require "thread" require "timeout" class ServiceManager::Service CHDIR_SEMAPHORE = ANSI_COLOR_RESET = 0 attr_accessor :name, :host, :port, :cwd, :reload_uri, :start_cmd, :process, :loaded_cue, :timeout, :color, :pid_file, :manage_pid_file class ServiceDidntStart < Exception; end def initialize(options = {}) options.each { |k,v| send("#{k}=", v) } ||= "localhost" self.color ||= ANSI_COLOR_RESET self.timeout ||= 30 raise ArgumentError, "You need to provide a name for this app service" unless name end def url "http://#{host}:#{port}" end def server_info_hash {:name => name, :host => host, :port => port, :pid_file => pid_file} end def watch_for_cue process.detect(:both, timeout) do |output| STDOUT << colorize(output) output =~ loaded_cue end end def start_output_stream_thread { process.detect { |output| STDOUT << colorize(output); nil} } end def start_cmd @start_cmd.is_a?(Proc) ? instance_eval(&@start_cmd) : @start_cmd end def without_bundler_env(&block) vars = %w{BUNDLE_PATH BUNDLE_GEMFILE BUNDLE_BIN_PATH} old_values = {|v| ENV.delete(v)} yield { |var, value| ENV[var] = value } end def start if running? puts "Server for #{colorized_service_name} detected as running." reload || puts("Reloading not supported. Any changes made to code for #{colorized_service_name} will not take effect!") return false end CHDIR_SEMAPHORE.synchronize do puts "Starting #{colorized_service_name} in #{cwd} with '#{start_cmd}'\n" Dir.chdir(cwd) do without_bundler_env do # system("bash -c set") self.process = end end end at_exit { stop } wait puts "Server #{colorized_service_name} is up.", "wb") { |f| f << } if manage_pid_file end # stop the service. If we didn't start it, do nothing. def stop return unless process puts "Shutting down #{colorized_service_name}" process.kill process.wait(3) if process.running? process.kill("KILL") # ok... no more Mr. Nice Guy. process.wait end puts "Server #{colorized_service_name} (#{}) is shut down" self.process = nil FileUtils.rm(pid_file) if manage_pid_file && File.exist?(pid_file) true end # reload the service by hitting the configured reload_url. In this case, the service needs to be a web service, and needs to have an action that you can hit, in test mode, that will cause the process to gracefully reload itself. def reload return false unless reload_uri puts "Reloading #{colorized_service_name} app by hitting http://#{host}:#{port}#{reload_uri} ..." res = Net::HTTP.start(host, port) {|http| http.get(reload_uri) } raise("Reloading app #{colorized_service_name} did not return a 200! It returned a #{res.code}. Output:\n#{colorize(res.body)}") unless res.code.to_i == 200 true end # detects if the service is running on the configured host and port (will return true if we weren't the ones who started it) def running? case when pid_file running_via_pid_file? when port TCPSocket.listening_service?(:port => port, :host => host || "") else raise "Service Manager needs to be able to tell if the service is already running or not. You'll need to specify a pid file or a TCP port to check." end end protected def running_via_pid_file? Process.kill(0, rescue Errno::ESRCH, Errno::ENOENT return false end def colorize(output) no_color = output.gsub(/\e\[(\d*\;|)\d*m\d*/, "") "\e[0;#{color}m#{no_color}\e[0;#{ANSI_COLOR_RESET}m" end def colorized_service_name if process colorize("#{name} (#{})") else colorize("#{name}") end end def wait if loaded_cue raise(ServiceDidntStart) unless watch_for_cue start_output_stream_thread else start_output_stream_thread begin if pid_file wait_for_server_with_timeout else TCPSocket.wait_for_service_with_timeout({:host => host, :port => port, :timeout => timeout}) end rescue SocketError raise ServiceDidntStart end end true end def wait_for_server_with_timeout Timeout::timeout(timeout) do sleep 0.25 while !running_via_pid_file? end end end