apply File.expand_path("../rails_template.rb", __FILE__) inject_into_file 'config/initializers/active_admin.rb', <<-RUBY, after: "ActiveAdmin.setup do |config|\n" config.comments_menu = { parent: 'Administrative' } RUBY inject_into_file 'app/admin/admin_users.rb', <<-RUBY, after: "ActiveAdmin.register AdminUser do\n" menu parent: "Administrative", priority: 1 RUBY generate :'active_admin:page', 'KitchenSink' gsub_file 'app/admin/kitchen_sink.rb', /^ *content.*?end/m, <<-RUBY sidebar "Sample Sidebar" do para "Sidebars can also be used on custom pages." para do a "Active Admin", href: "" text_node "is a Ruby on Rails framework for" em "creating elegant backends" text_node "for" strong "website administration." end para do abbr "HTML", title: "HyperText Markup Language" text_node "is the most basic building block of the Web." end end content do columns do column do panel "Panel title" do h1 "This is an h1" h2 "This is an h2" h3 "This is an h3" end end column do table_for User.all do column :id column :display_name column :username column :age column :updated_at end end end tabs do tab :first do ul do li "List item" li "Another list item" li "Last item" end ol do li "First list item" li "Second list item" li "Third list item" end end tab :second do para "A popular quote." blockquote do text_node "&ldqou;Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.&rdqou;".html_safe cite "― Oscar Wilde" end end tab :third do para "Third tab content." end end end RUBY %w{Post User Category Tag}.each do |type| generate :'active_admin:resource', type end inject_into_file 'app/admin/categories.rb', <<-RUBY, after: "ActiveAdmin.register Category do\n" config.create_another = true permit_params [:name, :description] RUBY inject_into_file 'app/admin/users.rb', <<-RUBY, after: "ActiveAdmin.register User do\n" config.create_another = true permit_params [:first_name, :last_name, :username, :age] index as: :grid do |user| div for: user do resource_selection_cell user h2 link_to(user.display_name, admin_user_path(user)), style: 'margin-bottom: 0' para do strong user.username, style: 'text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 10px;' br em user.age text_node 'years old' end end end show do attributes_table do row :id row :first_name row :last_name row :username row :age row :created_at row :updated_at end panel 'Posts' do table_for(user.posts.includes(:category).order(:updated_at).limit(10)) do column :id do |post| link_to, admin_post_path(post) end column :title column :published_date column :category column :created_at column :updated_at end para do link_to "View all posts", admin_posts_path('q[author_id_eq]' => end end end RUBY inject_into_file 'app/admin/posts.rb', <<-'RUBY', after: "ActiveAdmin.register Post do\n" permit_params :custom_category_id, :author_id, :title, :body, :published_date, :position, :starred, taggings_attributes: [ :id, :tag_id, :name, :position, :_destroy ] includes :author, :category, :taggings scope :all, default: true scope :drafts, group: :status do |posts| posts.where(["published_date IS NULL"]) end scope :scheduled, group: :status do |posts| posts.where(["posts.published_date IS NOT NULL AND posts.published_date > ?",]) end scope :published, group: :status do |posts| posts.where(["posts.published_date IS NOT NULL AND posts.published_date < ?",]) end scope :my_posts, group: :author do |posts| posts.where(author_id: end batch_action :set_starred, form: { starred: :checkbox } do |ids, inputs| Post.where(id: ids).update_all(starred: inputs['starred'].present?) redirect_to collection_path, notice: "The posts have been updated." end index do selectable_column id_column column :title column :published_date column :author column :category column :starred column :position column :created_at column :updated_at end sidebar :author, only: :show do attributes_table_for do row :id do |author| link_to, admin_user_path(author) end row :first_name row :last_name row :username row :age end end member_action :toggle_starred, method: :put do resource.update(starred: !resource.starred) redirect_to resource_path, notice: "Post updated." end action_item :toggle_starred, only: :show do link_to 'Toggle Starred', toggle_starred_admin_post_path(post), method: :put end show do |post| attributes_table do row :id row :title row :published_date row :author row :body row :category row :starred row :position row :created_at row :updated_at end columns do column do panel 'Tags' do table_for(post.taggings.order(:position)) do column :id do |tagging| link_to tagging.tag_id, admin_tag_path(tagging.tag) end column :tag, &:tag_name column :position column :updated_at end end end column do panel 'Category' do attributes_table_for post.category do row :id do |category| link_to, admin_category_path(category) end row :description end end end end end form do |f| columns do column do f.inputs 'Details' do f.input :title f.input :author f.input :published_date, hint: f.object.persisted? && "Created at #{f.object.created_at}" f.input :custom_category_id f.input :category f.input :position f.input :starred end end column do f.inputs 'Content' do f.input :body end end end f.inputs "Tags" do f.has_many :taggings, sortable: :position do |t| t.input :tag t.input :_destroy, as: :boolean end end para "Press cancel to return to the list without saving." f.actions end RUBY inject_into_file 'app/admin/tags.rb', <<-RUBY, after: "ActiveAdmin.register Tag do\n" config.create_another = true permit_params [:name] index do selectable_column id_column column :name column :created_at actions dropdown: true do |tag| item "Preview", admin_tag_path(tag) end end RUBY append_file "db/seeds.rb", "\n\n" + <<-RUBY.strip_heredoc users = ["Jimi Hendrix", "Jimmy Page", "Yngwie Malmsteen", "Eric Clapton", "Kirk Hammett"].collect do |name| first, last = name.split(" ") User.create! first_name: first, last_name: last, username: [first,last].join('-').downcase, age: rand(80), encrypted_password: SecureRandom.hex end categories = ["Rock", "Pop Rock", "Alt-Country", "Blues", "Dub-Step"].collect do |name| Category.create! name: name end published_at_values = [ - 5.days, -, nil, + 3.days] 1_000.times do |i| user = users[i % users.size] cat = categories[i % categories.size] published = published_at_values[i % published_at_values.size] Post.create title: "Blog Post \#{i}", body: "Blog post \#{i} is written by \#{user.username} about \#{}", category: cat, published_date: published, author: user, starred: true end 800.times do |i| ActiveAdmin::Comment.create!( namespace: :admin, author: AdminUser.first, body: "Test comment \#{i}", resource: categories.sample ) end RUBY rake 'db:seed'