.version, txFields.chainId, txFields.senderPublicKey, txFields.assetId, txFields.fee, txFields.timestamp, txFields.script, ], } export const setScriptSchemaV1: TSchema = { type: 'object', schema: [ txFields.type, txFields.version, txFields.chainId, txFields.senderPublicKey, txFields.script, txFields.fee, txFields.timestamp, ], } export const sponsorshipSchemaV1: TSchema = { type: 'object', schema: [ txFields.type, txFields.version, txFields.senderPublicKey, txFields.assetId, txFields.longField('minSponsoredAssetFee'), txFields.fee, txFields.timestamp, ], } export const transferSchemaV2: TSchema = { type: 'object', schema: [ txFields.type, txFields.version, txFields.senderPublicKey, txFields.optionalAssetId, ['feeAssetId', txFields.optionalAssetId[1]], txFields.timestamp, txFields.amount, txFields.fee, txFields.recipient, txFields.attachment, ], } /** * Maps transaction types to schemas object. Schemas are written by keys. 1 equals no version or version 1 */ export const schemasByTypeMap = { [TRANSACTION_TYPE.GENESIS]: {}, [TRANSACTION_TYPE.PAYMENT]: {}, [TRANSACTION_TYPE.ISSUE]: { 2: issueSchemaV2, }, [TRANSACTION_TYPE.TRANSFER]: { 2: transferSchemaV2, }, [TRANSACTION_TYPE.REISSUE]: { 2: reissueSchemaV2, }, [TRANSACTION_TYPE.BURN]: { 2: burnSchemaV2, }, [TRANSACTION_TYPE.EXCHANGE]: { 1: exchangeSchemaV1, 2: exchangeSchemaV2, }, [TRANSACTION_TYPE.LEASE]: { 2: leaseSchemaV2, }, [TRANSACTION_TYPE.CANCEL_LEASE]: { 2: cancelLeaseSchemaV2, }, [TRANSACTION_TYPE.ALIAS]: { 2: aliasSchemaV2, }, [TRANSACTION_TYPE.MASS_TRANSFER]: { 1: massTransferSchemaV1, }, [TRANSACTION_TYPE.DATA]: { 1: dataSchemaV1, }, [TRANSACTION_TYPE.SET_SCRIPT]: { 1: setScriptSchemaV1, }, [TRANSACTION_TYPE.SPONSORSHIP]: { 1: sponsorshipSchemaV1, }, [TRANSACTION_TYPE.SET_ASSET_SCRIPT]: { 1: setAssetScriptSchemaV1, }, [TRANSACTION_TYPE.INVOKE_SCRIPT]: { 1: invokeScriptSchemaV1, }, } export const orderVersionMap: Record = { 1: orderSchemaV1, 2: orderSchemaV2, 3: orderSchemaV3 } export function getTransactionSchema(type: TRANSACTION_TYPE, version?: number): TSchema { const schemas = (schemasByTypeMap)[type] if (typeof schemas !== 'object') { throw new Error(`Incorrect tx type: ${type}`) } const schema = schemas[version || 1] if (typeof schema !== 'object') { throw new Error(`Incorrect tx version: ${version}`) } return schema }