# frozen_string_literal: true module Phlexi module Form module Structure # Generates DOM IDs, names, etc. for a Field, Namespace, or Node based on # norms that were established by Rails. These can be used outsidef or Rails in # other Ruby web frameworks since it has now dependencies on Rails. class DOM def initialize(field:) @field = field end # Converts the value of the field to a String, which is required to work # with Phlex. Assumes that `Object#to_s` emits a format suitable for the web form. def value @field.value.to_s end # Walks from the current node to the parent node, grabs the names, and seperates # them with a `_` for a DOM ID. def id @id ||= begin root, *rest = lineage root_key = root.respond_to?(:dom_id) ? root.dom_id : root.key rest.map(&:key).unshift(root_key).join("_") end end # The `name` attribute of a node, which is influenced by Rails. # All node names, except the parent node, are wrapped in a `[]` and collections # are left empty. For example, `user[addresses][][street]` would be created for a form with # data shaped like `{user: {addresses: [{street: "Sesame Street"}]}}`. def name @name ||= begin root, *names = keys names.map { |name| "[#{name}]" }.unshift(root).join end end # One-liner way of walking from the current node all the way up to the parent. def lineage @lineage ||= Enumerator.produce(@field, &:parent).take_while(&:itself).reverse end # Emit the id, name, and value in an HTML tag-ish that doesnt have an element. def inspect "<#{self.class.name} id=#{id.inspect} name=#{name.inspect} value=#{value.inspect}/>" end private def keys @keys ||= lineage.map do |node| # If the parent of a field is a field, the name should be nil. node.key unless node.parent.is_a? FieldBuilder end end end end end end