Given /^I haven't made any RTSP requests$/ do RTSP::Client.configure { |config| config.log = false } end Given /^I have set up a stream$/ do @url = "rtsp://fake-rtsp-server/some_path" @client = do |connection| connection.socket = @fake_server connection.timeout = 3 end @client.setup @url @client.session_state.should == :ready end Given /^I have started (playing|recording) a stream$/ do |method| if method == "playing" @client.setup @url @url elsif method == "recording" @client.record @url end @client.session_state.should == method.to_sym end When /^I issue an "([^"]*)" request with "([^"]*)"$/ do |request_type, params| unless @client url = "rtsp://fake-rtsp-server/some_path" @client = do |connection| connection.socket = @fake_server connection.timeout = 3 end end @initial_state = @client.session_state params = params.empty? ? {} : params if request_type == 'play' @client.setup(url) else @client.send(request_type.to_sym, params) end end Then /^the state stays the same$/ do @client.session_state.should == @initial_state end Then /^the state changes to "([^"]*)"$/ do |new_state| @client.session_state.should == new_state.to_sym end