module ActivityNotification # Manages to add all required configurations to target models of notification. module ActsAsTarget extend ActiveSupport::Concern class_methods do # Adds required configurations to notifiable models. # # == Parameters: # * :email # * Email address to send notification email. # This is a necessary option when you enables email notification. # @example Simply use :email field # class User < ActiveRecord::Base # validates :email, presence: true # acts_as_target email: :email # end # # * :email_allowed # * Whether activity_notification sends notification email to this target. # Specified method or symbol is expected to return true (not nil) or false (nil). # This parameter is a optional since default value is false. # To use notification email, email_allowed option must return true (not nil) in both of notifiable and target model. # This can be also configured default option in initializer. # @example Always enable email notification for this target # class User < ActiveRecord::Base # acts_as_target email: :email, email_allowed: true # end # @example Use confirmed_at of devise field to decide whether activity_notification sends notification email to this user # class User < ActiveRecord::Base # acts_as_target email: :email, email_allowed: :confirmed_at # end # # * :devise_resource # * Integrated resource with devise authentication. # This parameter is a optional since `self` is used as default value. # You also have to configure routing for devise inroutes.rb # @example No :devise_resource is needed when notification target is the same as authenticated resource # # config/routes.rb # devise_for :users # notify_to :users # # # app/models/user.rb # class User < ActiveRecord::Base # devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :confirmable # acts_as_target email: :email, email_allowed: :confirmed_at # end # # @example Send Admin model and use associated User model with devise authentication # # config/routes.rb # devise_for :users # notify_to :admins, with_devise: :users # # # app/models/user.rb # class User < ActiveRecord::Base # devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :confirmable # end # # # app/models/admin.rb # class Admin < ActiveRecord::Base # belongs_to :user # validates :user, presence: true # acts_as_notification_target email: :email, # email_allowed: ->(admin, key) { admin.user.confirmed_at.present? }, # devise_resource: :user # end # # @param [Symbol] target_type Type of notification target as symbol # @param [Hash] options Options for notifiable model configuration # @option options [Symbol, Proc, Array] :email (nil) Email address to send notification email # @option options [Symbol, Proc, Object] :email_allowed (ActivityNotification.config.email_enabled) Whether activity_notification sends notification email to this target # @option options [Symbol, Proc, Object] :devise_resource (nil) Integrated resource with devise authentication # @return [Hash] Configured parameters as target model def acts_as_target(options = {}) include Target { |key| options[key] ? [key, self.send("_notification_#{key}=".to_sym, options.delete(key))] : [nil, nil] }.to_h.delete_if { |k, v| k.nil? } end alias_method :acts_as_notification_target, :acts_as_target # Returns array of available target options in acts_as_target. # @return [Array] Array of available target options def available_target_options [:email, :email_allowed, :devise_resource].freeze end end end end