signatures: - !ruby/struct:Signore::Signature text: She was good at playing abstract confusion in the same way a midget is good at being short. author: Clive James subject: on Marilyn Monroe - !ruby/struct:Signore::Signature text: You do have to be mad to work here, but it doesn’t help. author: Gary Barnes source: asr tags: [tech, work] - !ruby/struct:Signore::Signature text: // sometimes I believe compiler ignores all my comments tags: [programming, tech] - !ruby/struct:Signore::Signature text: Bruce Schneier knows Alice and Bob’s shared secret. source: Bruce Schneier Facts tags: [security, tech] - !ruby/struct:Signore::Signature text: stay-at-home executives vs. wallstreet dads author: kodz - !ruby/struct:Signore::Signature text: Amateur fighter pilot ignores orders, listens to the voices in his head and slaughters thousands. subject: Star Wars ending explained