require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe SousChef::Resource::File do before do @file = resource("note.txt") do content "this is a note" end @file.setup # evaluate the block end it "has a name" do == "note.txt" end it "has a path equal to the name when no explicit path is given" do @file.path.should == "note.txt" end it "has a path as set when an explicit path is given" do @file = resource("note.txt") do path "/home/user/note.txt" content "this is a note" end @file.setup # evaluate the block @file.path.should == "/home/user/note.txt" end it "has content as set when explicit content is given" do @file.content.should == "this is a note" end it "has nil content when no content is given" do @file = resource("note.txt") @file.setup # evaluate the block @file.content.should == nil end it "cats content to file" do @file.to_script.should == %{ if ! test -e note.txt; then cat <<'SousChefHeredoc' > note.txt this is a note SousChefHeredoc fi }.strip end it "handles single-quotes in the content" do @file = resource("note.txt") do content %{this is a 'note'} end @file.to_script.should == %q{ if ! test -e note.txt; then cat <<'SousChefHeredoc' > note.txt this is a 'note' SousChefHeredoc fi }.strip end it "handles dollar signs in the content without allowing them to expand" do @file = resource("note.txt") do content %{export PATH=/my/bin:$PATH} end @file.to_script.should == <<-EOSH.chomp if ! test -e note.txt; then cat <<'SousChefHeredoc' > note.txt export PATH=/my/bin:$PATH SousChefHeredoc fi EOSH end it "changes it's heredoc if the content of the file contains the heredoc" do @file = resource("note.txt") do content %{SousChefHeredoc} end @file.to_script.should == <<-EOSH.chomp if ! test -e note.txt; then cat <<'SousChefHeredoc1' > note.txt SousChefHeredoc SousChefHeredoc1 fi EOSH end it "handles newlines in the content" do @file = resource("note.txt") do content <<-EOS This is a NOTE EOS end @file.to_script.should == <<-EOSH.chomp if ! test -e note.txt; then cat <<'SousChefHeredoc' > note.txt This is a NOTE SousChefHeredoc fi EOSH end it "outputs the path instead of the name if it exists" do @file = resource("note.txt") do path "/home/user/note.txt" content %{this is a note} end @file.to_script.should == %q{ if ! test -e /home/user/note.txt; then cat <<'SousChefHeredoc' > /home/user/note.txt this is a note SousChefHeredoc fi }.strip end it "touches the file if the content is nil" do @file = resource("note.txt") @file.to_script.should == %q{ if ! test -e note.txt; then touch note.txt fi }.strip end it "sets the mode of the file" do @file = resource("note.txt") do mode 0600 end @file.to_script.should == %q{ if ! test -e note.txt; then touch note.txt fi chmod 0600 note.txt }.strip end it "deletes a file" do @file = resource("note.txt") do action :delete end @file.to_script.should == %q{ if test -e note.txt; then rm note.txt fi }.strip end end