module Netzke # == FieldsConfigurator # Provides dynamic configuring columns/fields for GridPanel and FormPanel. # Configuration parameters: # * :component - component to configure columns/fields for class FieldsConfigurator < JsonArrayEditor api :load_defaults def default_config super.deep_merge({ :name => 'columns', :ext_config => { :config_tool => false, :header => false, :enable_extended_search => false, :enable_edit_in_form => false, :enable_rows_reordering => GridPanel.rows_reordering_available, :enable_pagination => false } }) end action :defaults, {:text => 'Restore defaults', :icon => :wand} def default_bbar %w{ add edit apply del }.map(&:action) + "-" + [:defaults.action] end # Default columns for the configurator def default_columns [ {:name => "id", :attr_type => :integer, :meta => true}, {:name => "position", :attr_type => :integer, :meta => true}, {:name => "attr_type", :attr_type => :string, :meta => true}, *config[:owner] { |c| c[:name] == "name" ? inject_combo_for_name_column(c) : c } ] end def self.js_properties { :init_component => <<-END_OF_JAVASCRIPT.l, function(){ #{js_full_class_name}; // Automatically set the correct editor for the default_value column this.on('beforeedit', function(e){ var column = this.getColumnModel().getColumnById(this.getColumnModel().getColumnId(e.column)); var record = this.getStore().getAt(e.row); if (column.dataIndex === "default_value") { if (record.get("name") === this.pri) { // Don't allow setting default value for the primary key column.setEditor(null); } else { // Auto set the editor, dependent on the field type var attrType = record.get("attr_type"); column.setEditor(Ext.create({xtype: this.attrTypeEditorMap[attrType] || "textfield"})); } } }, this); } END_OF_JAVASCRIPT :attr_type_editor_map => { :integer => "numberfield", :boolean => "checkbox", :decimal => "numberfield", :datetime => "xdatetime", :date => "datefield", :string => "textfield" }, # Disable the 'gear' tool for now :on_gear => <<-END_OF_JAVASCRIPT.l, function(){"You can't configure configurator (yet)"); } END_OF_JAVASCRIPT # we need to provide this function so that the server-side commit would happen :get_commit_data => <<-END_OF_JAVASCRIPT.l, function(){ return null; // because our commit data is already at the server } END_OF_JAVASCRIPT :on_defaults => <<-END_OF_JAVASCRIPT.l, function(){ Ext.Msg.confirm('Confirm', 'Are you sure?', function(btn){ if (btn == 'yes') { this.loadDefaults(); } }, this); } END_OF_JAVASCRIPT } end def load_defaults(params) # Reload the temp table with default values data_class.replace_data(default_owner_fields) # ... and reflect it in the persistent storage on_data_changed # Update the grid {:load_store_data => get_data} end # Never show the config tool def config_tool_needed? false end private # An override def process_data(data, operation) if operation == :update meta_attrs_to_update = data.inject({}) do |r,el| r.merge({ data_class.find(el["id"]).name => el.reject{ |k,v| k == "id" } }) end res = super NetzkeFieldList.update_fields(config[:owner].global_id, meta_attrs_to_update) res else super end end # An override def store_data(data) NetzkeFieldList.update_list_for_current_authority(config[:owner].global_id, data, config[:owner] end # An override def initial_data NetzkeFieldList.read_list(config[:owner].global_id) || default_owner_fields end # Set strict combo for the "name" column, with options of the attributes provided by the data_class def inject_combo_for_name_column(c) netzke_attrs = config[:owner]{ |a| a[:name] } c.merge(:editor => {:xtype => :combo, :store => netzke_attrs, :force_selection => true}) end def default_owner_fields config[:owner].initial_columns(false).map(&:deebeefy_values) end # This is an override of GridPanel#on_data_changed def on_data_changed # Default column settings taken from defaults_hash = config[:owner].class.meta_columns.inject({}){ |r, c| r.merge!(c[:name] => c[:default_value]) } stripped_columns = do |c| # reject all keys that are 1) same as defaults c.reject{ |k,v| defaults_hash[k.to_sym].to_s == v.to_s } end store_data(stripped_columns) end end end