module Graticule #:nodoc: module Geocoder #:nodoc: # A library for lookup of coordinates with # # See class LocalSearchMaps < Base def initialize @url = URI.parse '' end # This web service will handle some addresses outside the US # if given more structured arguments than just a string address # So allow input as a hash for the different arguments (:city, :country, :zip) def locate(params) get params.is_a?(String) ? {:loc => params} : map_attributes(location_from_params(params)) end private def map_attributes(location) mapping = {:street => :street, :locality => :city, :region => :state, :postal_code => :zip, :country => :country} mapping.keys.inject({}) do |result,attribute| result[mapping[attribute]] = location.attributes[attribute] unless location.attributes[attribute].blank? result end end def check_error(js) raise AddressError, "Empty Response" if js.nil? raise AddressError, 'Location not found' if js =~ /location not found/ end def parse_response(js) returning do |location| coordinates = js.match(/map.centerAndZoom\(new GPoint\((.+?), (.+?)\)/) location.longitude = coordinates[1].to_f location.latitude = coordinates[2].to_f end end end end end