require "test_helper" class ArtefactTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase context "validating slug" do should "allow nice clean slugs" do a =, slug: "its-a-nice-day") assert a.valid? end should "not allow apostrophes in slugs" do a =, slug: "it's-a-nice-day") refute a.valid? assert a.errors[:slug].any? end should "not allow spaces in slugs" do a =, slug: "it is-a-nice-day") refute a.valid? assert a.errors[:slug].any? end should "allow slashes in slugs when the namespace is 'done'" do a =, slug: "done/its-a-nice-day") assert a.valid? end should "not allow slashes in slugs when the namespace is not 'done'" do a =, slug: "something-else/its-a-nice-day") refute a.valid? assert a.errors[:slug].any? end should "allow travel-advice to have a slug prefixed with 'foreign-travel-advice/'" do a =, slug: "foreign-travel-advice/aruba", kind: "travel-advice") assert a.valid? end should "not allow multiple slashes in travel-advice artefacts" do a =, slug: "foreign-travel-advice/aruba/foo", kind: "travel-advice") refute a.valid? assert a.errors[:slug].any? end should "not allow a foreign-travel-advice prefix for non-travel-advice artefacts" do a =, slug: "foreign-travel-advice/aruba", kind: "answer") refute a.valid? assert a.errors[:slug].any? end should "allow a government prefix for Inside Government artefacts" do a =, slug: "government/slug", kind: "case_study") assert a.valid? end should "allow a government prefix and multiple path parts for Inside Government artefacts" do a =, slug: "government/something/somewhere/somehow/slug", kind: "case_study") assert a.valid? end should "not allow a government prefix with invalid path parts" do a =, slug: "government/SomeThing/some.where/somehow/slug", kind: "case_study") refute a.valid? end should "require a government prefix for Inside Government artefacts" do a =, slug: "slug", kind: "case_study") refute a.valid? end should "not require a government prefix for Detailed Guides" do a =, slug: "slug", kind: "detailed_guide") assert a.valid? end context "help page special case" do should "allow a help page to have a help/ prefix on the slug" do a =, :slug => "help/foo", :kind => "help_page") assert a.valid? end should "require a help page to have a help/ prefix on the slug" do a =, :slug => "foo", :kind => "help_page") refute a.valid? assert_equal 1, a.errors[:slug].count end should "not allow other kinds to have a help/ prefix" do a =, :slug => "help/foo", :kind => "answer") refute a.valid? assert_equal 1, a.errors[:slug].count end end end context "#need_ids" do should "be empty by default" do assert_empty end should "do validations if nil" do artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact, need_ids: ["100001"]) artefact.need_ids = nil assert_nothing_raised { artefact.valid? } end should "filter out empty strings" do artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact, need_ids: ["", "100002"]) assert_equal ["100002"], artefact.reload.need_ids end should "store multiple needs related to an artefact" do artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact, need_ids: ["100001", "100002"]) assert_equal ["100001", "100002"], artefact.reload.need_ids end should "be six-digit integers" do artefact =, need_ids: ["B1231"]) refute artefact.valid? assert_includes artefact.errors[:need_ids], "must be six-digit integers" end should "not validate need ids that were migrated from the singular need_id field" do artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact) # simulate what happened during migration artefact.set(:need_ids, ['As an employer I need to know which type of DBS check an employee needs so that I can apply for the correct one']) artefact.need_ids << "100045" assert artefact.valid? end context "for backwards compatibility" do setup do @artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact) end should "append to need_ids when need_id is assigned" do @artefact.need_id = "100045" assert_equal "100045", @artefact.need_id assert_includes @artefact.need_ids, "100045" end should "append to existing need_ids when need_id is assigned" do @artefact.set(:need_ids, ["100044"]) @artefact.set(:need_id, "100044") @artefact.need_id = "100045" assert_equal "100045", @artefact.need_id assert_equal ["100044", "100045"], @artefact.need_ids end # this should only matter till the time we have both fields # need_id and need_ids. can delete this test once we unset need_id. should "keep need_ids unchanged when need_id is removed" do @artefact.set(:need_ids, ["100044", "100045"]) @artefact.set(:need_id, "100044") @artefact.need_id = nil assert_equal nil, @artefact.need_id assert_equal ["100044", "100045"], @artefact.need_ids end end end context "validating paths and prefixes" do setup do @a = end should "be valid when empty" do @a.paths = [] @a.prefixes = [] assert @a.valid? @a.paths = nil @a.prefixes = nil assert @a.valid? end should "be valid when set to array of absolute URL paths" do @a.paths = ["/foo.json"] @a.prefixes = ["/foo", "/bar"] assert @a.valid? end should "be invalid if an entry is not a valid absolute URL path" do [ "not a URL path", "", "bar/baz", "/foo/bar?baz=qux", ].each do |path| @a.paths = ["/foo.json", path] @a.prefixes = ["/foo", path] refute @a.valid? assert_equal 1, @a.errors[:paths].count assert_equal 1, @a.errors[:prefixes].count end end should "be invalid with consecutive or trailing slashes" do [ "/foo//bar", "/foo/bar///", "//bar/baz", "//", "/foo/bar/", ].each do |path| @a.paths = ["/foo.json", path] @a.prefixes = ["/foo", path] refute @a.valid? assert_equal 1, @a.errors[:paths].count assert_equal 1, @a.errors[:prefixes].count end end should "skip validating these if they haven't changed" do # This validation can be expensive, so skip it where unnecessary. @a.paths = ["foo"] @a.prefixes = ["bar"] :validate => false assert @a.valid? end end test "should translate kind into internally normalised form" do a = "benefit / scheme") a.normalise assert_equal "programme", a.kind end test "should not translate unknown kinds" do a = "other") a.normalise assert_equal "other", a.kind end test "should store and return related artefacts in order" do a = Artefact.create!(slug: "a", name: "a", kind: "place", need_ids: ["100001"], owning_app: "x") b = Artefact.create!(slug: "b", name: "b", kind: "place", need_ids: ["100001"], owning_app: "x") c = Artefact.create!(slug: "c", name: "c", kind: "place", need_ids: ["100001"], owning_app: "x") a.related_artefacts = [b, c]! a.reload assert_equal [b, c], a.ordered_related_artefacts end test "should store and return related artefacts in order, even when not in natural order" do a = Artefact.create!(slug: "a", name: "a", kind: "place", need_ids: ["100001"], owning_app: "x") b = Artefact.create!(slug: "b", name: "b", kind: "place", need_ids: ["100001"], owning_app: "x") c = Artefact.create!(slug: "c", name: "c", kind: "place", need_ids: ["100001"], owning_app: "x") a.related_artefacts = [c, b]! a.reload assert_equal [c, b], a.ordered_related_artefacts end test "should store and return related artefacts in order, with a scope" do a = Artefact.create!(slug: "a", name: "a", kind: "place", need_ids: ["100001"], owning_app: "x") b = Artefact.create!(state: "live", slug: "b", name: "b", kind: "place", need_ids: ["100001"], owning_app: "x") c = Artefact.create!(slug: "c", name: "c", kind: "place", need_ids: ["100001"], owning_app: "x") d = Artefact.create!(state: "live", slug: "d", name: "d", kind: "place", need_ids: ["100001"], owning_app: "x") a.related_artefacts = [d, c, b]! a.reload assert_equal [d, b], a.ordered_related_artefacts(a.related_artefacts.where(state: "live")) end test "published_related_artefacts should return all non-publisher artefacts, but only published publisher artefacts" do # because currently only publisher has an idea of "published" parent = Artefact.create!(slug: "parent", name: "Parent", kind: "guide", owning_app: "x") a = Artefact.create!(slug: "a", name: "has no published editions", kind: "guide", owning_app: "publisher") Edition.create!(panopticon_id:, title: "Unpublished", state: "draft") parent.related_artefacts << a b = Artefact.create!(slug: "b", name: "has a published edition", kind: "guide", owning_app: "publisher") Edition.create!(panopticon_id:, title: "Published", state: "published") parent.related_artefacts << b c = Artefact.create!(slug: "c", name: "not a publisher artefact", kind: "place", owning_app: "x") parent.related_artefacts << c! assert_equal [b.slug, c.slug], end test "should raise a not found exception if the slug doesn't match" do assert_raise Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound do Artefact.from_param("something-fake") end end should "update the edition's slug when a draft artefact is saved" do artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:draft_artefact) edition = FactoryGirl.create(:answer_edition, panopticon_id: artefact.slug = "something-something-draft"! edition.reload assert_equal artefact.slug, edition.slug end should "not update the edition's slug when a live artefact is saved" do artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:live_artefact, slug: "something-something-live") edition = FactoryGirl.create(:answer_edition, panopticon_id:, slug: "something-else")! edition.reload assert_equal "something-else", edition.slug end should "not update the edition's slug when an archived artefact is saved" do artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:live_artefact, slug: "something-something-live") edition = FactoryGirl.create(:answer_edition, panopticon_id:, slug: "something-else") artefact.state = 'archived'! edition.reload assert_equal "something-else", edition.slug end test "should not let you edit the slug if the artefact is live" do artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact, slug: "too-late-to-edit", kind: "answer", name: "Foo bar", owning_app: "publisher", state: "live" ) artefact.slug = "belated-correction" refute assert_equal "too-late-to-edit", artefact.reload.slug end # should continue to work in the way it has been: # i.e. you can edit everything but the name/title for published content in panop test "on save title should not be applied to already published content" do FactoryGirl.create(:live_tag, tag_id: "test-section", title: "Test section", tag_type: "section") artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact, slug: "foo-bar", kind: "answer", name: "Foo bar", primary_section: "test-section", sections: ["test-section"], department: "Test dept", owning_app: "publisher", ) user1 = FactoryGirl.create(:user) edition = AnswerEdition.find_or_create_from_panopticon_data(, user1, {}) edition.state = "published"! assert_equal, edition.title assert_equal artefact.section, edition.section = "Babar" edition.reload assert_not_equal, edition.title end test "should indicate when any editions have been published for this artefact" do artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact, slug: "foo-bar", kind: "answer", name: "Foo bar", owning_app: "publisher", ) user1 = FactoryGirl.create(:user) edition = AnswerEdition.find_or_create_from_panopticon_data(, user1, {}) refute artefact.any_editions_published? edition.state = "published"! assert artefact.any_editions_published? end test "should have a specialist_body field present for markdown content" do artefact = Artefact.create!(slug: "parent", name: "Harry Potter", kind: "guide", owning_app: "x") refute_includes artefact.attributes, "specialist_body" artefact.specialist_body = "Something wicked this way comes" assert_includes artefact.attributes, "specialist_body" assert_equal "Something wicked this way comes", artefact.specialist_body end test "should have 'video' as a supported FORMAT" do assert_includes Artefact::FORMATS, "video" end test "should find the default owning_app for a format" do assert_equal "publisher", Artefact.default_app_for_format("guide") end test "should allow creation of artefacts with 'video' as the kind" do artefact = Artefact.create!(slug: "omlette-du-fromage", name: "Omlette du fromage", kind: "video", owning_app: "Dexter's Lab") refute artefact.nil? assert_equal "video", artefact.kind end test "should archive all editions when archived" do artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact, state: "live") editions = ["draft", "ready", "published", "archived"].map { |state| FactoryGirl.create(:programme_edition, panopticon_id:, state: state) } user1 = FactoryGirl.create(:user) artefact.update_attributes_as(user1, state: "archived")! editions.each &:reload editions.each do |edition| assert_equal "archived", edition.state end # remove the previously already archived edition, as no note will have been added editions.pop editions.each do |edition| assert_equal "Artefact has been archived. Archiving this edition.", edition.actions.first.comment end end test "should restrict what attributes can be updated on an edition that has an archived artefact" do artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact, state: "live") edition = FactoryGirl.create(:programme_edition, panopticon_id:, state: "published") artefact.state = "archived" assert_raise RuntimeError do edition.update_attributes({state: "archived", title: "Shabba", slug: "do-not-allow"}) end end should "not remove double dashes in a Detailed Guide slug" do a = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact, slug: "duplicate-slug--1", kind: "detailed_guide") a.reload assert_equal "duplicate-slug--1", a.slug end context "artefact language" do should "return english by default" do a = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact) assert_equal 'en', a.language end should "accept welsh language" do a = a.language = 'cy' a = Artefact.first assert_equal 'cy', a.language end should "reject a language which is not english or welsh" do a = a.language = 'pirate' assert ! a.valid? end should "has has_extended_chars field set to false by default" do a = assert_equal false, a.need_extended_font end should "allow has_extended_chars to be set" do a = a.need_extended_font = true a = Artefact.first assert_equal true, a.need_extended_font end end context "returning json representation" do context "returning tags" do setup do FactoryGirl.create(:live_tag, :tag_type => 'section', :tag_id => 'crime', :title => 'Crime') FactoryGirl.create(:live_tag, :tag_type => 'section', :tag_id => 'justice', :title => 'Justice', :description => "All about justice") FactoryGirl.create(:live_tag, :tag_type => 'legacy_source', :tag_id => 'directgov', :title => 'Directgov') FactoryGirl.create(:live_tag, :tag_type => 'legacy_source', :tag_id => 'businesslink', :title => 'Business Link') @a = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact, :slug => 'fooey') end should "return empty array of tags and tag_ids" do hash = @a.as_json assert_equal [], hash['tag_ids'] assert_equal [], hash['tags'] end context "for an artefact with tags" do setup do @a.sections = ['justice'] @a.legacy_sources = ['businesslink']! end should "return an array of tag_id strings in tag_ids" do hash = @a.as_json assert_equal ['justice', 'businesslink'], hash['tag_ids'] end should "return an array of tag objects in tags" do hash = @a.as_json expected = [ { :id => 'justice', :title => 'Justice', :type => 'section', :description => 'All about justice', :short_description => nil }, { :id => 'businesslink', :title => 'Business Link', :type => 'legacy_source', :description => nil, :short_description => nil } ] assert_equal expected, hash['tags'] end should "omit non-existent tags referenced from the tag_ids array" do @a.tag_ids << 'batman' hash = @a.as_json assert_equal %w(justice businesslink), hash['tags'].map {|t| t[:id] } end end end end context "artefact related external links" do should "have none by default" do artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact) assert_equal 0, artefact.external_links.length end should "contain the title and URL of the link" do artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact) artefact.external_links << => "Foo", :url => "") assert_equal 1, artefact.external_links.length assert_equal "Foo", artefact.external_links.first.title end end should "have an archived? helper method" do published_artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact, :slug => "scooby", :state => "live") archived_artefact = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact, :slug => "doo", :state => "archived") refute published_artefact.archived? assert archived_artefact.archived? end should "have a related_items method which discards artefacts that are archived or completed transactions" do generic = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact, slug: "generic") archived = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact, :slug => "archived", :state => "archived") completed = FactoryGirl.create(:artefact, slug: "completed-transaction", kind: "completed_transaction") assert_equal [generic], Artefact.relatable_items end context "related artefacts grouped by section tags" do setup do FactoryGirl.create(:live_tag, :tag_id => "fruit", :tag_type => 'section', :title => "Fruit") FactoryGirl.create(:live_tag, :tag_id => "fruit/simple", :tag_type => 'section', :title => "Simple fruits", :parent_id => "fruit") FactoryGirl.create(:live_tag, :tag_id => "fruit/aggregate", :tag_type => 'section', :title => "Aggregrate fruits", :parent_id => "fruit") FactoryGirl.create(:live_tag, :tag_id => "vegetables", :tag_type => 'section', :title => "Vegetables") @artefact = Artefact.create!(slug: "apple", name: "Apple", sections: [], kind: "guide", need_ids: ["100001"], owning_app: "x") end context "when related items are present in all groups" do setup do @artefact.sections = ["fruit/simple"] @artefact.related_artefacts = [ Artefact.create!(slug: "pear", name: "Pear", kind: "guide", sections: ["fruit/simple"], need_ids: ["100001"], owning_app: "x"), Artefact.create!(slug: "pineapple", name: "Pineapple", kind: "guide", sections: ["fruit/aggregate"], need_ids: ["100001"], owning_app: "x"), Artefact.create!(slug: "broccoli", name: "Broccoli", kind: "guide", sections: ["vegetables"], need_ids: ["100001"], owning_app: "x") ]! @artefact.reload end should "return a hash of artefacts in the same subsection" do artefacts = @artefact.related_artefacts_grouped_by_distance assert_equal ["pear"], artefacts['subsection'].map(&:slug) end should "return a hash of other artefacts in the same parent section" do artefacts = @artefact.related_artefacts_grouped_by_distance assert_equal ["pineapple"], artefacts['section'].map(&:slug) end should "return a hash of artefacts in other sections" do artefacts = @artefact.related_artefacts_grouped_by_distance assert_equal ["broccoli"], artefacts['other'].map(&:slug) end should "return related artefacts in order, with a scope" do a = Artefact.create!(state: "live", slug: "a", name: "a", kind: "place", need_ids: ["100001"], owning_app: "x") b = Artefact.create!(slug: "b", name: "b", kind: "place", need_ids: ["100001"], owning_app: "x") c = Artefact.create!(state: "live", slug: "c", name: "c", kind: "place", need_ids: ["100001"], owning_app: "x") @artefact.related_artefacts = [c,b,a]! @artefact.reload assert_equal [c, a], @artefact.related_artefacts_grouped_by_distance(@artefact.related_artefacts.where(state: "live"))["other"] end end should "return an empty array for a group with no related artefacts" do # @artefact with no related items created in setup block assert_equal [], @artefact.related_artefacts_grouped_by_distance["subsection"] assert_equal [], @artefact.related_artefacts_grouped_by_distance["section"] assert_equal [], @artefact.related_artefacts_grouped_by_distance["other"] end should "return all related artefacts in 'other' when an artefact has no sections" do @artefact.related_artefacts = [ Artefact.create!(slug: "pear", name: "Pear", kind: "guide", sections: ["fruit/simple"], need_ids: ["100001"], owning_app: "x"), Artefact.create!(slug: "banana", name: "Banana", kind: "guide", sections: ["fruit/simple"], need_ids: ["100001"], owning_app: "x") ] assert_equal [], @artefact.related_artefacts_grouped_by_distance["subsection"] assert_equal [], @artefact.related_artefacts_grouped_by_distance["section"] assert_equal ["pear", "banana"], @artefact.related_artefacts_grouped_by_distance["other"].map(&:slug) end end end