// ========================================================================== // Project: Forms.FormRowView // Copyright: ©2009 Alex Iskander and TPSi. // ========================================================================== /*globals Forms */ /** @class Represents a single row in a form. Rows have label and any number of other child views. @extends SC.FormView @author Alex Iskander */ require("mixins/emptiness"); require("mixins/edit_mode"); SC.FormRowView = SC.View.extend(SC.FlowedLayout, SC.CalculatesEmptiness, SC.FormsEditMode, /** @scope Forms.FormRowView.prototype */ { renderDelegateName: 'formRowRenderDelegate', layout: {left: 0, width: 0}, rowFlowSpacing: undefined, rowFlowPadding: undefined, fillWidth: YES, defaultFlowSpacing: function() { return this.getThemedProperty("rowFlowSpacing", 'FORM_ROW_FLOW_SPACING'); }.property("rowFlowSpacing", "theme"), flowPadding: function() { return this.getThemedProperty("rowFlowPadding", 'FORM_ROW_FLOW_PADDING'); }.property("rowFlowPadding", "theme"), classNames: ["sc-form-row-view"], /** Walks like a duck. */ isFormRow: YES, /** The label for the row (string label) */ label: "", /** The current size of the labels. */ rowLabelSize: 0, /** The current measured size of the label. */ rowLabelMeasuredSize: 0, /** If NO, the label will not automatically measure itself. */ shouldMeasureLabel: YES, /** A value set so that FormView knows to tell us about the row label size change. */ hasRowLabel: YES, /** The label view. */ labelView: null, /** Direction of the flow. */ layoutDirection: SC.LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL, /** Updates keys, content, etc. on fields. Also, handles our "special" field (only-one case) */ createChildViews: function() { // keep array of keys so we can pass on key to child. var cv = SC.clone(this.get("childViews")); // add label if (this.labelView.isClass) { this.labelView = this.createChildView(this.labelView, { value: this.get("label") }); this.labelView.addObserver("measuredSize", this, "labelSizeDidChange"); this.labelView.bind("shouldMeasureSize", this, "shouldMeasureLabel"); this.get("childViews").unshift(this.labelView); } var content = this.get("content"); sc_super(); // now, do the actual passing it var idx, len = cv.length, key, v; for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { key = cv[idx]; // if the view was originally declared as a string, then we have something to give it if (SC.typeOf(key) === SC.T_STRING) { // try to get the actual view v = this.get(key); // see if it does indeed exist, and if it doesn't have a value already if (v && !v.isClass) { if (!v.get("contentValueKey")) { // // NOTE: WE HAVE A SPECIAL CASE // If this is the single field, pass through our contentValueKey if (key === "_singleField") { v.set("contentValueKey", this.get("contentValueKey")); } else { v.set("contentValueKey", key); } } if (!v.get("content")) { v.bind('content', '.owner.content') ; } } } } this.rowLabelSizeDidChange(); }, labelDidChange: function() { this.get("labelView").set("value", this.get("label")); }.observes("label"), labelSizeDidChange: function() { var size = this.get("labelView").get("measuredSize"); this.set("rowLabelMeasuredSize", size.width); // alert parent view if it is a row delegate var pv = this.get("parentView"); if (pv && pv.get("isRowDelegate")) pv.rowLabelMeasuredSizeDidChange(this, size); }, rowLabelSizeDidChange: function() { this.get("labelView").adjust({ "width": this.get("rowLabelSize") }); }.observes("rowLabelSize") }); SC.FormRowView.mixin({ row: function(label, fieldType, ext) { if (label.isClass) { ext = fieldType; fieldType = label; label = null; } // now, create a hash (will be used by the parent form's exampleRow) if (!ext) { ext = {}; } else { ext = SC.clone(ext); } ext.label = label; ext.childViews = ["_singleField"]; ext._singleField = fieldType; return ext; }, LabelView: SC.LabelView.extend(SC.AutoResize, SC.CalculatesEmptiness, { shouldAutoResize: NO, // only change the measuredSize so we can update. layout: { left:0, top:0, width: 0, height: 18 }, fillHeight: YES, classNames: ["sc-form-label"], isValue: NO }) }); SC.FormRowView.prototype.labelView = SC.FormRowView.LabelView.design();