# frozen_string_literal: true # encoding: utf-8 # Copyright (C) 2020 MongoDB Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module Net autoload :HTTP, 'net/http' end module Mongo class Socket # OCSP endpoint verifier. # # After a TLS connection is established, this verifier inspects the # certificate presented by the server, and if the certificate contains # an OCSP URI, performs the OCSP status request to the specified URI # (following up to 5 redirects) to verify the certificate status. # # @see https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/openssl/rdoc/OpenSSL/OCSP.html # # @api private class OcspVerifier include Loggable # @param [ String ] host_name The host name being verified, for # diagnostic output. # @param [ OpenSSL::X509::Certificate ] cert The certificate presented by # the server at host_name. # @param [ OpenSSL::X509::Certificate ] ca_cert The CA certificate # presented by the server or resolved locally from the server # certificate. # @param [ OpenSSL::X509::Store ] cert_store The certificate store to # use for verifying OCSP response. This should be the same store as # used in SSLContext used with the SSLSocket that we are verifying the # certificate for. This must NOT be the CA certificate provided by # the server (i.e. anything taken out of peer_cert) - otherwise the # server would dictate which CA authorities the client trusts. def initialize(host_name, cert, ca_cert, cert_store, **opts) @host_name = host_name @cert = cert @ca_cert = ca_cert @cert_store = cert_store @options = opts end attr_reader :host_name attr_reader :cert attr_reader :ca_cert attr_reader :cert_store attr_reader :options def timeout options[:timeout] || 5 end # @return [ Array ] OCSP URIs in the specified server certificate. def ocsp_uris @ocsp_uris ||= begin # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3546#section-2.3 # prohibits multiple extensions with the same oid. ext = cert.extensions.detect do |ext| ext.oid == 'authorityInfoAccess' end if ext # Our test certificates have multiple OCSP URIs. ext.value.split("\n").select do |line| line.start_with?('OCSP - URI:') end.map do |line| line.split(':', 2).last end else [] end end end def cert_id @cert_id ||= OpenSSL::OCSP::CertificateId.new( cert, ca_cert, OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.new, ) end def verify_with_cache handle_exceptions do return false if ocsp_uris.empty? resp = OcspCache.get(cert_id) if resp return return_ocsp_response(resp) end resp, errors = do_verify if resp OcspCache.set(cert_id, resp) end return_ocsp_response(resp, errors) end end # @return [ true | false ] Whether the certificate was verified. # # @raise [ Error::ServerCertificateRevoked ] If the certificate was # definitively revoked. def verify handle_exceptions do return false if ocsp_uris.empty? resp, errors = do_verify return_ocsp_response(resp, errors) end end private def do_verify # This synchronized array contains definitive pass/fail responses # obtained from the responders. We'll take the first one but due to # concurrency multiple responses may be produced and queued. @resp_queue = Queue.new # This synchronized array contains strings, one per responder, that # explain why each responder hasn't produced a definitive response. # These are concatenated and logged if none of the responders produced # a definitive respnose, or if the main thread times out waiting for # a definitive response (in which case some of the worker threads' # diagnostics may be logged and some may not). @resp_errors = Queue.new @req = OpenSSL::OCSP::Request.new @req.add_certid(cert_id) @req.add_nonce @serialized_req = @req.to_der @outstanding_requests = ocsp_uris.count @outstanding_requests_lock = Mutex.new threads = ocsp_uris.map do |uri| Thread.new do verify_one_responder(uri) end end resp = begin ::Timeout.timeout(timeout) do @resp_queue.shift end rescue ::Timeout::Error nil end threads.map(&:kill) threads.map(&:join) [resp, @resp_errors] end def verify_one_responder(uri) original_uri = uri redirect_count = 0 http_response = nil loop do http_response = begin uri = URI(uri) Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) do |http| path = uri.path if path.empty? path = '/' end http.post(path, @serialized_req, 'content-type' => 'application/ocsp-request') end rescue IOError, SystemCallError => e @resp_errors << "OCSP request to #{report_uri(original_uri, uri)} failed: #{e.class}: #{e}" return false end code = http_response.code.to_i if (300..399).include?(code) redirected_uri = http_response.header['location'] uri = ::URI.join(uri, redirected_uri) redirect_count += 1 if redirect_count > 5 @resp_errors << "OCSP request to #{report_uri(original_uri, uri)} failed: too many redirects (6)" return false end next end if code >= 400 @resp_errors << "OCSP request to #{report_uri(original_uri, uri)} failed with HTTP status code #{http_response.code}" + report_response_body(http_response.body) return false end if code != 200 # There must be a body provided with the response, if one isn't # provided the response cannot be verified. @resp_errors << "OCSP request to #{report_uri(original_uri, uri)} failed with unexpected HTTP status code #{http_response.code}" + report_response_body(http_response.body) return false end break end resp = OpenSSL::OCSP::Response.new(http_response.body) unless resp.basic @resp_errors << "OCSP response from #{report_uri(original_uri, uri)} is #{resp.status}: #{resp.status_string}" return false end resp = resp.basic unless resp.verify([ca_cert], cert_store) # Ruby's OpenSSL binding discards error information - see # https://github.com/ruby/openssl/issues/395 @resp_errors << "OCSP response from #{report_uri(original_uri, uri)} failed signature verification; set `OpenSSL.debug = true` to see why" return false end if @req.check_nonce(resp) == 0 @resp_errors << "OCSP response from #{report_uri(original_uri, uri)} included invalid nonce" return false end resp = resp.find_response(cert_id) # TODO make a new class instead of patching the stdlib one? resp.instance_variable_set('@uri', uri) resp.instance_variable_set('@original_uri', original_uri) class << resp attr_reader :uri, :original_uri end unless resp @resp_errors << "OCSP response from #{report_uri(original_uri, uri)} did not include information about the requested certificate" return false end unless resp.check_validity @resp_errors << "OCSP response from #{report_uri(original_uri, uri)} was invalid: this_update was in the future or next_update time has passed" return false end unless [ OpenSSL::OCSP::V_CERTSTATUS_GOOD, OpenSSL::OCSP::V_CERTSTATUS_REVOKED, ].include?(resp.cert_status) @resp_errors << "OCSP response from #{report_uri(original_uri, uri)} had a non-definitive status: #{resp.cert_status}" return false end # Note this returns the redirected URI @resp_queue << resp rescue => exc Utils.warn_bg_exception("Error performing OCSP verification for '#{host_name}' via '#{uri}'", exc, logger: options[:logger], log_prefix: options[:log_prefix], bg_error_backtrace: options[:bg_error_backtrace], ) false ensure @outstanding_requests_lock.synchronize do @outstanding_requests -= 1 if @outstanding_requests == 0 @resp_queue << nil end end end def return_ocsp_response(resp, errors = nil) if resp if resp.cert_status == OpenSSL::OCSP::V_CERTSTATUS_REVOKED raise_revoked_error(resp) end true else reasons = [] errors.length.times do reasons << errors.shift end if reasons.empty? msg = "No responses from responders: #{ocsp_uris.join(', ')} within #{timeout} seconds" else msg = "For responders #{ocsp_uris.join(', ')} with a timeout of #{timeout} seconds: #{reasons.join(', ')}" end log_warn("TLS certificate of '#{host_name}' could not be definitively verified via OCSP: #{msg}") false end end def handle_exceptions begin yield rescue Error::ServerCertificateRevoked raise rescue => exc Utils.warn_bg_exception( "Error performing OCSP verification for '#{host_name}'", exc, **options) false end end def raise_revoked_error(resp) if resp.uri == resp.original_uri redirect = '' else redirect = " (redirected from #{resp.original_uri})" end raise Error::ServerCertificateRevoked, "TLS certificate of '#{host_name}' has been revoked according to '#{resp.uri}'#{redirect} for reason '#{resp.revocation_reason}' at '#{resp.revocation_time}'" end def report_uri(original_uri, uri) if URI(uri) == URI(original_uri) uri else "#{original_uri} (redirected to #{uri})" end end def report_response_body(body) if body ": #{body}" else '' end end end end end