module Balanced class Resource class << self def resource_name Utils.demodulize name end def collection_name Utils.pluralize Utils.underscore(resource_name) end def collection_path ["/v#{Balanced.config[:version]}", collection_name].compact.join '/' end def member_name Utils.underscore resource_name end end attr_reader :attributes def initialize attributes = {} @attributes = attributes self.attributes = attributes end def attributes= attributes = {} attributes.each_pair { |k, v| respond_to?(name = "#{k}=") and send(name, v) or (self[k] = v) } end def read_attribute key attributes[key.to_s] end alias [] read_attribute def write_attribute key, value attributes[key] = value end alias []= write_attribute # delegate the query to the pager module def find (uri, options={}) payload = Balanced.get :uri => uri construct_from_response payload end def save uri = self.attributes.delete('uri') { |key| nil } method = :post if uri.nil? uri = self.class.collection_path else method = :put end response = Balanced.send(method, uri, self.attributes) reload response end def destroy Balanced.delete :uri => self.attributes['uri'] end def construct_from_response payload klass = Balanced.from_uri(payload['uri']) instance = payload payload.each do |name, value| klass.class_eval { attr_accessor name.to_s } # here is where our interpretations will begin. # if the value is a sub-resource, lets instantiate the class # and set it correctly if value.instance_of? Hash and value.has_key? 'uri' value = construct_from_response value elsif name =~ /_uri$/ modified_name = name.sub(/_uri$/, '') klass.instance_eval { define_method(modified_name) { values_class = Balanced.from_uri(value) # if uri is a collection -> this would definitely be if it ends in a symbol # then we should allow a lazy executor of the query pager if Balanced.is_collection(value) # TODO: return the pager p "TODO: return the pager for this class: #{values_class}" else values_class.find(value) end } } end instance.instance_variable_set "@#{name}", value end instance end def reload response = nil if response return if fresh = self.construct_from_response response.body else fresh = self.find(@attributes['uri']) end fresh and copy_from fresh self end def copy_from other other.instance_variables.each do |ivar| instance_variable_set ivar, other.instance_variable_get(ivar) end end end end