module FlnStats def summary_stats stats_file ='fln_results/summary_stats.html', 'w') # recogemos los trozos de html fijos (html_head, html_st, html_uni, html_db, html_as, html_end) = html_code total_seqs = 0 status_suma = 0 #recogemos los datos que necesitamos de los ficheros de resultados (status_array, db_usage, seqs_number1, error_1_num, seq_uniq, complete_uniq, db_uni_500, db_uni_200, db_longest_one) = annotation_stats (tcode_array, seqs_number2, unk_200, tc_uni_500, tc_uni_200, tc_longest_one) = testcode_stats (ncrna_total, nc_uni_500, nc_uni_200, nc_longest_one)=ncrna_stats total_seqs = seqs_number1 + seqs_number2 + ncrna_total.to_i uni_500 = (db_uni_500 + tc_uni_500 + nc_uni_500) uni_200 = (db_uni_200 + tc_uni_200 + nc_uni_200) longest_one = [db_longest_one, tc_longest_one, nc_longest_one].max stats_file.puts html_head if (total_seqs.to_i > 0) # imprimimos la tabla Status Report -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stats_file.puts html_st status_array.each do |status| if (status[1] == 'Internal') || (status[1] == 'Misassembled') stats_file.puts ' '+status[1].to_s+' '+status[0].to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*status[0].to_f/total_seqs.to_f).to_s+' % ' elsif (status[1] =~ /^Putative/) stats_file.puts ' Putative '+status[0].to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*status[0].to_f/total_seqs.to_f).to_s+' % ' else stats_file.puts ' '+status[1].to_s+' Sure '+status[0].to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*status[0].to_f/total_seqs.to_f).to_s+' % ' end status_suma += status[0] end # añadimos los coding, P.coding tcode_array.each do |status| if (status[1] == 'Coding') stats_file.puts ' '+status[1].to_s+' Sure '+status[0].to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*status[0].to_f/total_seqs.to_f).to_s+' % ' elsif (status[1] == 'Putative Coding') stats_file.puts ' Putative '+status[0].to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*status[0].to_f/total_seqs.to_f).to_s+' % ' end status_suma += status[0] end # se ponen los ncRNA stats_file.puts ' Putative ncRNA '+ncrna_total.to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*ncrna_total.to_f/total_seqs.to_f).to_s+' % ' status_suma += ncrna_total # se ponen los unknown tcode_array.each do |status| if (status[1] =~ /Unknown/i) stats_file.puts ' '+status[1].to_s+' '+status[0].to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*status[0].to_f/total_seqs.to_f).to_s+' % ' end end #se añade el total stats_file.puts ' Total '+status_suma.to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*status_suma.to_f/total_seqs.to_f).to_s+' % ' # imprimimos la tabla Unigene Report -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- new_genes = tcode_array[0][0] + tcode_array[1][0] total_uni = (seqs_number1 + new_genes + ncrna_total + tcode_array[2][0]) stats_file.puts html_uni stats_file.puts ' With orthologue in DBs '+seqs_number1.to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*seqs_number1.to_f/total_seqs.to_f).to_s+' % ' stats_file.puts ' Putative New Genes '+new_genes.to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*new_genes.to_f/total_seqs.to_f).to_s+' % ' stats_file.puts ' ncRNAs '+ncrna_total.to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*ncrna_total.to_f/total_seqs.to_f).to_s+' % ' stats_file.puts ' Unknown '+tcode_array[2][0].to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*tcode_array[2][0].to_f/total_seqs.to_f).to_s+' % ' stats_file.puts ' Total '+total_uni.to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*total_uni.to_f/total_seqs.to_f).to_s+' % ' # imprimimos la tabla Database Usage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stats_file.puts html_db db_names=["UserDB", "SwissProt", "TrEMBL"] total_db = 0 for i in 0..db_usage.length-1 do i total_db += db_usage[i] stats_file.puts ' '+db_names[i].to_s+' '+db_usage[i].to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*db_usage[i].to_f/total_seqs.to_f).to_s+' % ' end no_db = seqs_number2 + ncrna_total.to_i stats_file.puts ' None '+no_db.to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*no_db.to_f/total_seqs.to_f).to_s+' % ' total_db += no_db stats_file.puts ' Total '+total_db.to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*total_db.to_f/total_seqs.to_f).to_s+' % ' # imprimimos la tabla Report guiding assembly quality ------------------------------------------------------------- stats_file.puts html_as stats_file.puts ' Unigenes '+total_seqs.to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*total_seqs.to_f/total_seqs.to_f).to_s+' % ' stats_file.puts ' Unigenes >500pb '+uni_500.to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*uni_500.to_f/total_seqs.to_f).to_s+' % ' stats_file.puts ' Unigenes >200pb '+uni_200.to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*uni_200.to_f/total_seqs.to_f).to_s+' % ' stats_file.puts ' Longest unigene '+longest_one.to_s+' - ' stats_file.puts ' With orthologue 1 '+seqs_number1.to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*seqs_number1.to_f/total_seqs.to_f).to_s+' % ' stats_file.puts '      Different orthologue IDs '+seq_uniq.to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*seq_uniq.to_f/seqs_number1.to_f).to_s+' % ' stats_file.puts '      Complete transcripts '+status_array[0][0].to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*status_array[0][0].to_f/seqs_number1.to_f).to_s+' % ' stats_file.puts '      Different complete transcripts '+complete_uniq.to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*complete_uniq.to_f/seqs_number1.to_f).to_s+' % ' stats_file.puts '      Misassembled '+error_1_num.to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*error_1_num.to_f/seqs_number1.to_f).to_s+' % ' stats_file.puts ' Without orthologue 1 '+no_db.to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*seqs_number2.to_f/total_seqs.to_f).to_s+' % ' stats_file.puts '      Coding '+tcode_array[0][0].to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*tcode_array[0][0].to_f/no_db.to_f).to_s+' % ' stats_file.puts '      Putative Coding '+tcode_array[1][0].to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*tcode_array[1][0].to_f/no_db.to_f).to_s+' % ' stats_file.puts '      Putative ncRNA '+ncrna_total.to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*ncrna_total.to_f/no_db.to_f).to_s+' % ' stats_file.puts '      Unknown (all) '+tcode_array[2][0].to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*tcode_array[2][0].to_f/no_db.to_f).to_s+' % ' stats_file.puts '      Unknown < 200bp '+unk_200.to_s+' '+'%.2f' % (100*unk_200.to_f/no_db.to_f).to_s+' % 1 Percents for subclassifications of this category were calculated using this line as 100% reference.' end stats_file.puts html_end stats_file.close end def html_code html_head = ' FLN Summary

Full-LengtherNEXT Summary

' html_1 = '

Status report

' html_2= '

Unigene report

Status Unigenes %
' html_3= '

Database usage

Unigenes %
' html_4= '

Report guiding assembly quality

Unigenes %
' html_5 = ' ' return [html_head, html_1, html_2, html_3, html_4, html_5] end def annotation_stats seqs_number = 0 array_of_all_accs = [] array_of_complete_accs = [] error_1_num = 0 uni_500 = 0 uni_200 = 0 longest_one = 0 status_array = [] # total, status complete = [0,'Complete'] putative_complete = [0,'Putative Complete'] c_terminus = [0,'C-terminus'] putative_c_terminus = [0,'Putative C-terminus'] n_terminus = [0,'N-terminus'] putative_n_terminus = [0,'Putative N-terminus'] internal = [0,'Internal'] cod_seq = [0,'Misassembled'] #userdb, SwissProt, TrEMBL db_usage = [0,0,0]'fln_results/dbannotated.txt').each do |line| line.chomp! (name,fasta_length,acc,db_name,status,kk1,kk2,kk3,kk4,kk5,msgs) = line.split("\t") if (line !~ /^Query_id\t/) && (!line.empty?) seqs_number += 1 if (fasta_length.to_i > longest_one) longest_one = fasta_length.to_i end array_of_all_accs.push acc if (db_name !~ /^sp_/) && (db_name !~ /^tr_/) db_usage[0] += 1 elsif (db_name =~ /^sp_/) db_usage[1] += 1 elsif (db_name =~ /^tr_/) db_usage[2] += 1 end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (fasta_length.to_i >= 200) uni_200 += 1 end if (fasta_length.to_i >= 500) uni_500 += 1 end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (msgs =~ /ERROR#1/) error_1_num += 1 end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (status == 'Complete') complete[0] += 1 array_of_complete_accs.push acc elsif (status == 'Putative Complete') putative_complete[0] += 1 elsif (status == 'C-terminus') c_terminus[0] += 1 elsif (status == 'N-terminus') n_terminus[0] += 1 elsif (status == 'Putative C-terminus') putative_c_terminus[0] += 1 elsif (status == 'Putative N-terminus') putative_n_terminus[0] += 1 elsif (status == 'Internal') internal[0] += 1 elsif (status == 'Misassembled') cod_seq[0] += 1 end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- end end status_array = [complete, putative_complete, c_terminus, putative_c_terminus, n_terminus, putative_n_terminus, internal, cod_seq] return [status_array, db_usage, seqs_number, error_1_num, array_of_all_accs.uniq.count, array_of_complete_accs.uniq.count, uni_500, uni_200, longest_one] end def testcode_stats seqs_number = 0 unk_200 = 0 uni_500 = 0 uni_200 = 0 longest_one = 0 # total, status coding_stats = [0,'Coding'] p_coding_stats = [0,'Putative Coding'] unknown_stats = [0,'Unknown']'fln_results/new_coding.txt').each do |line| line.chomp! (name,fasta_length,acc,db_name,status) = line.split("\t") if (line !~ /^Query_id\t/) && (!line.empty?) seqs_number += 1 if (fasta_length.to_i > longest_one) longest_one = fasta_length.to_i end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (fasta_length.to_i >= 200) uni_200 += 1 end if (fasta_length.to_i >= 500) uni_500 += 1 end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (fasta_length.to_i < 200) if (status == 'unknown') unk_200 += 1 end end if (status == 'coding') coding_stats[0] += 1 elsif (status == 'putative_coding') p_coding_stats[0] += 1 elsif (status == 'unknown') unknown_stats[0] += 1 end end end status_array = [coding_stats, p_coding_stats, unknown_stats] return [status_array, seqs_number, unk_200, uni_500, uni_200, longest_one] end def ncrna_stats uni_500 = 0 uni_200 = 0 nc_total = 0 longest_one = 0'fln_results/nc_rnas.txt').each do |line| line.chomp! (name,fasta_length,acc,db_name,status) = line.split("\t") if (status == 'Putative ncRNA') if (fasta_length.to_i > longest_one) longest_one = fasta_length.to_i end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (fasta_length.to_i >= 200) uni_200 += 1 end if (fasta_length.to_i >= 500) uni_500 += 1 end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- nc_total += 1 end end return [nc_total, uni_500, uni_200, longest_one] end end
Unigenes %