Generic SIP/2.0 response -- assert nothing. SIP/2.0 TP-Link SIP enabled device TP-Link SIP Stack V1.0.0 DLink SIP enabled device DLink VoIP Stack Zyxel home routers Home&Life HUB/ Technicolor TG789vac Router Technicolor / VANT-6 / AGTOT_2.1.4 / AGTOT_2.1.4 Technicolor TG789vac Router w/o version string Technicolor / VANT-6 Technicolor TGxxx Router with build info Technicolor TG784n v3 Build 10.2.1.O Technicolor TG789vn v3 Build 10.5.2.Z.EC MediaAccess TG789vac v2 Build 10.5.8.Y.GX CP1916SAQHD Technicolor TG799vn v2 Build 10.5.2.T.JF MediaAccess TG788vn v2 Build 10.5.2.S.GD MediaAccess TG799vac Build 17.2.0405-1021 MediaAccess TG389 Build 10.5.2.T.AQ Thomson TGxxx Router with build info Thomson TG784 Build 8.4.2.Q Thomson TG784n Build 8.4.H.F Thomson TG797n v2 Build 8.C.D.9 Axis Network Video Door stations, which have voice AXIS A8105-E Network Video Door Station Axis Network audio devices AXIS C3003-E Network Horn Speaker AXIS C8033 Network Audio Bridge AXIS C1004-E Network Cabinet Speaker Cisco SIPGateway Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-12.x Cisco Unified SIP Phone 3900 Series Cisco-CP3905/9.4.1 Cisco Analog Telephone Adapters (ATA) Cisco-ATA187/9.2.3 AVM Fritz!OS Device FRITZ!OS AVM FritzBox AVM FRITZ!Box Fon 06.03.13 AVM FRITZ!Box Fon 06.03.65 (Jun 7 2005) AVM FRITZ!Box Fon 5010 Annex A (ITA) 48.04.46 (Sep 14 2007) AVM FRITZ!Box Fon 5012 (UI) 25.03.90 (3.01.03 tested by accredited T-Com test lab) (Oct 28 2005) AVM FRITZ!Box Fon 5113 Annex A 83.04.69 (Dec 2 2008) AVM FRITZ!Box Fon 5124 56.04.77 (Feb 14 2014) AVM FRITZ!Box Fon 7170 Annex A.B ML Speedport W701V 58.04.67 (Dec 18 2008) AVM FRITZ!Box 3272 126.05.50 (Feb 27 2013) AVM FRITZ!Box 7170 Annex A 58.04.85 (Apr 4 2011) AVM FRITZ!Box 7312 117.05.23 TAL (Jun 1 2012) AVM FRITZ!Box WLAN 3270 v3 Edition Italia 125.05.52 (Feb 7 2014) AVM FRITZ!Box Speedport W701V Annex A 58.04.82 (May 12 2010) AVM FritzFon AVM FRITZ!Fon 7150 (fs) 38.04.56 (Mar 31 2008) AVM FRITZ!Fon WLAN 7150 Annex A 58.04.84 (Apr 4 2011) AVM Multibox - Generic AVM Multibox 7390 NGN 84.05.09 (Jan 13 2012) Huawei generic Huawei Huawei Home Gateway Huawei-HomeGateway/V100R001 Huawei EchoLife Home Gateway HUAWEI-EchoLife HG8121H/V3R018C00S110 Huawei Softswitch Huawei SoftX3000 V300R010 Mitel SIP Phones Mitel-5320-SIP-Phone 010203040506 Mitel SIP Gateway Mitel Border GW/ Polycom SoundPoint, SountdStation, VVX VoIP phones PolycomVVX-VVX_350-UA/ PolycomVVX-VVX_400-UA/ Polycom/ PolycomVVX-VVX_501-UA/ PolycomSoundPointIP-SPIP_670-UA/ PolycomSoundStationIP-SSIP_7000-UA/ Polycom RealPresence Trio Phones PolycomRealPresenceTrio-Trio_8800-UA/ PolycomRealPresenceTrio-Trio_Visual+-UA/ Polycom/ PolycomRealPresenceTrio-Trio_8800-UA/ Polycom/ PolycomRealPresenceTrio-Trio_8800-UA/ Polycom HDX Video Conferencing Polycom HDX 9006 (Release - 3.0.6-37004) PolycomHDX4000/3.1.0 Polycom HDX 7000 HD (Release - PolycomHDX8000HD/3.1.7 Polycom RealPresence Group Video Conferencing PolycomRealPresenceGroup700/6.2.0 Nero SIPPS IP Phone Nero SIPPS IP Phone Version ShoreTel VoIP Switch ShoreGear/21.90.4128.0 (ShoreTel 15) ShoreGear/22.11.4900.0 (ShoreTel 15) ShoreGear/19.48.2600.0 (ShoreTel 14.2) Crestron Mercury MERCURY-00107F1ABAA0 Konftel IP Phone IPDECT/03.55.0013 (MAC=00087B0F1D30; SER= 00000; HW=1) Sangoma IP Phone Sangoma S305 V3.0.4.72 Grandstream Handy Tone HT818 Grandstream HT818 Grandstream Handy Tone HT814 Grandstream HT814 Grandstream Handy Tone HT813 Grandstream HT813 Grandstream Handy Tone HT812 Grandstream HT812 Grandstream Handy Tone HT802 Grandstream HT802 Grandstream Handy Tone HT801 Grandstream HT801 Grandstream Handy Tone HT7xx Grandstream HT701 Grandstream GXP SIP Phone GXP2200 Grandstream GXP2200 Grandstream GXP SIP Phone GXP1628 Grandstream GXP1628 Grandstream GXP SIP Phone GXP1625 Grandstream GXP1625 Grandstream GXP SIP Phone GXP1615 Grandstream GXP1615 Grandstream GXP SIP Phone GXP1610 Grandstream GXP1610 Grandstream GXP SIP Phone Grandstream GXP2135 Fortinet FortiVoice FortiVoice/7.31b00 FortiVoice/5.2.95-5 FreeSWITCH FreeSWITCH without version FreeSWITCH FreeSWITCH FreeSWITCH with version, mod_sofia FreeSWITCH-mod_sofia/1.10.4-release+git~20200805T110119Z~133fc2c870~64bit FreeSWITCH-mod_sofia/1.6.20~64bit Valcom SIP device with version Valcom VIP-204 sw1.50.28 Gigaset SIP Phones DX800A/ Eltex TAU model VoIP gateway - with serial number TAU-8.IP/2.6.3 SN/VI12345678 TAU-4M.IP/ SN/VI4D012345 TAU-2M.IP/ SN/VI12345678 TAU-1M.IP/ SN/VI3A012345 Eltex TAU model VoIP gateway - with serial number and sofia version TAU-8.IP/2.3.0 SN/VI12345678 sofia-sip/1.12.10 TAU-8.IP/1.9.1 SN/VI12345678 SHA/7404bd4 sofia-sip/1.12.10 TAU-2M.IP/ SN/VI12345678 sofia-sip/1.12.10 TAU-1M.IP/1.9.3 SN/VI3A012345 sofia-sip/1.12.10 Eltex TAU model VoIP gateway - build variant with sofia version TAU-72 build sofia-sip/1.12.10 TAU-1 v1.2 with sofia-sip/1.12.10 Eltex SMG model VoIP gateway - no model number Eltex smg_pa_sip smg_pa_sip- smg_pa_sip smg_pa_sip- smg_pa_sip Eltex - NTP / NTU model broadband router - with serial number and sofia version RG-5421G-Wac/ SN/VI12E45678 sofia-sip/1.12.10 RG-1404GF/1.11.0 SN/VI12E45678 sofia-sip/1.12.10 RG-1404GF/1.8.0 SN/VI12E45678 SHA/0270864 sofia-sip/1.12.1