module SeleniumStatistics extend self attr_reader :time, :executions @commands = {} @executions = 0 @time = 0 Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Bridge::COMMANDS.keys.each do |command| define_method("#{command}=") do |time| @commands[command] ||= {} @commands[command][:time] ||= 0 @commands[command][:count] ||= 0 @commands[command][:time] += time @commands[command][:count] += 1 @commands[command][:average] = @commands[command][:time] / @commands[command][:count] @executions += 1 @time += time if ENV['DEBUG'] == 'true' puts "Executed #{command} in #{time} sec" end end define_method(command) do @commands[command] end @test_start = end def results(sort=nil) sort ||= :count @test_time = - @test_start @commands.each { |_k, v| v[:average_total] = v[:time]/@test_time} @commands.sort_by { |_k, v| v[sort] }.reverse.to_h end def print_results(sort=nil) str = "Executed a total of #{executions} commands in #{time.round(1)} seconds\n" results(sort).each do |k,v| str << "\t#{k}: \n\t\t\t#{v[:count]} executions;" str << "\ttotal of #{v[:time].round(1)} sec;" str << "\tavg of #{v[:average].round(3)} sec/cmd;" str << "\t#{(100*v[:average_total]).round(2)}% of total\n" end puts str end def reset! @commands = {} @time = 0 @executions = 0 @test_start = end end