#-- # Cloud Foundry # Copyright (c) [2009-2014] Pivotal Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # This product is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). # You may not use this product except in compliance with the License. # # This product includes a number of subcomponents with # separate copyright notices and license terms. Your use of these # subcomponents is subject to the terms and conditions of the # subcomponent's license, as noted in the LICENSE file. #++ require 'uaa/cli/common' require 'launchy' require 'uaa' require 'uaa/stub/server' module CF::UAA class TokenCatcher < Stub::Base def process_grant(data) server.logger.debug "processing grant for path #{request.path}" secret = server.info.delete(:client_secret) ti = TokenIssuer.new(Config.target, server.info.delete(:client_id), secret, { token_target: Config.target_value(:token_target), skip_ssl_validation: Config.target_value(:skip_ssl_validation)}) tkn = secret ? ti.authcode_grant(server.info.delete(:uri), data) : ti.implicit_grant(server.info.delete(:uri), data) server.info.update(token_info: tkn.info) reply.text "you are now logged in and can close this window" rescue TargetError => e reply.text "#{e.message}:\r\n#{Util.json_pretty(e.info)}\r\n#{e.backtrace}" rescue Exception => e reply.text "#{e.message}\r\n#{e.backtrace}" ensure server.logger.debug "reply: #{reply.body}" end route :get, '/favicon.ico' do reply.headers['content-type'] = "image/vnd.microsoft.icon" reply.body = File.read File.expand_path(File.join(__FILE__, '..', 'favicon.ico')) end route :get, %r{^/authcode\?(.*)$} do process_grant match[1] end route :post, '/callback' do process_grant request.body end route :get, '/callback' do server.logger.debug "caught redirect back from UAA after authentication" reply.headers['content-type'] = "text/html" reply.body = <<-HTML.gsub(/^ +/, '') HTML end end class TokenCli < CommonCli topic "Tokens", "token", "login" def say_success(grant) say "\nSuccessfully fetched token via #{grant} grant.\nTarget: #{Config.target}\nContext: #{Config.context}, from client #{Config[:client_id]}\n\n" end def set_context(token_info) return gripe "attempt to get token failed\n" unless token_info && token_info["access_token"] contents = TokenCoder.decode(token_info["access_token"], verify: false) new_context = contents["user_name"] || contents["client_id"] || "bad_token" Config.delete(Config.target, new_context) Config.context = new_context did_save = true (did_save &= Config.add_opts(user_id: contents["user_id"])) if contents["user_id"] (did_save &= Config.add_opts(client_id: contents["client_id"])) if contents["client_id"] jti = token_info.delete("jti") if token_info.has_key? "jti" did_save &= Config.add_opts token_info (did_save &= Config.add_opts(scope: contents["scope"])) if contents["scope"] (did_save &= Config.add_opts(jti: jti)) if jti did_save end def issuer_request(client_id, secret = nil) update_target_info yield TokenIssuer.new(Config.target.to_s, client_id, secret, { token_target: Config.target_value(:token_endpoint), skip_ssl_validation: Config.target_value(:skip_ssl_validation), ssl_ca_file: Config.target_value(:ca_cert) }) rescue Exception => e complain e end define_option :client, "--client ", "-c" define_option :scope, "--scope " desc "token get [credentials...]", "Gets a token by posting user credentials with an implicit grant request", :client, :scope do |*args| client_name = opts[:client] || "cf" reply = issuer_request(client_name, "") { |ti| prompts = ti.prompts creds = {} prompts.each do |k, v| if arg = args.shift creds[k] = arg elsif v[0] == "text" creds[k] = ask(v[1]) elsif v[0] == "password" creds[k] = ask_pwd v[1] else raise "Unknown prompt type \"#{v[0]}\" received from #{Context.target}" end end ti.implicit_grant_with_creds(creds, opts[:scope]).info } say_success "implicit (with posted credentials)" if set_context(reply) end define_option :secret, "--secret ", "-s", "client secret" desc "token client get [id]", "Gets a token with client credentials grant", :secret, :scope do |id| reply = issuer_request(clientid(id), clientsecret) { |ti| ti.client_credentials_grant(opts[:scope]).info } say_success "client credentials" if set_context(reply) end define_option :password, "-p", "--password ", "user password" desc "token owner get [client] [user]", "Gets a token with a resource owner password grant", :secret, :password, :scope do |client, user| reply = issuer_request(clientid(client), clientsecret) { |ti| ti.owner_password_grant(user = username(user), userpwd, opts[:scope]).info } say_success "owner password" if set_context(reply) end define_option :passcode, "--passcode " desc "token sso get [client]", "Gets a token based on a one time passcode after successful SSO via browser", :secret,:passcode,:scope do |client| reply = issuer_request(clientid(client), clientsecret) { |ti| ti.passcode_grant(passcode, opts[:scope]).info } say_success "owner passcode" if set_context(reply) end desc "token refresh [refreshtoken]", "Gets a new access token from a refresh token", :client, :secret, :scope do |rtok| rtok ||= Config.value(:refresh_token) reply = issuer_request(clientid, clientsecret) { |ti| ti.refresh_token_grant(rtok, opts[:scope]).info } say_success "refresh" if set_context(reply) end CF_TOKEN_FILE = File.join ENV["HOME"], ".cf_token" CF_TARGET_FILE = File.join ENV["HOME"], ".cf_target" def use_browser(client_id, secret = nil) catcher = Stub::Server.new(TokenCatcher, logger: Util.default_logger(debug? ? :debug : trace? ? :trace : :info), info: {client_id: client_id, client_secret: secret}, port: opts[:port]).run_on_thread uri = issuer_request(client_id, secret) { |ti| secret ? ti.authcode_uri("#{catcher.url}/authcode", opts[:scope]) : ti.implicit_uri("#{catcher.url}/callback", opts[:scope]) } return unless catcher.info[:uri] = uri say "launching browser with #{uri}" if trace? Launchy.open(uri, debug: true, dry_run: false) print "waiting for token " while catcher.info[:uri] || !catcher.info[:token_info] sleep 5 print "." end say_success(secret ? "authorization code" : "implicit") if set_context(catcher.info[:token_info]) return unless opts[:cf] begin cf_target = File.open(CF_TARGET_FILE, 'r') { |f| f.read.strip } tok_json = File.open(CF_TOKEN_FILE, 'r') { |f| f.read } if File.exists?(CF_TOKEN_FILE) cf_tokens = Util.json_parse(tok_json, :none) || {} cf_tokens[cf_target] = auth_header File.open(CF_TOKEN_FILE, 'w') { |f| f.write(cf_tokens.to_json) } rescue Exception => e gripe "\nUnable to save token to cf token file" complain e end end define_option :port, "--port ", "pin internal server to specific port" define_option :cf, "--[no-]cf", "save token in the ~/.cf_tokens file" desc "token authcode get", "Gets a token using the authcode flow with browser", :client, :secret, :scope, :cf, :port do use_browser(clientid, clientsecret) end desc "token implicit get", "Gets a token using the implicit flow with browser", :client, :scope, :cf, :port do use_browser opts[:client] || "cf" end define_option :key, "--key ", "Token validation key" desc "token decode [token] [tokentype]", "Show token contents as parsed locally or by the UAA. " + "Decodes locally unless --client and --secret are given. Validates locally if --key given or server's signing key has been retrieved", :key, :client, :secret do |token, ttype| ttype = "bearer" if token && !ttype token ||= Config.value(:access_token) ttype ||= Config.value(:token_type) return say "no token to decode" unless token && ttype handle_request do if opts[:client] && opts[:secret] pp @cli_class.uaa_info_client.decode_token(opts[:client], opts[:secret], token, ttype) else seckey = opts[:key] || (Config.target_value(:signing_key) if Config.target_value(:signing_alg) !~ /rsa$/i) pubkey = opts[:key] || (Config.target_value(:signing_key) if Config.target_value(:signing_alg) =~ /rsa$/i) info = TokenCoder.decode(token, skey: seckey, pkey: pubkey, verify: !!(seckey || pubkey)) say seckey || pubkey ? "\nValid token signature\n\n": "\nNote: no key given to validate token signature\n\n" pp info end end end define_option :all, "--[no-]all", "remove all contexts" desc "token delete [contexts...]", "Delete current or specified context tokens and settings", :all do |*args| begin return Config.delete if opts[:all] return args.each { |arg| Config.delete(Config.target, arg.to_i.to_s == arg ? arg.to_i : arg) } unless args.empty? return Config.delete(Config.target, Config.context) if Config.context say "no target set, no contexts given -- nothing to delete" rescue Exception => e complain e end end end end