BleacherApi =========== A Ruby interface to the Bleacher Report API. Requirements ------------
gem install bleacher_apiTable of Contents ----------------- * [GET /api/article/article.json](#article_article) * [POST /api/authenticate/login.json](#authenticate_login) * [GET /api/front/lead_articles.json](#front_lead_articles) * [GET /api/geolocation/teams.json](#geolocation_teams) * [GET /api/related/channel.json](#related_channel) * [GET /api/related/channel_next.json](#related_channel_next) * [GET /api/stream/first.json](#stream_first) * [GET /api/user/user.json](#user_user) GET /api/article/article.json ----------------------------- ### Parameters * id - Article ID (required) * article - When given any value, action includes article body in JSON output * article[entry_id] - Changes article body to a quick hit or live blog entry * comments[page] - When given a page number, action includes comments in JSON output * related_content - When given any value, action includes related content in JSON output ### Returns An object with any of the following keys: article, comments, related_content. The article value is an object with the keys body and object. ### Ruby Example
BleacherApi::Article.article(595888, :article => true, :comments => { :page => 1 }, :related_content => true)### HTTP Example[page]=1&related_content=1POST /api/authenticate/login.json --------------------------------- ### Parameters * user[email] * user[password] ### Returns Output similar to the User API. ### Ruby Example
BleacherApi::Authenticate.login('email', 'password')### HTTP Example[email][password]=your_passwordPlease note that any request with a password should be sent as a POST, despite this example using GET. GET /api/front/lead_articles.json --------------------------------- ### Parameters * limit - Optional ### Returns An array of article objects with the following keys: permalink, primary\_image\_650x440, and title. The array of articles represents the articles currently on the lead module of the front page. ### Ruby Example
BleacherApi::Front.lead_articles(:limit => 2)### HTTP Example /api/geolocation/teams.json ------------------------------- ### Parameters * city * state * country * dma - Designated Market Area code * ip - IP Address (defaults to IP of requesting machine, only used if city, state, country, and dma are empty) * limit - Limit number of results (defaults to 5) All parameters are optional. ### Returns A hash of team information, similar to the team information in the User API:
{ "Dallas Mavericks": { "uniqueName": "dallas-mavericks", "logo": "dallas_mavericks.png", "displayName": "Dallas Mavericks", "shortName": "Mavericks" }, "Dallas Cowboys": { "uniqueName": "dallas-cowboys", "logo": "dallas_cowboys.png", "displayName": "Dallas Cowboys", "shortName": "Cowboys" } }### Ruby Examples
BleacherApi::Geolocation.teams( :city => 'Dallas', :dma => 623, :state => 'Texas', :country => 'US', :limit => 10 )
BleacherApi::Geolocation.teams( :ip => '' )
BleacherApi::Geolocation.teams( :lat => '37.787082', :long => '-122.400929' )### HTTP Example /api/related/channel.json ----------------------------- ### Parameters * article\_id - Article ID, must be present if no tag\_id specified * tag\_id - Tag ID, must be present if no article\_id specified * page - Optional ### Returns An array of article objects with the following keys: permalink, channel\_primary\_image, and title. ### Ruby Example => 595888, :page => 2)### HTTP Example /api/related/channel_next.json ---------------------------------- ### Parameters * article\_id - Article ID, must be present if no tag\_id specified * tag\_id - Tag ID, must be present if no article\_id specified * limit - Limit number of results, defaults to 1 ### Returns An array of article objects with the following keys: permalink, channel\_primary\_image\_150x100, and dynamic_hook. These article objects represent the next items in the channel (after the passed `article_id`). ### Ruby Example
BleacherApi::Related.channel_next(:article_id => 595888, :tag_id => 19, :limit => 2)### HTTP Example /api/stream/first.json -------------------------- ### Parameters * tags - comma-delimited list of tag permalinks ### Returns An object whose keys are the permalinks passed in via the
Each value of that object is another object with the following keys:
* title
* published_at
* image
* label
This object represents the first item in that team's stream.
### Ruby Example
BleacherApi::Stream.first('san-francisco-49ers')### HTTP Example,dallas-cowboysGET /api/user/user.json ----------------------- ### Parameters * token - Token obtained from
### Returns
A user object with the following keys:
* id
* email
* first\_name
* last\_name
* permalink
* token
* api
The api
value contains extra information especially for the API. Example output:
{ "teams": { "Dallas Mavericks": { "uniqueName": "dallas-mavericks", "logo": "dallas_mavericks.png", "displayName": "Dallas Mavericks", "shortName": "Mavericks" }, "Dallas Cowboys": { "uniqueName": "dallas-cowboys", "logo": "dallas_cowboys.png", "displayName": "Dallas Cowboys", "shortName": "Cowboys" } } }### Ruby Example
BleacherApi::User.user('token')### HTTP Example Specs ------------- Here is an example of the options available when running the specs: PASSWORD=password URL=http://localhost ONLY=geolocation spec spec
are required.
defaults to "".
is optional, and allows you to only run a specific group of specs.