Blast4-archive ::= { request { ident "2.2.30+", body queue-search { program "blastn", service "plain", queries bioseq-set { seq-set { seq { id { local str "Query_1" }, descr { user { type str "CFastaReader", data { { label str "DefLine", data str ">" } } } }, inst { repr raw, mol na, length 32, seq-data ncbi2na '39C9155555555555'H } } } }, subject database "spec/database/sample/transcripts/Solenopsis_invicta/Si nvicta2-2-3.cdna.subset.fasta", algorithm-options { { name "EvalueThreshold", value cutoff e-value { 1, 10, 1 } }, { name "MaskAtHash", value boolean TRUE }, { name "DustFilteringLevel", value integer 20 }, { name "DustFilteringWindow", value integer 64 }, { name "DustFilteringLinker", value integer 1 }, { name "UngappedMode", value boolean FALSE }, { name "HitlistSize", value integer 500 }, { name "EffectiveSearchSpace", value big-integer 4482944 } }, program-options { { name "LCaseMask", value query-mask { locations { packed-int { { from 9, to 31, id local str "Query_1" }, { from 9, to 31, id local str "Query_1" } } }, frame plus1 } } } } }, results { alignments { }, masks { { locations { packed-int { { from 9, to 31, id local str "Query_1" } } }, frame plus1 } }, ka-blocks { { lambda { 633731443099174, 10, -15 }, k { 408145662544724, 10, -15 }, h { 91243839227971, 10, -14 }, gapped FALSE }, { lambda { 625, 10, -3 }, k { 41, 10, -2 }, h { 78, 10, -2 }, gapped TRUE } }, search-stats { "Effective search space: 4482944", "Effective search space used: 4482944", "Length adjustment: 16" } } }