# encoding: utf-8 # WizRft: A gem for exporting Word Documents in ruby # using the Microsoft Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification # Copyright (C) 2015 by sgzhe@163.com module WizRtf # = Rtf Document # # Creates a new Rtf document specifing the format of the pages. # == Example: # ```ruby # doc = WizRtf::Document.new do # text "A Example of Rtf Document", 'text-align' => :center, 'font-family' => 'Microsoft YaHei', 'font-size' => 48, 'font-bold' => true, 'font-italic' => true, 'font-underline' => true # image('h:\eahey.png') # page_break # text "A Table Demo", 'foreground-color' => WizRtf::Color::RED, 'background-color' => '#0f00ff' # table [[{content: WizRtf::Image.new('h:\eahey.png'),rowspan:4},{content:'4',rowspan:4},1,{content:'1',colspan:2}], # [{content:'4',rowspan:3,colspan:2},8],[11]], column_widths:{1=>100,2 => 100,3 => 50,4 => 50,5 => 50} do # add_row [1] # end # end # doc.save('c:\text.rtf') # ``` class Document def initialize(options = {}, &block) @fonts = [] @colors = [] @parts = [] font 'Courier New' block.arity<1 ? self.instance_eval(&block) : block.call(self) if block_given? end # Outputs the Complete Rtf Document to a Generic Stream as a Rich Text Format (RTF) # * +io+ - The Generic IO to Output the RTF Document def render(io) io.group do io.cmd :rtf, 1 io.cmd :ansi io.cmd :ansicpg, 2052 io.cmd :deff, 0 io.group do io.cmd :fonttbl @fonts.each_with_index do |font, index| io.group do io.delimit do io.cmd :f, index io.cmd font.family io.cmd :fprq, font.pitch io.cmd :fcharset, font.character_set io.write ' ' io.write font.name end end end end io.group do io.cmd :colortbl io.delimit @colors.each do |color| io.delimit do io.cmd :red, color.red io.cmd :green, color.green io.cmd :blue, color.blue end end end @parts.each do |part| part.render(io) end end end # Outputs the complete Rtf Document to a file as a Rich Text Format (RTF) # * +file+ - file path and filename. def save(file) File.open(file, 'w') { |file| render(WizRtf::RtfIO.new(file)) } end def head(&block) block.arity<1 ? self.instance_eval(&block) : block.call(self) if block_given? end # Sets the Font for the text. def font(name, family = nil, character_set = 0, pitch = 2) unless index = @fonts.index {|f| f.name == name} index = @fonts.size opts = WizRtf::Font::FONTS.detect {|f| f[:name] == name} if opts @fonts << WizRtf::Font.new(opts[:name], opts[:family], opts[:character], opts[:pitch]) else @fonts << WizRtf::Font.new(name, family, character_set, pitch) end end index end # Sets the color for the text. def color(*rgb) color = WizRtf::Color.new(*rgb) if index = @colors.index {|c| c.to_rgb_hex == color.to_rgb_hex} index += 1 else @colors << color index = @colors.size end index end # This will add a string of +str+ to the document, starting at the # current drawing position. # == Styles: # * +text-align+ - sets the horizontal alignment of the text. optional values: +:left+, +:center+, +:right+ # * +font-family+ - set the font family of the text. optional values: 'Arial', 'Arial Black', 'Arial Narrow','Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', # 'Bitstream Vera Sans','Bitstream Vera Serif','Book Antiqua','Bookman Old Style','Castellar','Century Gothic', # 'Comic Sans MS','Courier New','Franklin Gothic Medium','Garamond','Georgia','Haettenschweiler','Impact','Lucida Console' # 'Lucida Sans Unicode','Microsoft Sans Serif','Monotype Corsiva','Palatino Linotype','Papyrus','Sylfaen','Symbol' # 'Tahoma','Times New Roman','Trebuchet MS','Verdana'. # * +font-size+ - set font size of the text. # * +font-bold+ - setting the value true for bold of the text. # * +font-italic+ - setting the value true for italic of the text. # * +font-underline+ - setting the value true for underline of the text. # == Example: # # text "A Example of Rtf Document", 'text-align' => :center, 'font-family' => 'Microsoft YaHei', 'font-size' => 48, 'font-bold' => true, 'font-italic' => true, 'font-underline' => true # def text(str, styles = {}) styles['foreground-color'] = color(styles['foreground-color']) if styles['foreground-color'] styles['background-color'] = color(styles['background-color']) if styles['background-color'] styles['font-family'] = font(styles['font-family']) if styles['font-family'] @parts << WizRtf::Text.new(str, styles) end # Puts a image into the current position within the document. # * +file+ - image file path and filename. def image(file) @parts << WizRtf::Image.new(file) end # Creates a new Table # * +rows+ - a table can be thought of as consisting of rows and columns. # == Options: # * +column_widths+ - sets the widths of the Columns. # == Example: # ```ruby # table [ # [{content: WizRtf::Image.new('h:\eahey.png'),rowspan:4},{content:'4',rowspan:4},1,{content:'1',colspan:2}], # [{content:'4',rowspan:3,colspan:2},8],[11] # ], column_widths:{1=>100,2 => 100,3 => 50,4 => 50,5 => 50} do # add_row [1] # end # ``` def table(rows = [],options = {}, &block) @parts << WizRtf::Table.new(rows, options, &block) end # Writes a new line. def line_break @parts << WizRtf::Cmd.new(:par) end # Writes a page interruption (new page) def page_break @parts << WizRtf::Cmd.new(:page) end end end