# OpenapiClient::Lodging ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **arrival_date** | **Date** | Date of arrival. | [optional] **departure_date** | **Date** | Date of departure. | [optional] **folio_number** | **String** | Portfolio number. | [optional] **extra_charges** | [**Array<LodgingExtraCharges>**](LodgingExtraCharges.md) | Information about charges other than base lodging. | [optional] **no_show_indicator** | **Boolean** | Indicates if the transaction is associated with a delayed or no-show penalty. | [optional] ## Code Sample ```ruby require 'OpenapiClient' instance = OpenapiClient::Lodging.new(arrival_date: Fri May 14 19:00:00 CDT 2010, departure_date: Sat Jan 27 18:00:00 CST 2018, folio_number: 12200054891, extra_charges: [{"chargeItem":"MINI_BAR"},{"chargeItem":"OTHER"}], no_show_indicator: false) ```