v1.0.0 About time for a regular release number, fixed and update some examples NB: see also https://github.com/funatsufumiya/cf3ruby_sketches v0.0.7 Update for processing3 and JRubyArt by Funatsufumiya san (aka funniti) v0.0.6 Some tidy up remove @finished v0.0.4 Introduce :w and :h as options to supplement size * start support for width and height options (:w, :h) v0.0.3 Change to use HSB 360 1 1 1 (ie just like cfdg) * rotation of primitives like shapes now in degrees (vs radians) * examples updated, includes a colorful alhambra design v0.0.2 Second Gem Release * extract samples to cf3work/samples, was cf3samples/samples * gives me an opportunity to create a lock for bundler? v0.0.1. First Gem Release * very much base on jashkenas context-free.rb updated * for ruby-1.9 syntax (and DSL nearer to CF3 than the original cfdg)