# # Author:: Mike Dodge () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2015 Facebook, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require_relative "../provider" require_relative "../resource/file" require_relative "../resource/cookbook_file" require_relative "../resource/macosx_service" autoload :Plist, "plist" require "forwardable" unless defined?(Forwardable) class Chef class Provider class Launchd < Chef::Provider extend Forwardable provides :launchd, os: "darwin" def_delegators :new_resource, :backup, :cookbook, :group, :label, :mode, :owner, :source, :session_type, :type def load_current_resource current_resource = Chef::Resource::Launchd.new(new_resource.name) end def gen_path_from_type types = { "daemon" => "/Library/LaunchDaemons/#{label}.plist", "agent" => "/Library/LaunchAgents/#{label}.plist", } types[type] end action :create, description: "Create a launchd property list." do manage_plist(:create) end action :create_if_missing, description: "Create a launchd property list, if it does not already exist." do manage_plist(:create_if_missing) end action :delete, description: "Delete a launchd property list. This will unload a daemon or agent, if loaded." do if ::File.exists?(path) manage_service(:disable) end manage_plist(:delete) end action :enable, description: "Create a launchd property list, and then ensure that it is enabled. If a launchd property list already exists, but does not match, updates the property list to match, and then restarts the daemon or agent." do manage_service(:nothing) manage_plist(:create) do notifies :restart, "macosx_service[#{label}]", :immediately end manage_service(:enable) end action :disable, description: "Disable a launchd property list." do return unless ::File.exist?(path) manage_service(:disable) end action :restart, description: "Restart a launchd managed daemon or agent." do manage_service(:restart) end def manage_plist(action, &block) if source cookbook_file path do cookbook_name = new_resource.cookbook if new_resource.cookbook copy_properties_from(new_resource, :backup, :group, :mode, :owner, :source) action(action) only_if { manage_agent?(action) } instance_eval(&block) if block_given? end else file path do copy_properties_from(new_resource, :backup, :group, :mode, :owner) content(file_content) if file_content? action(action) only_if { manage_agent?(action) } instance_eval(&block) if block_given? end end end def manage_service(action) plist_path = path macosx_service label do service_name(new_resource.label) if new_resource.label plist(plist_path) if plist_path copy_properties_from(new_resource, :session_type) action(action) only_if { manage_agent?(action) } end end def manage_agent?(action) # Gets UID of console_user and converts to string. console_user = Etc.getpwuid(::File.stat("/dev/console").uid).name root = console_user == "root" agent = type == "agent" invalid_action = %i{delete disable enable restart}.include?(action) lltstype = "" if new_resource.limit_load_to_session_type lltstype = new_resource.limit_load_to_session_type end invalid_type = lltstype != "LoginWindow" if root && agent && invalid_action && invalid_type logger.trace("#{label}: Aqua LaunchAgents shouldn't be loaded as root") return false end true end def define_resource_requirements requirements.assert( :create, :create_if_missing, :delete, :enable, :disable ) do |a| type = new_resource.type a.assertion { %w{daemon agent}.include?(type.to_s) } error_msg = "type must be daemon or agent." a.failure_message Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed, error_msg end end def file_content? !!file_content end def file_content plist_hash = new_resource.plist_hash || gen_hash ::Plist::Emit.dump(plist_hash) unless plist_hash.nil? end def gen_hash return nil unless new_resource.program || new_resource.program_arguments { "label" => "Label", "program" => "Program", "program_arguments" => "ProgramArguments", "abandon_process_group" => "AbandonProcessGroup", "debug" => "Debug", "disabled" => "Disabled", "enable_globbing" => "EnableGlobbing", "enable_transactions" => "EnableTransactions", "environment_variables" => "EnvironmentVariables", "exit_timeout" => "ExitTimeout", "ld_group" => "GroupName", "hard_resource_limits" => "HardResourceLimits", "inetd_compatibility" => "inetdCompatibility", "init_groups" => "InitGroups", "keep_alive" => "KeepAlive", "launch_events" => "LaunchEvents", "launch_only_once" => "LaunchOnlyOnce", "limit_load_from_hosts" => "LimitLoadFromHosts", "limit_load_to_hosts" => "LimitLoadToHosts", "limit_load_to_session_type" => "LimitLoadToSessionType", "low_priority_io" => "LowPriorityIO", "mach_services" => "MachServices", "nice" => "Nice", "on_demand" => "OnDemand", "process_type" => "ProcessType", "queue_directories" => "QueueDirectories", "root_directory" => "RootDirectory", "run_at_load" => "RunAtLoad", "sockets" => "Sockets", "soft_resource_limits" => "SoftResourceLimits", "standard_error_path" => "StandardErrorPath", "standard_in_path" => "StandardInPath", "standard_out_path" => "StandardOutPath", "start_calendar_interval" => "StartCalendarInterval", "start_interval" => "StartInterval", "start_on_mount" => "StartOnMount", "throttle_interval" => "ThrottleInterval", "time_out" => "TimeOut", "umask" => "Umask", "username" => "UserName", "wait_for_debugger" => "WaitForDebugger", "watch_paths" => "WatchPaths", "working_directory" => "WorkingDirectory", }.each_with_object({}) do |(key, val), memo| memo[val] = new_resource.send(key) if new_resource.send(key) end end # @api private def path @path ||= new_resource.path || gen_path_from_type end end end end