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[gemnasium]: https://gemnasium.com/agilecreativity/ebook_renamer
[codeclimate]: https://codeclimate.com/github/agilecreativity/ebook_renamer
Perform bulk rename of ebook files (epub,mobi,pdf) based on the embedded metadata (title, author(s)).
This version depends on the opensource software called [Calibre][] that comes
with [Calibre CLI][] which is very easy to install on OSX or Linux system.
Note: start from version `0.1.7` this gem will release based on [Semantic Versioning][] version.
### How the file is renamed
The file will be renamed using the following format `
Also the final file name will be sanitized e.g. any multiple occurence of special characters will be
replace by one dot `.`.
For example if the ebook contain the title `Start with Why: How Grate Leader Inspire Everyone to Take Action`
and the author is `Simon Sinek` then the default output will be
Note that the `:` and one space before the word `How` is replaced with just one dot string.
if the `--sep-string _` is used then the output will be
### What you will need
* You will need to install the [Calibre][] and
[Calibre CLI][] on your OS.
In particular the gem is looking for the `ebook-meta` binary in a path.
If this is not installed the error will be raised.
* Linux or Mac OSX operating system
### Installation and Usage:
gem install ebook_renamer
# Show the list of options
### Quick Usage
The shortest command that you can run to rename files is
# This will rename any ebook files under the directory `~/Dropbox/ebooks`
# and any sub-directory for (*.epub, *.pdf, *.mobi) using the default settings
cd ~/Dropbox/ebooks
ebook_renamer --commit
To see what the result would be like without making any changes
cd ~/Dropbox/ebooks/
ebook_renamer --base-dir .
Should see the result like
FYI: no changes as this is a dry-run, please use --commit
1 of 4 old name : ./demo1.pdf
1 of 4 new name : ./Fearless.Refactoring.by.Andrzej.Krzywda.pdf
2 of 4 old name : ./demo2.epub
2 of 4 new name : ./EPUB.3.0.Specification.by.EPUB.3.Working.Group.epub
3 of 4 old name : ./subdir/demo3.pdf
3 of 4 new name : ./subdir/Reliably.Deploying.Rails.Applications.by.Ben.Dixon.pdf
4 of 4 old name : ./subdir/demo4.epub
4 of 4 new name : ./subdir/EPUB.3.0.Specification.by.EPUB.3.Working.Group.epub
with `--sep-string` option
cd ~/Dropbox/ebooks/
ebook_renamer --base-dir . --sep-string _
Should see the result like
FYI: no changes as this is a dry-run, please use --commit
1 of 4 old name : ./demo1.pdf
1 of 4 new name : ./Fearless_Refactoring_by_Andrzej_Krzywda.pdf
2 of 4 old name : ./demo2.epub
2 of 4 new name : ./EPUB_3_0_Specification_by_EPUB_3_Working_Group.epub
3 of 4 old name : ./subdir/demo3.pdf
3 of 4 new name : ./subdir/Reliably_Deploying_Rails_Applications_by_Ben_Dixon.pdf
4 of 4 old name : ./subdir/demo4.epub
4 of 4 new name : ./subdir/EPUB_3_0_Specification_by_EPUB_3_Working_Group.epub
### Detail Usage
Run the following command from the directory that contain the file(s) that
you want to rename.
# Cd to the directory containing the file(s) you like to rename
cd ~/Dropbox/ebooks/
# Or specify the directory as an option from any where if you set appropriate
# version of ruby (e.g. rbenv local 2.1.1 or rvm use 2.1.1)
ebook_renamer --base-dir ~/Dropbox/ebooks/samples
# For help on how to use the gem just type without any options.
# Run the command without making any changes to the files (dry-run) in the current directory
ebook_renamer --base-dir . --recursive
# Once you are happy with the result then
ebook_renamer --base-dir . --recursive --commit
# Or using the short version
ebook_renamer -b . -r -c
### Usage/Synopsis
-b, [--base-dir=BASE_DIR] # Base directory
# Default: . (current directory)
-r, [--recursive], [--no-recursive] # Search for files recursively
# Default: true
-s, [--sep-string=SEP_STRING] # Separator string between words in output filename
# Default: .
-c, [--commit], [--no-commit] # Make change permanent
-v, [--version], [--no-version] # Display version information
Rename multiple ebook files (pdf,epub,mobi) from a given directory
### Contributing
1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Make sure that you add the tests and ensure that all tests are passed
5. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
6. Create new Pull Request
[Calibre]: http://www.calibre-ebook.com/
[Calibre CLI]: http://manual.calibre-ebook.com/cli/cli-index.html
[Semantic Versioning]: http://semver.org