RSpec.describe 'tff exe' do subject { `ruby -Ilib ../exe/tff #{options} #{files}` } around do |example| Dir.chdir(File.join(__dir__, '../fixtures')) do end end context 'without any mapping' do let(:options) {} let(:files) { 'app/models/test_file_finder_gem_executable_widget.rb' } it 'prints matching test files using default rails mapping' do expect(subject).to eq <<~OUTPUT spec/models/test_file_finder_gem_executable_widget_spec.rb OUTPUT end end context 'with a yaml mapping' do let(:options) { '-f mapping.yml' } context 'with multiple sources' do ['db/schema.rb', 'db/migrate/001_init.rb'].each do |file| context "for file #{file}" do let(:files) { file } it 'prints matching test files using given yaml mapping' do expect(subject).to eq <<~OUTPUT spec/db/schema_spec.rb OUTPUT end end end end context 'with multiple tests' do let(:files) { 'spec/models/project_spec.rb' } it 'prints matching test files using given yaml mapping' do expect(subject).to eq <<~OUTPUT spec/models/project_spec.rb spec/smoke_spec.rb OUTPUT end end context 'with multiple sources and tests' do ['views/main.html.haml', 'assets/application.css'].each do |file| context "for file #{file}" do let(:files) { file } it 'prints matching test files using given yaml mapping' do expect(subject).to eq <<~OUTPUT spec/views/main_spec.rb features/smoke.feature OUTPUT end end end end end context 'with a yaml mapping and json mapping' do let(:options) { '-f mapping.yml --json mapping.json' } let(:files) { 'db/schema.rb app/models/project.rb ' } it 'prints matching test files using both yaml and json mappings' do expect(subject).to eq <<~OUTPUT spec/models/project_spec.rb spec/controllers/projects_controller_spec.rb spec/db/schema_spec.rb OUTPUT end end context 'with only json mapping' do let(:options) { '--json mapping.json' } let(:files) { 'app/models/test_file_finder_gem_executable_widget.rb app/models/project.rb' } it 'prints matching test files using json mapping' do expect(subject).to eq <<~OUTPUT spec/models/project_spec.rb spec/controllers/projects_controller_spec.rb OUTPUT end end end