require 'manageiq/appliance_console/errors' require 'uri' module ManageIQ module ApplianceConsole class DatabaseAdmin < HighLine include ManageIQ::ApplianceConsole::Prompts DB_RESTORE_FILE = "/tmp/evm_db.backup".freeze DB_DEFAULT_DUMP_FILE = "/tmp/evm_db.dump".freeze LOCAL_FILE_VALIDATOR = ->(a) { File.exist?(a) }.freeze USER_PROMPT = <<-PROMPT.strip_heredoc.chomp username with access to this file. Example: '' PROMPT DB_DUMP_WARNING = <<-WARN.strip_heredoc WARNING: This is not the recommended and supported way of running a database backup, and is strictly meant for exporting a database for support/debugging purposes! WARN attr_accessor :uri attr_reader :action, :backup_type, :task, :task_params, :delete_agree, :filename def initialize(action = :restore, input = $stdin, output = $stdout) super(input, output) @action = action @task_params = [] end def local_backup? backup_type == "local".freeze end def object_store_backup? backup_type == "s3".freeze || backup_type == "swift".freeze end def ask_questions setting_header say(DB_DUMP_WARNING) if action == :dump ask_file_location ask_for_tables_to_exclude_in_dump ask_to_split_up_output end def activate clear_screen setting_header ask_to_delete_backup_after_restore confirm_and_execute end def ask_file_location @backup_type = ask_with_menu(*file_menu_args) do |menu| menu.choice(CANCEL) { |_| raise MiqSignalError } end if URI(backup_type).scheme ask_custom_file_options(backup_type) else # calling methods like ask_ftp_file_options and ask_s3_file_options send("ask_#{backup_type}_file_options") end end def ask_local_file_options @uri = just_ask(*filename_prompt_args) @task = "evm:db:#{action}:local" @task_params = ["--", {:local_file => uri}] end def ask_nfs_file_options @filename = just_ask(*filename_prompt_args) unless action == :restore @uri = ask_for_uri(*remote_file_prompt_args_for("nfs")) @task = "evm:db:#{action}:remote" params = {:uri => uri} params[:remote_file_name] = filename if filename @task_params = ["--", params] end def ask_smb_file_options @filename = just_ask(*filename_prompt_args) unless action == :restore @uri = ask_for_uri(*remote_file_prompt_args_for("smb")) user = just_ask(USER_PROMPT) pass = ask_for_password("password for #{user}") params = { :uri => uri, :uri_username => user, :uri_password => pass } params[:remote_file_name] = filename if filename @task = "evm:db:#{action}:remote" @task_params = ["--", params] end def ask_s3_file_options access_key_prompt = <<-PROMPT.strip_heredoc.chomp Access Key ID with access to this file. Example: 'amazon_aws_user' PROMPT @filename = just_ask(*filename_prompt_args) unless action == :restore @uri = ask_for_uri(*remote_file_prompt_args_for("s3"), :optional_path => true) region = just_ask("Amazon Region for database file", "us-east-1") user = just_ask(access_key_prompt) pass = ask_for_password("Secret Access Key for #{user}") params = { :uri => uri, :uri_username => user, :uri_password => pass, :aws_region => region } params[:remote_file_name] = filename if filename @task = "evm:db:#{action}:remote" @task_params = ["--", params] end def ask_ftp_file_options @filename = just_ask(*filename_prompt_args) unless action == :restore @uri = ask_for_uri(*remote_file_prompt_args_for("ftp"), :optional_path => true) user = just_ask(USER_PROMPT) pass = ask_for_password("password for #{user}") params = { :uri => uri } params[:uri_username] = user if user.present? params[:uri_password] = pass if pass.present? params[:remote_file_name] = filename if filename @task = "evm:db:#{action}:remote" @task_params = ["--", params] end def ask_custom_file_options(server_uri) hostname = URI(server_uri).host @filename = ask_custom_file_prompt(hostname) @uri = server_uri params = {:uri => uri, :remote_file_name => filename} if (custom_params = custom_endpoint_config_for(hostname)) params.merge!(custom_params[:rake_options]) if custom_params[:rake_options] end @task = "evm:db:#{action}:remote" @task_params = ["--", params] end def ask_swift_file_options require 'uri' swift_user_prompt = <<-PROMPT.strip_heredoc.chomp User Name with access to this file. Example: 'openstack_user' PROMPT @filename = just_ask(*filename_prompt_args) { |q| q.readline = false } unless action == :restore @uri = URI(ask_for_uri(*remote_file_prompt_args_for("swift")) { |q| q.readline = false }) @task = "evm:db:#{action}:remote" user = just_ask(swift_user_prompt) { |q| q.readline = false } pass = ask_for_password("password for #{user}") { |q| q.readline = false } @uri.query = swift_query_elements.join('&').presence params = { :uri => @uri.to_s, :uri_username => user, :uri_password => pass } params[:remote_file_name] = filename if filename @task = "evm:db:#{action}:remote" @task_params = ["--", params] end def swift_query_elements region = just_ask("OpenStack Swift Region") { |q| q.readline = false } @uri.port = just_ask("OpenStack Swift Port", "5000") { |q| q.readline = false } security_protocol = ask_with_menu(*security_protocol_menu_args) api_version = ask_with_menu(*api_version_menu_args) { |q| q.readline = false } domain_ident = just_ask("OpenStack V3 Domain Identifier") { |q| q.readline = false } if api_version == "v3" query_elements = [] query_elements << "region=#{region}" if region.present? query_elements << "api_version=#{api_version}" if api_version.present? query_elements << "domain_id=#{domain_ident}" if domain_ident.present? query_elements << "security_protocol=#{security_protocol}" if security_protocol.present? end def ask_to_delete_backup_after_restore if action == :restore && local_backup? say("The local database restore file is located at: '#{uri}'.\n") @delete_agree = agree("Should this file be deleted after completing the restore? (Y/N): ") end end def ask_for_tables_to_exclude_in_dump if action == :dump && should_exclude_tables? say(<<-PROMPT.strip_heredoc) To exclude tables from the dump, enter them in a space separated list. For example: > metrics_* vim_performance_states event_streams PROMPT table_excludes = ask_for_many("table", "tables to exclude", "metrics_* vim_performance_states event_streams", 255, Float::INFINITY) @task_params.last[:"exclude-table-data"] = table_excludes end || true end def ask_to_split_up_output if action == :dump && should_split_output? @task_params.last[:byte_count] = ask_for_string("byte size to split by", "500M") end || true end def confirm_and_execute if allowed_to_execute? processing_message run_rake end press_any_key end def allowed_to_execute? return true unless action == :restore say("\nNote: A database restore cannot be undone. The restore will use the file: #{uri}.\n") agree("Are you sure you would like to restore the database? (Y/N): ") end def file_options @file_options ||= I18n.t("database_admin.menu_order").each_with_object({}) do |file_option, h| # special anonymous ftp sites are defined by uri uri = URI(file_option) if uri.scheme h["#{uri.scheme} to #{}"] = file_option unless skip_file_location?( else h[I18n.t("database_admin.#{file_option}")] = file_option end end end def api_version_menu_args [ "OpenStack API Version", [["Keystone v2".freeze, "v2".freeze], ["Keystone v3".freeze, "v3".freeze], ["None".freeze, nil]].freeze, ["Keystone v2".freeze, "v2".freeze], nil ] end def file_menu_args [ action == :restore ? "Restore Database File Source" : "#{action.capitalize} Output File Destination", file_options, "local", nil ] end def security_protocol_menu_args [ "OpenStack Security Protocol", [["SSL without validation".freeze, "ssl".freeze], ["SSL".freeze, "ssl-with-validation".freeze], ["Non-SSL".freeze, "non-ssl".freeze], ["None".freeze, nil]].freeze, ["Non-SSL".freeze, "non-ssl".freeze], nil ] end def setting_header say("#{I18n.t("advanced_settings.db#{action}")}\n\n") end private def ask_custom_file_prompt(hostname) prompts = custom_endpoint_config_for(hostname) prompt_text = prompts && prompts[:filename_text] || "Target filename for backup".freeze prompt_regex = prompts && prompts[:filename_validator] validator = prompt_regex ? ->(x) { x.to_s =~ /#{prompt_regex}/ } : ->(x) { x.to_s.present? } just_ask(prompt_text, nil, validator) end def skip_file_location?(hostname) config = custom_endpoint_config_for(hostname) return false unless config && config[:enabled_for].present? !Array(config[:enabled_for]).include?(action.to_s) end def custom_endpoint_config_for(hostname) # hostname has a period in it, so we need to look it up by [] instead of the traditional i18n method I18n.t("database_admin.prompts", :default => {})[hostname.to_sym] end def should_exclude_tables? ask_yn?("Would you like to exclude tables in the dump") do |q| q.readline = true end end def should_split_output? ask_yn?("Would you like to split the #{action} output into multiple parts") do |q| q.readline = true end end def filename_prompt_args return restore_prompt_args if action == :restore default = action == :dump ? DB_DEFAULT_DUMP_FILE : DB_RESTORE_FILE prompt = "location to save the #{action} file to" if object_store_backup? prompt = "name for the remote #{action} file" default = File.basename(default) end [prompt, default, nil, "file that exists"] end def restore_prompt_args default = DB_RESTORE_FILE validator = LOCAL_FILE_VALIDATOR if local_backup? prompt = "location of the local restore file" [prompt, default, validator, "file that exists"] end def remote_file_prompt_args_for(remote_type) prompt = if action == :restore "location of the remote backup file" else "location to save the remote #{action} file to" end prompt += "\nExample: #{sample_url(remote_type)}" [prompt, remote_type] end def sample_url(scheme) I18n.t("database_admin.sample_url.#{scheme}") end def processing_message msg = if action == :restore "\nRestoring the database..." else "\nRunning Database #{action} to #{uri}..." end say(msg) end def run_rake rake_success = ManageIQ::ApplianceConsole::Utilities.rake(task, task_params) if rake_success && action == :restore && delete_agree say("\nRemoving the database restore file #{uri}...") File.delete(uri) elsif !rake_success say("\nDatabase #{action} failed. Check the logs for more information") end end end end end