Given(/^an existing quotation$/) do @quotation = create(:billing_machine_quotation, customer: @customer) @quotation.lines.create(quantity: 1, unit_price: 9.99) end Given(/^(\d+) existing quotations$/) do |nb| create_list(:billing_machine_quotation, nb.to_i) end Given(/^an existing emtpy quotation$/) do @quotation = create(:billing_machine_quotation, label: nil, customer: nil) end Given(/^an existing quotation with a "(.*?)"% VAT rate$/) do |rate| @quotation = create(:billing_machine_quotation) create(:billing_machine_quotation_line, vat_rate: rate, quotation: @quotation) end Given(/^(\d+) associated documents to this quotation$/) do |n| n.to_i.times do |i| instance_variable_set "@document#{i}", create(:alexandrie_attachment, attachable: @quotation) end end Given(/^a bunch of existing quotations$/) do c1 = create(:customer_vault_corporation, name: "Bidule") c2 = create(:customer_vault_corporation, name: "Machin") c3 = create(:customer_vault_corporation, name: "Chose") i1 = create(:customer_vault_individual, first_name: "Oh") i2 = create(:customer_vault_individual, first_name: "Ah") i3 = create(:customer_vault_individual, first_name: "Eh") create(:billing_machine_quotation, customer: c1, date: Date.current) create(:billing_machine_quotation, customer: c2, date: Date.current) create(:billing_machine_quotation, customer: c3, date: Date.current) create(:billing_machine_quotation, customer: c1, date: Date.current - 2.days) create(:billing_machine_quotation, customer: i1, date: Date.current - 3.days) create(:billing_machine_quotation, customer: i2, date: Date.current - 3.days) create(:billing_machine_quotation, customer: i3, date: Date.current - 3.days) end Given(/^existing "(.*?)" quotations with "(.*?)" amount$/) do |n, amount| n.to_i.times do create(:billing_machine_quotation_line, quantity: 1, unit_price: amount) end end When(/^he changes the quotation VAT rate to "(.*?)"$/) do |arg1| fill_in "quotation_vat_rate", with: arg1 end When(/^the user goes to the quotations page$/) do visit dorsale.billing_machine_quotations_path end When(/^the quotation line shows the right date$/) do page.should have_selector ".date", text: I18n.l( end When(/^the quotation line shows the right traking\-id$/) do page.should have_selector ".tracking_id", text: @quotation.tracking_id end When(/^the quotation line shows the right customer's name$/) do page.should have_selector ".customer_name", text: end When(/^the quotation line shows the right total excluding taxes value$/) do page.should have_selector ".total_excluding_taxes", text: "9,99 €" end When(/^the quotation line shows the right total including taxes value$/) do page.should have_selector ".total_including_taxes", text: "11,99 €" end When(/^the user goes to the quotation details$/) do visit dorsale.billing_machine_quotation_path(@quotation) end When(/^he creates a new quotation$/) do find(".link_create").click end When(/^he fills the reference and the date$/) do fill_in "quotation_label", with: @label = "My reference" fill_in "quotation_date", with: @date = "01/01/2014" select @payment_term.label fill_in "quotation_comments", with: "I-am-a-comment" end When(/^he saves the quotation$/) do find("[type=submit]").click end When(/^he goes on the edit page of the quotation$/) do visit dorsale.edit_billing_machine_quotation_path(@quotation) end When(/^changes the quotation label$/) do @new_label= @quotation.label + " Edited" fill_in "quotation_label", with: @new_label end When(/^he copy the quotation$/) do @quotations_count = Dorsale::BillingMachine::Quotation.count find("[href$=copy]").click end When(/^he create an invoice from the quotation$/) do @invoices_count = Dorsale::BillingMachine::Invoice.count find("[href$='create_invoice']").click find("form#new_invoice [type=submit]").click end When(/^he fill the quotation expiry$/) do fill_in :quotation_expires_at, with: "21/12/2012" end Then(/^the document is not in the quotation details$/) do visit dorsale.billing_machine_quotation_path(@quotation) page.should have_link "pdf.pdf", count: 1 end Then(/^a message signals the success of the quotation update$/) do page.should have_selector ".alert-success" end Then(/^he fill the quotation commercial discount with "(.*?)"$/) do |arg1| fill_in "quotation_commercial_discount", with: arg1 end Then(/^the quotation's label has changed$/) do visit dorsale.edit_billing_machine_quotation_path(@quotation) page.should have_field("quotation_label", with: @new_label) end Then(/^I am on the created quotation$/) do @quotation = Dorsale::BillingMachine::Quotation.last_created expect(current_path).to eq dorsale.billing_machine_quotation_path(@quotation) end Then(/^he can see all the quotation informations$/) do expect(page).to have_selector ".quotation-label", text: @quotation.label end Then(/^the quotation default date is set to today's date\.$/) do page.should have_field("quotation_date", with: I18n.l(Date.current)) end Then(/^he should see (\d+) quotations?$/) do |arg1| page.should have_selector ".quotation", count: arg1 end Then(/^the quotation is displayed correctly$/) do expect(page).to have_selector ".tracking_id", text: @quotation.tracking_id end Then(/^a message signals the success of the quotation creation$/) do page.should have_selector ".alert-success" end Then(/^he will see links to the documents$/) do page.should have_link "pdf.pdf", count: 2 end Then(/^the quotation informations are visible on the quotation details$/) do @quotation = ::Dorsale::BillingMachine::Quotation.last_created visit dorsale.billing_machine_quotation_path(@quotation) expect(page).to have_content @payment_term.label expect(page).to have_content "I-am-a-comment" end Then(/^only the quotations of this customer do appear$/) do expect(page).to have_selector(".customer_name", text: "Bidule", count: 2) end Then(/^only the quotations of today do appear$/) do expect(page).to have_selector(".quotation", count: 3) end Then(/^he is on the created quotation edit page$/) do expect(Dorsale::BillingMachine::Quotation.count).to eq(@quotations_count+1) @quotation = Dorsale::BillingMachine::Quotation.last_created expect(current_path).to eq dorsale.edit_billing_machine_quotation_path(@quotation) end Then(/^an invoice is created from quotation$/) do expect(Dorsale::BillingMachine::Invoice.count).to eq(@invoices_count+1) @invoice = Dorsale::BillingMachine::Invoice.last_created expect(@invoice.label).to eq @quotation.label end Then(/^the document is in the quotation details$/) do expect(page).to have_content "pdf.pdf" end When(/^he filters by "(.*?)" state$/) do |state| select find("option[value=#{state}]").text find(".filter-submit").click end Then(/^only the "(.*?)" quotations appear$/) do |state| state_i18n = find("option[value=#{state}]").text expect(page).to have_selector("tr.quotation", count: 1) expect(find("tr.quotation")).to have_content(state_i18n) end When(/^he send quotation to customer by email$/) do ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear Dorsale::BillingMachine::PdfFileGenerator.(@quotation) @quotation.customer = create(:customer_vault_corporation, email: "")! find("[href$=email]").click fill_in :email_subject, with: "abc" fill_in :email_body, with: "def" find("[type=submit]").click end Then(/^an quotation is sent to customer$/) do expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count).to eq 1 email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first expect( include "" expect(email.subject).to eq "abc" expect( eq "def" expect(email.attachments.count).to eq 1 end When(/^he click on the preview quotation button$/) do @invoices_count = Dorsale::BillingMachine::Quotation.count controller = Dorsale::BillingMachine::QuotationsController expect_any_instance_of(controller).to receive(:preview).and_call_original expect_any_instance_of(controller).to_not receive(:create) expect_any_instance_of(controller).to_not receive(:update) find("#preview-button").click end Then(/^he see the quotation preview$/) do expect(windows.count).to eq 2 end Then(/^no quotation is created$/) do expect(Dorsale::BillingMachine::Quotation.count).to eq @invoices_count end